SpringSource (and other top vendors) leading the OSGi charge
In a press release made available by the OSGi Alliance yesterday, several leading vendors including SpringSource, IBM, Oracle, RedHat, Sun, SAP, ProSyst, and Paremus joined forces in their support of OSGi as the foundation for next generation server platforms.
To highlight some of the key points:
Craig Hayman, VP IBM WebSphere said
[IBM] has been shipping WebSphere Application Server built on OSGi since 2006. As a result, IBM clients benefit from a modular platform built with proven components and the ability to automatically use only the components required by their application.Steven G. Harris, SVP of Development at Oracle said
Oracle WebLogic Server is a great example of the customer benefits of modularization, with its reduced footprint, improved startup time, and flexible configuration options. OSGi technology provides the standards based foundation...Sacha Labourey, VP of Engineering for RedHat's middleware business said
Running OSGi technology in JBoss Enterprise Middleware Solutions enables our customers to deliver safer services and applications in a more dynamic runtime environment.Tom Kincaid, Executive Director of Application Platforms at Sun Microsystems said
Sun has seen strong demand for OSGi technology within the GlassFish community. The GlassFish community will be able to take advantage of the modularity and dynamic extensibility implemented via an OSGi-technology based microkernel in the upcoming GlassFish v3 Prelude Release.What all of the vendors quoted in the release have in common, including SpringSource, is that they build their server platforms on top of OSGi. This has the potential to deliver a set of benefits to users of those platforms including more modular server structures with the ability to run in a smaller footprint and to dynamically alter server characteristics and capabilities.
You need to look a bit harder at the various vendor offerings to determine to what extent they have been able to realize those benefits for you as a user. At SpringSource you could say we were "lucky" in this respect. We had the good fortune to be able to design…