Spring Tips: Hedging Client Requests with the Reactive WebClient and a service registry

Engineering | Josh Long | January 23, 2019 | ...

Hi Spring fans! In this installment of Spring Tips we look at how to use the reactive WebFlux client to make a number of concurrent requests to distinct service instances (discovered using a service registry like Netflix Eureka or Consul through the Spring Cloud DiscoveryClient abstraction) and meet SLAs by using the fastest request to return.

speaker: Josh Long

This Week in Spring - January 22nd, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | January 22, 2019 | ...

Hi Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm off to pleasant Pittsburgh, PA to speak at, among other places, DICK's Sporting Goods. Join me!

Now that my entire six part series introducing how to use Spring Boot with Microsoft Azure just concluded, with the last parts being released in this last week, I wanted to give you the whole thread here for your consumption.

Bootiful Azure: To Production (6/6)

Engineering | Josh Long | January 21, 2019 | ...

This is part 6 of a 6 part series, with new posts Mondays and Thursdays, introducing Microsoft Azure for Spring developers. I couldn't have put this together without input from Microsoft's Asir Vedamuthu Selvasingh, Yitao Dong, Bruno Borges, Brian Benz and Theresa Nguyen. You can find the code for this series on Github. Hit me up on Twitter (@starbuxman) as you're reading the installments with any feedback or questions. You can also learn more about Microsoft Azure in my Spring Tips (@SpringTipsLive) installment, Bootiful Azure

Here are all the installments:

Manual Bean Definitions in Spring Boot

Engineering | Dave Syer | January 21, 2019 | ...

Suppose you want to use Spring Boot, but you don’t want to @EnableAutoConfiguration. What should you do exactly? In an earlier article I showed that Spring is intrinsically fast and lightweight, but one of the short pieces of advice improve startup time was to consider manually importing the Spring Boot autoconfigurations, instead of sucking them all in automatically. It won’t be the right thing to do for all applications, but it might help, and it certainly won’t hurt to understand what the options are. In this piece we explore various ways of doing manual configuration and assess their…

Bootiful Azure: Object Storage Service (5/6)

Engineering | Josh Long | January 17, 2019 | ...

This is part 5 of a 6 part series, with new posts Mondays and Thursdays, introducing Microsoft Azure for Spring developers. I couldn't have put this together without input from Microsoft's Asir Vedamuthu Selvasingh, Yitao Dong, Bruno Borges, Brian Benz and Theresa Nguyen. You can find the code for this series on Github. Hit me up on Twitter (@starbuxman) as you're reading the installments with any feedback or questions. You can also learn more about Microsoft Azure in my Spring Tips (@SpringTipsLive) installment, Bootiful Azure

Here are all the installments:

Spring Framework's Migration from Jira to GitHub Issues

Engineering | Rossen Stoyanchev | January 15, 2019 | ...

The Spring Framework has migrated its entire history of issues from Jira to GitHub. The goal of this blog post is to provide you with context and details about this move.

Migration Details

The entire 15+ year history of every Spring Framework issue, and every comment, has been imported into GitHub. There is a lot to consider in such a move, so let's take a tour and go over some details.

If you have a link to an existing issue, e.g. https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-16751, you'll be redirected to the corresponding GitHub issue. If you actually mean to go to the Jira issue, append the query parameter redirect=false. On the GitHub side, the imported issue has a link…

This Week in Spring - January 15th, 2019

Engineering | Josh Long | January 15, 2019 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring. I've just returned from Montreal, Canada and tomorrow I'm off to Dallas, Texas for customer visits. This time of year is marked by pronounced climate changes and the optimism for a new year ahead. I love it. That optimism is certainly visible in today's roundup. We've got a lot to cover so let's get to it!

Bootiful Azure: Integration with Azure Service Bus (4/6)

Engineering | Josh Long | January 14, 2019 | ...

This is part 4 of a 6 part series, with new posts Mondays and Thursdays, introducing Microsoft Azure for Spring developers. I couldn't have put this together without input from Microsoft's Asir Vedamuthu Selvasingh, Yitao Dong, Bruno Borges, Brian Benz and Theresa Nguyen. You can find the code for this series on Github. Hit me up on Twitter (@starbuxman) as you're reading the installments with any feedback or questions. You can also learn more about Microsoft Azure in my Spring Tips (@SpringTipsLive) installment, Bootiful Azure

Here are all the installments:

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