Context Propagation with Project Reactor 1 - The Basics

Engineering | Dariusz Jędrzejczyk | March 27, 2023 | ...

This post is a part of a series:

  1. The Basics
  2. The bumpy road of Spring Cloud Sleuth
  3. Unified Bridging between Reactive and Imperative

Spring Boot 3 and Spring Framework 6 brought us a unified and consistent way to enable Observability in applications that use Micrometer. The evolution from Spring Cloud Sleuth to Micrometer, along with the Observation API and Micrometer Tracing, made us consolidate various approaches to context propagation. In this blog post series, we aim to explain how we came to support context propagation in Project Reactor to meet the needs of imperative libraries. By building your understanding from the ground up, you will be able to use these constructs and understand what’s happening underneath. We assume basic understanding of reactive programming concepts. If you’re new to it or want to refresh your knowledge, have a look at Introduction to Reactive Programming in the Project Reactor documentation.

In this article, we develop a simple e-commerce application. Our limited angle considers a request that adds a product and notifies the shop that a new product was added to the inventory. As responsible developers, we want to log all the steps taken for a particular request so that, if we were to investigate a problem, we can look at the logs and understand what happened. We’ll explore how we can achieve the goal of providing the logging utility with contextual metadata about the request in an imperative style and also compare that to a more functional, declarative style of Project Reactor. The next articles will explore in more detail why and how we need a bridge between both programming styles.


To identify the logs belonging to a particular request, we need a way to correlate them. We may generate a simplistic random identifier like this:

static long correlationId() {
  return Math.abs(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextLong());

We need a way to make the correlation identifier be available in a logging utility. We could make the correlation part of every method call in our business logic, but that would be very invasive and verbose.

Usually, third-party libraries use JDK’s ThreadLocal to convey implicit information that is not the primary concern of our application’s business logic.

Let’s declare a static field for our correlation identifier:

static final ThreadLocal<Long> CORRELATION_ID = new ThreadLocal<>();

Here’s our log method. It prints the current Thread name and formats the output:

static void log(String message) {
  String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
  String threadNameTail = threadName.substring(
    Math.max(0, threadName.length() - 10));
  System.out.printf("[%10s][%20s] %s%n",
    threadNameTail, CORRELATION_ID.get(), message);

Now we have everything we need to handle the request and log each step by using the implicit correlation identifier.

At the beginning of every request, the application makes a call to the following method to initiate the correlation:

static void initRequest() {

Our simplified request handler performs the following:

void handleRequest() {


Logging in the business logic looks like this:

void addProduct(String productName) {
  log("Adding product: " + productName);
  // ...

void notifyShop(String productName) {
  log("Notifying shop about: " + productName);
  // ...

We can expect our application to log these lines:

[      main][ 8592000019542134146] Adding product: test-product
[      main][ 8592000019542134146] Notifying shop about: test-product

As long as the execution of a particular request happens on the same Thread and is not interleaved with other concerns, ThreadLocal lets us decouple business logic from the metadata used for logging.

Asynchronous Processing

Let’s imagine this application starts to have a higher load and needs to handle many concurrent requests. Imagine that we can use an asynchronous and non-blocking server implementation that requires us to provide asynchronous declarations instead of imperative and blocking steps.

Our request handler could return a CompletableFuture to process the request in an asynchronous and non-blocking manner:

CompletableFuture<Void> handleRequest() {
  return CompletableFuture
    .runAsync(() -> addProduct("test-product"))
    .thenRunAsync(() -> notifyShop("test-product"))

Unfortunately, when we execute our asynchronous version, the logs no longer contain the correlation identifier:

[l-worker-1][                null] Adding product: test-product
[l-worker-1][                null] Notifying shop about: test-product

Task Wrapping

A known mitigation for this issue is to wrap the tasks executed by asynchronous APIs. By wrapping, we mean an implementation that performs the restoration of the ThreadLocal context. When the task is created, the current context is captured. When a worker Thread actually executes the task, that context is restored. Let’s see how this would work for our example case with Runnable:

class WrappedRunnable implements Runnable {

  private final Long correlationId;
  private final Runnable wrapped;

  public WrappedRunnable(Runnable wrapped) {
    this.correlationId = CORRELATION_ID.get();
    this.wrapped = wrapped;

  public void run() {
    Long old = CORRELATION_ID.get();
    try {;
    } finally {

We could reimplement our handler like so:

CompletableFuture<Void> handleRequest() {
  return CompletableFuture
    .runAsync(new WrappedRunnable(
      () -> addProduct("test-product")))
    .thenRunAsync(new WrappedRunnable(
      () -> notifyShop("test-product")));

Unfortunately, that is a lot of overhead. Luckily, the JDK has an API for executing asynchronous tasks: the Executor interface. In a real-world scenario, we’d want to use a more comprehensive API, the ExecutorService. However, for our explanatory purposes, Executor should suffice.

