Spring Cloud Function 3.2 is out!

Engineering | Oleg Zhurakousky | December 02, 2021 | ...

Spring Cloud 2021.0.0 is finally out and with it you have Spring Cloud Function 3.2

While the full list of features, enhancements and bug fixes is available here, I’d like to call out few of them in this post and provide some details.

gRPC Support

In addition to an already existing support for invoking function via AWS Lambda, RSocket, Spring Cloud Stream etc., Spring Cloud Function now allows you to invoke function via gRPC. Two ways to benefit from it.

Spring Message

Given the wide adaption of Spring Messaging, one way of benefiting from gRPC support is by embracing Spring's Message. Spring Cloud Function provides GrpcSpringMessage schema modeled after Spring's Message. It is internally converted to Spring Message to benefit from all of the existing support for Spring Messaging.

message GrpcSpringMessage {
    bytes payload = 1;
    map<string, string> headers = 2;

It also defines a MessagingService exposing four interaction models you can chose

service MessagingService {
    rpc biStream(stream GrpcSpringMessage) returns (stream GrpcSpringMessage);
    rpc clientStream(stream GrpcSpringMessage) returns (GrpcSpringMessage);
    rpc serverStream(GrpcSpringMessage) returns (stream GrpcSpringMessage);
    rpc requestReply(GrpcSpringMessage) returns (GrpcSpringMessage);

Both of these allow you to generate required stubs to support true plolyglot nature of gRPC while interacting with functions hosted by Spring Application Context.

Here is a quick example

Providing you have spring-cloud-function-grpc on the classpath, here is your simplest application context configuration

public static class SampleConfiguration {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
       SpringApplication.run(SampleConfiguration.class, args);
    public Function<String, String> uppercase() {
        return v -> v.toUpperCase();

(Note how nothing in the code above is even remotely related to gRPC, just a standard Spring-Boot app with function bean - the true value of Spring Cloud Function)

And an example of one of the way you can invoke it via gRPC

Message<byte[]> message = MessageBuilder.withPayload("\"hello gRPC\"".getBytes())
            .setHeader("foo", "bar")
Message<byte[]> reply = GrpcUtils.requestReply(message);

Protobuf Extensions

While the core data object and its corresponding schema are modeled after Spring Message and can represent virtually any object, there are times when you may want to plug-in your own schema and protobuf services. Spring Cloud Function supports it by allowing you to develop your own protobuf extensions. Such extension is just another spring-boot project that has dependency on spring-cloud-function-grpc and must provide protoc generated artifacts including implementation of io.grpc.BindableService and implementation of MessageConverter for your message schema. Spring Cloud Function will take care of the rest. In fact we provide one such extension for CloudEvents out of the box already.

More details are available here

Enhanced CloudEvents Support

Speaking of CloudEvents. . . In version 3.1 we've introduces support for CloudEvents and you can read part-1 and part-2 of the blog posts on the subject. This release contains some additional enhancements and bug fixes as well as support for io.cloudevents.CloudEvent type via integration with CloudEvents Java SDK. And to combine gRPC and CloudEvents we also provide a dedicated example demonstrating CloudEvents interaction over gRPC.

Actuator endpoint into FunctionCatalog

By now you should be all familiar with FunctionCatalog as one of the core components of Spring Cloud Function. But until now the only way of interacting with it was via direct reference. With this release we've exposed actuator endpoint that allows you to access it via http://<host>:<port>/actuator/functions url. For example, after enabling functions endpoint you can:

curl http://localhost:8080/actuator/functions

. . .to see the output displaying the contents of your FunctionCatalog and should look something like this:

 	{"type":"SUPPLIER","output-type":"string"}. . .

AWS - API Gateway v2, improved Custom Runtime and support for Native images

API Gateway v2

Some of the users of Spring Cloud Function AWS integration already know that in 3.1.x we've migrated to a single AWS handler model via org.springframework.cloud.function.adapter.aws.FunctionInvoker to supports multiple AWS events. The main benefit of this approach is that you no longer need to provide a minimal implementation of AWS Handler (e.g., RequestHandler or RequestStreamHandler etc). All you need to do is implement your function as you would normally do and specify org.springframework.cloud.function.adapter.aws.FunctionInvoker as handler when deploying it to AWS (see Getting Started for more details). But multiple does not imply all and with this release we've added support for few more events, specifically APIGatewayV2HTTPEvent and APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse.

AWS Custom Runtime

Although mainly internal and not visible to the end user, it is worth mentioning about the additional improvements that were made to an already existing support of AWS Custom Runtime which now relies on framework provided event loop.

Spring Native

And last but not least there were multiple improvements to support Spring Native initiative and with that we are pleased to be able to show case couple of AWS examples (here and here) that you can easily compile into native images and deploy to AWS and see significant performance improvements. For more details on AWS and Spring Native you can watch this Spring One presentation.

Questions - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/spring-cloud-function Issue Tracker - https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-function/issues

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