Spring Session MongoDB 2.0.0.M3 released

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | September 15, 2017 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

Spring Session MongoDB 2.0.0.M3 is released. It is based on:

In this release, several new features have been added to simplify using it with your Spring WebFlux application.

public class SpringWebFluxConfig {


All you must do is apply the @EnableMongoWebSession to any of your Spring configuration classes to activate session support with MongoDB. Additionally, you must provide a ReactorMongoOperations Spring bean, but if you’re using Spring Boot’s spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb-reactive

Security changes in Spring Boot 2.0 M4

Engineering | Madhura Bhave | September 15, 2017 | ...

Milestone 4 of Spring Boot 2.0 brings important changes to the security auto-configuration provided by Spring Boot.

Problem Statement

Until Spring Boot 1.x, the default auto-configuration secured all of the application endpoints using basic authentication. If actuator was on the classpath, there was a separate security configuration that applied to the actuator endpoints. The way these two auto-configurations would turn on and off was completely independent. Because of this, users wanting to provide custom security found themselves fighting ordering issues with WebSecurityConfigurerAdapters.

Additionally, for actuator endpoints, the effects of the management.security.enabled

This Week in Spring - September 12th, 2017

Engineering | Josh Long | September 11, 2017 | ...

Hi Spring fans! This week I'm in Singapore for the amazing YOW! Singapore event and talking to customers.

Also, I'll be doing a meetup on testing - don't miss it!

  • It's almost time for Spring 5! Spring Framework lead Juergen Hoeller just announced Spring Framework 5.0.RC4, which is aligned with Spring Boot 2.0.M4, JUnit 5, and Reactor 3.1 RC1. This might be your last chance to kick the tires before the big release! There's so much new stuff in this release!
  • This is pretty interesting! There's a Spring Cloud Config Server MongoDB project in the Spring Cloud incubator. Try it out!
  • Spring framework ninja Stéphane Nicoll just announced Spring Framework 4.3.11.
  • Spring Cloud and Spring Data ninja Mark Paluch just announced Spring Cloud Vault 1.1.0.RC1. This release includes pull-mode support for AppRole

This Week in Spring - September 5th, 2017

Engineering | Josh Long | September 04, 2017 | ...

Hi Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in Hong Kong for the amazing YOW! Hong Kong event and then it's off to Singapore for the YOW! Singapore event. If you're in either region, these conferences are world-class events from Australia and they're new in the region so I hope you'll give them a shot.

Simple installation of Data Flow for Kubernetes with Helm

Engineering | Thomas Risberg | August 31, 2017 | ...

With the new Helm chart for Spring Cloud Data Flow for Kubernetes, there is now a much simpler way of installing the software.

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, similar to apt, yum or homebrew. It is very easy to install and it greatly simplifies installation of an application and its dependencies into your Kubernetes cluster. The application package contents and configuration is defined in a chart. When you install it you can override any default configuration values. Helm will install any required services in addition to the ones defined in the chart. For Spring Cloud Data Flow, you have three required services: MySQL and Redis are used as the stores for Spring Cloud Data Flow

Spring Cloud Data Flow Tips & Tricks: Interacting with the Shell

Engineering | Eric Bottard | August 29, 2017 | ...

On behalf of the Data Flow team, I am pleased to introduce you to the first of a hopefully long series of posts highlighting features of Data Flow and related projects.

We’ll start gently with a short video discussing the Data Flow shell and some of its features (some of them coming directly from the Spring Shell project) by yours truly.

Topics include:

  • TAB completion

  • Keyboard shortcuts

  • Quotes handling in Spring Shell

  • Quotes handling in Data Flow DSL

The reference documentation section mentioned in the video can be found here, while reference on the general Data Flow DSL is here

This Week in Spring - August 29th, 2017

Engineering | Josh Long | August 29, 2017 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I was in Beijing, China for the fabulous Spring Summit event which saw technologists from all around China descend on the capitol for a discussion of all things cloud native and Spring. Then I'm off to Shenzhen, China and Hong Kong for customer visits and the epic YOW! Hong Kong show!

This Week in Spring - August 22nd, 2017

Engineering | Josh Long | August 22, 2017 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another installation of This Week in Spring. Can you believe we're already nearing the end of August?? Time sure flies!

Last week and over the weekend I was in Hangzhou, China visiting with Alibaba, talking to a few of the teams using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud at China-scale.

This week I'm in Shanghai, China, where I've been talking to customers and spending a few days with the teams at Microsoft China who are working on the Spring Boot and Pivotal Cloud Foundry integrations for Microsoft Azure. They're doing some amazing work and it's been an honor to hang out with them. Check out all the cool Spring Boot starters that they've built for the various Azure services

Introducing Actuator Endpoints in Spring Boot 2.0

Engineering | Stéphane Nicoll | August 22, 2017 | ...

Spring Boot 2 brings important changes to Actuator and I am pleased, on behalf of the team, to give you a sneak peek to what’s coming in 2.0.0.M4.

Working on a major new release gives us the opportunity to revisit some of the public contracts and improve them. We quickly felt that the endpoint infrastructure was one of them: currently, the web endpoints in the Actuator are only supported with Spring MVC (no JAX-RS support). Also, creating a new endpoint that exposes several operations requires writing quite a lot of boiler plate: you need to write a main endpoint, the Spring MVC extension (as a @RestController), a JMX MBean and the necessary auto-configuration. As of Spring Boot 2 support for a "reactive" actuator became an obvious requirement that also brings…

This Week in Spring - August 15th, 2017

Engineering | Josh Long | August 15, 2017 | ...

Hi Spring fans and welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's been a busy week! I started last week talking to a group of developers in North Carolina, then gave a VJUG presentation with Matt Raible in San Francisco, then spoke to developers in Saint Louis, then flew to New York City to shoot a video on continuous delivery for three days in a hot studio (over the weekend no less!) and now as I wing back to San Francisco I look forward to spending a blissful 14 hours on the ground before I'm off to Asia (Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and Singapore) for about…

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