Let’s have a look:

static class WrappedExecutor implements Executor {

  private final Executor actual;

  WrappedExecutor(Executor actual) {
    this.actual = actual;

  public void execute(Runnable command) {
    actual.execute(new WrappedRunnable(command));

Let’s reuse the common ForkJoinPool that the CompletableFuture framework uses by default, but wrap it with our implementation. Now our code looks like this:

static Executor executor = new WrappedExecutor(ForkJoinPool.commonPool());

CompletableFuture<Void> handleRequest() {
  return CompletableFuture
    .runAsync(() -> addProduct("test-product"), executor)
    .thenRunAsync(() -> notifyShop("test-product"), executor);

Our logs again work properly:

[l-worker-1][ 7321040639376081961] Adding product: test-product
[l-worker-2][ 7321040639376081961] Notifying shop about: test-product

In some scenarios, the CompletableFuture framework can provide the means to process asynchronous tasks in a non-blocking fashion. However, in many cases, the limited API surface and its behavior characteristics can be limiting. For example, we might want to delay the processing and resume later when our system is at its capacity. With CompletableFuture all created instances start computing as soon as they are created. We might also want to apply more fine grained operations on top of a stream of data, instead of operating upon a single unit of computation. For some of those reasons and also more, we might consider using a reactive programming library. We will consider Project Reactor, which is the default reactive implementation in the Spring portfolio.

Project Reactor

To provide a resilient framework for asynchronous processing, the Java community proposed the Reactive Streams specification. It helped establish a common vocabulary that the JDK was missing before – clear semantics for signal propagation, error handling, termination, and lifecycle management. It also allowed for built-in backpressure. Spring adopted this approach by introducing WebFlux, making Project Reactor and its reactive types first class citizens of the API.

Reactive Streams bring elegant and minimalistic solutions for asynchronous stream processing. However, context propagation is not part of the specification. The non-blocking and asynchronous nature of reactive libraries, together with potentially complex implementations, makes it extremely difficult to use ThreadLocals. The reason for it is that there are no guarantees regarding which Thread can run the user’s code. Implementations are allowed to perform all sorts of optimizations as long as they guarantee serial delivery, thus making the user’s code concurrency-agnostic, shifting the burden of dealing with concurrency to the library internals.

To deliver its guarantees, reactive programming in Java assumes the functional programming paradigm is used to form a declarative and composable flow, which is agnostic of the fact that different Threads can execute user-provided code. The reactive libraries can provide an extremely performant runtime, while complying to the specification, as long as there are no side effects in user code that assume execution within a particular Thread. ThreadLocal clearly violates this requirement.

Let’s try to rewrite our handler to use Project Reactor. The individual operations become:

Mono<Void> addProduct(String productName) {
  log("Adding product: " + productName);
  return Mono.empty(); // Assume we’re actually storing the product

Mono<Boolean> notifyShop(String productName) {
  log("Notifying shop about: " + productName);
  return Mono.just(true); // Assume we’re actually notifying the shop

Let’s try to use the above:

Mono<Void> handleRequest() {
  log("Assembling the chain");

  return Mono.just("test-product")
    .flatMap(product ->

Our naive implementation yields the desired output:

[      main][ 7224499961623309444] Assembling the chain
[      main][ 7224499961623309444] Adding product: test-product
[      main][ 7224499961623309444] Notifying shop about: test-product

The above implementation is invoked in the main Thread, and the execution is confined to that Thread. We should not make such assumptions though.

In the handler, we introduce a slight delay before we propagate the result of the processing. We do so to demonstrate the implicit Thread switch that happens behind the scenes.

Mono<Void> handleRequest() {
  initRequest(); <1>
  log("Assembling the chain"); // <2>

  return Mono.just("test-product")
    .delayElement(Duration.ofMillis(1)) // <3>
    .flatMap(product ->
        addProduct(product), // <4>

When run, the following is printed:

[      main][ 6265915299594887150] Assembling the chain
[parallel-1][                null] Adding product: test-product
[parallel-1][                null] Notifying shop about: test-product

What happened? Why does one log have the correlation identifier but the others don’t?

When the server calls our handler, the initialization at <1> sets the ThreadLocal correlation identifier and the log at <2> is able to use it. Those experienced in reactive programming can tell you the issue is that the execution happens in different phases. The ThreadLocal is set at assembly time. “You should restore it at subscription time, too” would be one piece of advice. We’ll get back to that in a bit. If the terms “assembly”, “subscription”, and “execution time” are confusing to you, have a look at the excellent explanations in Simon’s blog post or watch the talk of the same title.

