Inaugural Sydney Spring User Group Meeting

Engineering | Ben Alex | February 24, 2006 | ...

Over 200 people registered to attend the inaugural Sydney Spring User Group meeting, which was held on 22 February 2006. As shown by the photos (below), there was standing room only, and several attendees flew in from interstate for the evening.

With one-third of those attending indicating they do not presently use Spring, Rod Johnson's “Introduction to Spring” presentation was well-received and motivated many questions. The planned “Spring 2.0 and Beyond” talk – which undoubtedly will be of keen interest to those who are currently using Spring – was rescheduled until the next meeting.


Method Injection

Engineering | Rod Johnson | August 06, 2004 | ...

A couple of months ago, in the days before I had a blog, there was a discussion by Cedric and Bob about "Getter Injection."

The basic concept is that the IoC container can override abstract or concrete methods on managed objects on deployment. The container is injecting a method, such as a getter method, rather than a reference or primitive as in Setter Injection. As it happened, I was already working on a container method override mechanism for Spring 1.1, which has since been released in Spring 1.1 RC1. It's an interesting concept, and definitely part of a complete IoC container. However, I…

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