Spring Data 2021.0 goes GA

Releases | Mark Paluch | April 14, 2021 | ...

Dear Spring community,

On behalf of the Spring Data team and our contributors, it is my pleasure to announce that Spring Data 2021.0.0 (Codename: Pascal) is generally available from Maven Central. This release ships with features, bugfixes, and improvements that contain numerous version and driver upgrades. Note that Spring Data Solr is no longer part of the Spring Data Release Train.

This curated overview summarizes the most significant changes:

  • Introduce deleteAllById for CrudRepository and ReactiveCrudRepository.
  • Use Spring Core JFR (Java Flight Recorder) metrics.
  • QueryByExample for R2DBC and Oracle.
  • Enable type- and refactoring-safe use of KProperty and KPropertyPath for property path rendering.
  • Embedded Document support & relaxed Aggregation type checks for MongoDB.
  • Cassandra prepared statements.
  • Repository projections & function execution for Apache Geode.
  • Remove Spring Data Solr from release train.
  • Support for jMolecules.

Watch for a blog post series explaining the new and noteworthy items in this release train. Meanwhile, Spring Boot 2.5-RC1, to be released in the next few days, is the easiest way to upgrade Spring Data 2021.0.0.

We are working towards the next service release 2021.0.1, to be included with Spring Boot 2.5 GA in mid-May. Going forward, the Spring Data team starts shifting its focus towards the next release trains. We expect the 2021.1 release train to ship mostly dependency upgrades and a reduced set of new features. The main focus moves towards Spring Data 3.0 in alignment with Spring Framework 6 and Spring Boot 3.0.

To round things off, here are the links to the individual modules:

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