Slices Menu Bar Screencast

Engineering | Ben Hale | August 07, 2009 | ...

I'm pleased to announce a new screencast for SpringSource Slices. This screencast walks through the creation of the menu-bar sample application. It shows how a host can use a collection of slices to populate a menu bar dynamically without restarting and can be completely de-coupled from the knowledge of exactly what items might be in the menu-bar. In addition, the slices only provide their specific content, and include formatting and other window content from the host bundle.

Slice Menu Bar (5:19)

Source Code

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.1.0 Now Available

Engineering | Christian Dupuis | August 06, 2009 | ...

I'm happy to announce that we just released the final version of SpringSource Tool Suite 2.1.0; the first GA version with major enhancements since making STS freely available.

The release comes with brand-new installers for all supported platforms and bundles latest versions of SpringSource tc and dm Server as well as Spring Roo. Additionally you can choose between distributions based on Eclipse 3.4 and the recently released 3.5 aka Eclipse Galileo.

Because we've seen lots of interest in the new Groovy tools we also offer a bundled download of STS and the Groovy Eclipse Plugin.


The list of new features in STS is long and we already covered some of them in previous blog posts. Review the New & Noteworthy

dm Server 2.0 M4

Engineering | Andy Wilkinson | August 06, 2009 | ...

dm Server 2.0.0.M4 has been released, and is now available for download.

We've made a lot of progress since 2.0.0.M3, adding a number of new features upon which the users tracking the nightly builds have already given us some excellent feedback. Take a look at the M4 release notes if you're interested in seeing everything that we've been working on. Please keep your feedback coming as comments on our blog, in the forums, and on JIRA.

New and noteworthy

dm Server now embeds Medic: our OSGi serviceability project

As part of the work on M4, we've moved dm Server's serviceability support out into a separate ASL-licensed project called Medic. As part of this move, we've also taken the opportunity to make some significant improvements:
  • The logging support is now based on LogBack which means that users now have complete control over the format of log output and have the complete range of LogBack's appenders available to them.
  • Support for serviceability dumps is now fully extensible. User code running in dm Server can now contribute to serviceability dumps simply by publishing a DumpContributor implementation to the service registry.
  • Event log support (the coded messages that are output to the console) is also available to user code. Event log entries can be generated using an EventLogger which can be obtained from the service registry.

We'll be blogging more about Medic, covering how to use it both in dm Server and in plain OSGi, in the coming weeks.

Support for deploying properties files

Properties files can now be deployed to dm Server, either through the admin console, or by dropping them into the pickup directory. When a properties file is deployed, a ConfigurationAdmin Configuration is created with a pid derived from the name of the properties file. For example deploying a properties file named will create a Configuration with the pid

Admin console enhancements

We've some significant improvements to the admin console in M4. Chris already covered some of these in his recent blog.

In addition to the enhancements that…

A Groovier Eclipse experience

Engineering | Andy Clement | July 30, 2009 | ...

Update: 15-Aug-09: Comments are now closed.  If you want help installing or to give feedback or ask questions, please join the mailing list ( archive )

For the last couple of months SpringSource has been actively involved in developing the next version of the Eclipse Groovy Tools.  The initial goal has been to evolve them from where they are into a highly optimized environment for the key developer tasks of code development, building and testing. Ideally the experience when working with mixed Groovy/Java projects should feel as good as it does for pure Java projects in Eclipse.

This week the first version of the code has been committed into the codehaus repository and shortly milestone 1 will be released.  An update site (for Eclipse 3.4.2) is available that contains the current development build: .  Yes, currently there is no Eclipse 3.5 build of this code yet, but there will be very soon.  (Update! 31-Jul-09 Eclipse 3.5 update site now available at:

SpringSource tc Server 6.0.20.A Now Available

Engineering | Jim Jagielski | July 29, 2009 | ...

In April of this year, SpringSource made generally available our first release of tc Server, version 6.0.19.A. The product has been a huge success, in part due to being based on the tried and true Apache Tomcat base which many, many people (and more and more all the time) are using every day. As outlined in an earlier blog post when we introduced 6.0.19.A, we've extended that tried and true core with extensions that make it easier to use and provide key production oriented extensions to Tomcat. And we've surrounded that solid base with the enterprise, production class management and…

Spring Integration 1.0.3 Samples: just add OSGi

Engineering | Oleg Zhurakousky | July 28, 2009 | ...


Last week, Mark Fisher introduced you to the new restructured and simplified Spring Integration samples that came out with the new release of Spring Integration 1.0.3 and so far the feedback was very positive. Beside restructuring and simplifying existing samples we've introduced few new samples with the goal of demonstrating some of the benefits of running Spring Integration on OSGi-based platforms. In this blog using very trivial, yet powerful example we're going to look at some of the benefits of Spring Integration and OSGi when used together to address dynamic nature of  today's enterprise.

Spring Integration is a POJO-based light weight, embeddable messaging framework with a loosely coupled programming model aimed to simplify integration of heterogeneous systems based on Enterprise Integration Patterns and without requiring a separate ESB-like engine or proprietary development and deployment environment. On the other hand, OSGi is a paradigm that allows one to compose loosely coupled systems from independent modules called OSGi Bundles. Composing systems from the set of independently developed modules might not be such a new paradigm, we've been doing it (hopefully) for a…

SpringSource dm Server Admin Console

Engineering | Christopher Frost | July 24, 2009 | ...

