Spring Data 2023.1 goes RC1

Releases | Mark Paluch | October 13, 2023 | ...

It is my pleasure to announce that a feature-complete Spring Data 2023.1 release candidate is available now! This release is in preparation for a first Spring Boot 3.2 release candidate next week. We expect final releases for general availability in November.

This RC ships a couple of New and Noteworthy changes:

  • @ReadPreference support for Repository Query Methods and support for dots in MongoDB document field names.
  • Revision of the Converter arrangement in Spring Data Relational allowing to use the same converter abstraction for JDBC and R2DBC modules.
  • Asynchronous Caching support for Redis when using the Lettuce driver.

You can find the consolidated list of changes at the release notes for the 2023.1 release train.

To round things off, here are the links to the documentation and individual change logs:

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