While the method is returned immediately it does not guarantee that execution is started. That is because the returned Mono has to be subscribed to trigger processing. It may potentially happen in a different Thread. The delayElement operator at <3> implicitly uses a shared Scheduler (an abstraction for a pool of Threads) from Reactor to deliver the signal on yet another Thread after the specified delay. That signal propagates to the downstream operators, which let us sequence adding the product first and notifying the shop afterwards. There are more surprising aspects of the pipeline we assembled, but let’s not get too confused.

The issue is that, in <4>, if we log, we can’t really tell what Thread the call is going to happen on. Operators such as flatMap can introduce their own asynchrony.

In a regular case, values start being delivered when the chain is subscribed to. We could therefore restore ThreadLocal values upon every subscription. It’s not always the best idea though. The Subscription can be delivered asynchronously, on a different Thread. Also values can be delivered on different Threads. In the case of backpressure, a signal can be delivered as a result of a request for more data on the Thread performing the request instead of the Thread used by the Publisher of data. Lots of moving parts and quirks to consider! To learn more about threading and asynchronous execution in Reactor please review another part of our previous blog post series.

Reactor Context

Project Reactor introduced a mechanism that is well aligned with functional programming to provide means to transport contextual metadata. It is simply called Context. And it stays attached to the reactive chain, despite Thread switches that happen behind the scenes.

As we’ve seen, Project Reactor allows declaratively specifying the intent, while staying concurrency agnostic. It does provide the means to control concurrency when necessary, by using dedicated operators or configuration parameters (such as publishOn, subscribeOn, or the advanced parameters of flatMap), but that level of control is abstracted away from the core processing logic.

We mentioned side effects earlier. How can we get rid of those and still be able to transport contextual metadata?

To play well with functional programming, the Context is bound to the Subscriber, the consumer of signals emitted by the Publisher. Upon subscription, a Subscriber is made visible to all preceding operators in the assembled pipeline. When we associate an immutable Map-like data structure to the Subscriber instance, it allows attaching and retrieving contextual information in parts of a reactive pipeline.

With control of the impact and the means to provide inheritance between steps in the reactive chain, Reactor Context is a side-effect-free concept, which can be used to provide meta-information to the processing. “Just what we need to correlate our requests!”.

Let’s rewrite our application to use Reactor Context instead of ThreadLocals.

First, we need to make the correlation identifier an explicit parameter of the log method:

static void log(String message, long correlationId) {
  String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
  String threadNameTail = threadName.substring(
    Math.max(0, threadName.length() - 10));
  System.out.printf("[%10s][%20s] %s%n",
    threadNameTail, correlationId, message);

Our actions are the following:

Mono<Void> addProduct(String productName) {
  return Mono.deferContextual(ctx -> {
    log("Adding product: " + productName, ctx.get("CORRELATION_ID"));
    return Mono.empty(); // Assume we’re actually storing the product

Mono<Boolean> notifyShop(String productName) {
  return Mono.deferContextual(ctx -> {
    log("Notifying shop about: " + productName,
    return Mono.just(true);

What is interesting is how we provide the correlation identifier. We use a special operator, Mono.deferContextual, which has access to the Context. From the ContextView (a simplified, read-only Context version) we extract the correlation identifier before returning an actual Mono for the caller to subscribe to.

Our handler looks like this:

Mono<Void> handleRequest() {
  long correlationId = correlationId();
  log("Assembling the chain", correlationId);

    .flatMap(product ->
      Flux.concat(addProduct(product), notifyShop(product))
    .contextWrite(Context.of("CORRELATION_ID", correlationId));

When subscribed to, the output is as expected:

[      main][ 6328001264807824115] Assembling the chain
[parallel-1][ 6328001264807824115] Adding product: test-product
[parallel-1][ 6328001264807824115] Notifying shop about: test-product

The inversion of information flow is apparent. As in any reactive chain, we define the processing flow by assembling a chain of operators. Once we (or actually, the server) subscribe to this chain, the information flows from downstream operators to the upstream operators to initiate the processing. Afterwards, the actual data signals are delivered from the upstream to the downstream – for example, the “test-product” value travels to the flatMap operator, then to the concat operator, which in turn provides the value to both addProduct and notifyShop. Due to this flow of logic, we write the Context at the very end (using the contextWrite method), just before any Subscriber subscribes to the chain. We can imagine the Context then becomes accessible alongside the Subscriber to all the stages in upstream operators.

Regardless of how many thread hops the reactive pipeline makes along the way of executing the user’s business logic, the context is not lost.

You can read more about Reactor Context in our documentation.

3rd party libraries

Unfortunately, we can’t expect 3rd party libraries to use Reactor Context to provide observability capabilities. The de facto currency for propagating implicit meta-information is the ThreadLocal. Libraries like SLF4J use an imperative style and have a stable position in the Java community. If we can make them work with the reactive paradigm instead of expecting them to adapt to it, it would be a clear win. In the next part, we discuss the history and challenges of propagating ThreadLocal values in reactive chains in Spring Cloud Sleuth, a tracing library that can be used together with Reactor.

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