New Features

A set of updates to the SpringSource dm Server Admin Console are available in the nightly builds. This also shows the use of Plans and the RFC66 Web container. There are two new features available, the first lets you look at any service dumps that the dm Server system may have produced and the second lets you explore the state of bundles within OSGi.

A dump may contain many dump items such as stack traces, thread dumps, depending on the initial cause. Dump items are available for viewing in the Admin Console, simply select the dump of interest on the left and then the dump item on the right…

Spring Integration 1.0.3 Samples: just add Maven

Engineering | Mark Fisher | July 21, 2009 | ...

Spring Integration 1.0.3 is now available. You can find links to the download, reference manual, and more at the Spring Integration home. This release includes quite a few changes, but in this blog, I'm going to focus on one in particular. Starting with this version, the samples are fully self-contained and Maven-enabled. That means you can download the distribution, go into the 'samples' directory, run 'mvn install' and then import the projects into a Maven-aware Eclipse instance, such as the SpringSource Tool Suite. Here's the step-by-step breakdown...

Installing and Running the Samples

  1. Make sure you have Maven installed and in your path (2.0.9 or later is required). If not, download it and follow the setup instructions:
  2. If you don't already have a Maven-aware version of Eclipse, you can download the SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) which will support these projects out-of-the-box (STS even includes support for the OSGi-enabled samples). Alternatively, you can manually add a Maven plugin, such as m2eclipse to an existing Eclipse installation.
  3. Download the Spring Integration Samples and unzip.
  4. Within the unzipped "samples" directory, run 'mvn install'. You should eventually see output similar to the following: si-samples-mvn-install-output
  5. Once STS/Eclipse is up and running, choose 'File -> Import...' and within the Wizard choose 'General -> Existing Projects into Workspace'. Then browse to the unzipped 'samples' directory, and you will see all of the projects selected by default: si-samples-import-project-list Either accept all or choose the individual sample(s) that you want to import, and after a few moments of workspace building, you should be ready to run.*

*NOTE: if you import the 'osgi-inbound' project, you will see some errors on that particular project (but you should not see any errors on the other projects after the workspace build completes). Those errors would be resolved after configuring the runtime and the bundle repository. If you would like to work through the OSGi samples, refer to the dedicated chapter in the Reference Manual

dm Server 2.0 M3

Engineering | Andy Wilkinson | July 15, 2009 | ...

dm Server 2.0.0.M3 has been released, and is now available for download.

In the sprints since 2.0.0.M3, we've made significant progress towards the final release, both in terms of new features, and in defect fixes. Take a look at the M3 release notes if you're interested in seeing everything that we've been working on. Please keep your feedback coming as comments on our blog, in the forums, and on JIRA.

New and noteworthy

Integration of the OSGi Web Container reference implementation

dm Server now contains the OSGi Web Container reference implementation and uses and builds upon it for all of its web support. As part of this work we've also moved to using the standard XML format for the configuration of Tomcat in dm Server.

Dump analysis in the Admin Console

A new Dump Inspector has been added to dm Server's admin console. The Dump Inspector can be used to examine diagnostic dumps produced by dm Server's serviceability component.


Using Git as our version control system

We've recently moved dm Server's source code to Git as we felt that we could benefit significantly from Git's distributed nature and its excellent support for branches. If you're interested in accessing dm Server's source code, and in building dm Server from source, instructions for doing so now that the code is hosted in Git can be found below.

Documentation updates

A number of the newly-added features are now covered in the dm Server user guide and programmer guide.

Use of ConfigurationAdmin

dm Server now makes extensive use of ConfigurationAdmin to manage its configuration. This has resulted in changes to dm Server's configuration files and their format. The new files and format are described in the updated user guide.

Updated application development guide

We've updated our guide to creating an enterprise Java application with dm Server to bring it up-to-date with the 2.0 line.

Working with dm Server's source code

dm Server's Git repositories

Repository URL Contents
git:// utility code
git:// repository
git:// extensions and Equinox hooks
git:// Kernel
git:// Web Container integration and extensions
git:// console
git:// Artifact repository

Building dm Server from source

Before you can build dm Server from source, the following will have to be setup on your machine:
  • Java 6 installed and the JAVA_HOME environment variable configured to point to it
  • Ant 1.7.1 or later installed
  • An ANT_OPTS environment variable configured to provide a max heap of at least 512MB, e.g. ANT_OPTS=Xmx512m
  • Git client
  • With this setup complete you're ready to build dm Server.

    Packaging published binaries
    The easiest way to build a packaged dm Server zip file is to build one from existing binaries that have already been published:
    git clone git://
    cd dm-server
    git checkout --track 2.0.0.M3 -b 2.0.0.M3

Git Migration

Engineering | Ben Hale | July 15, 2009 | ...

Some of you may have noticed that in recent posts that the dm Server team has been referencing Git repository URLs. The team has been migrating all of its source code and I'm now pleased to announce that this migration is done. The list below contains the Git URLs for the code managed by the dm Server team. If you were referencing the equivalent repositories in SVN, please clone these new repos instead.

This announcement only covers code managed by the dm Server team, and not the entirety of the Spring portfolio. Other projects will be converting at their own pace and the Subversion…

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