This Week in Spring - December 13th, 2022

Engineering | Josh Long | December 13, 2022 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! I truly, absolutely, can not believe that we're nearly done with the year already! Have you made your new years' resolutions? Submitted your expense reports? It's that time of the year when I'm going to start focusing on staying warm and avoiding undue work for a while :-) I hope you do too. This is why I'm glad I write these roundups: I hope they save people from extra, undue work! So, with that... let's dive into the roundup!

Do more with Azure Spring Apps – scale to zero and enhance productivity

Engineering | Josh Long | December 07, 2022 | ...

In 2020, Spotify coined the term "Golden Path” to refer to a supported approach and set of components to build and deploy software. Having these paths simplifies the development process, lets developers focus on their applications instead of infrastructure and speeds time to production. Microsoft and VMware have partnered to make Azure Spring Apps a golden path for deploying and scaling Spring applications in the cloud. And with new capabilities like the scale to zero and developer productivity enhancements, Azure Spring Apps now offers an even more economical and optimized route to get your…

This Week in Spring - December 6th, 2022

Engineering | Josh Long | December 06, 2022 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! How are you? You know what I've wanted to do? See my friends on the Spring team in person since the pandemic descended. And, I'm overjoyed to relate, I've just had the privilege of a nice meeting with several of them last night. And I'm going to see more of them today! Seriously. I feel like I won the lottery. I've missed my friends. Hug your friends and family, friends. You never know when the next pandemic (or life in general) will put distance between you and them. So, in order to close that distance, I'm going to go…

Spring WS Samples upgraded for Spring Boot 3.0!

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | December 02, 2022 | ...

With the recent announcement of Spring Boot 3.0 going GA, some of you may be interested in upgrading your Spring Web Services-based applications to take full advantage of this. The Spring WS team has upgraded our set of sample apps to help you carry that out.

The main branch now tracks the version of samples with all these updates. (The prior version of samples built on Spring Boot 2.7 are now on that repository’s 1.0.x branch.)

Some of the highlights are covered below.

A LOT of our tools have moved!

Back in the olden days, much of our XML processing tools were inside the JDK. But ever since…

This Week in Spring - November 29th, 2022 (Spring Boot 3 has arrived)

Engineering | Josh Long | November 29, 2022 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! It's here! It's finally here, at long last! Spring Boot 3!! And of course with Spring Boot 3.0 comes a whole portfolio of integrated projects that have also been updated! Remember, a huge theme in this release is support for GraalVM native images, and that's now supported across the board. You know what to do:

I put together a Spring Tipds video introducing some of the major themes of Spring Framework 6 / Spring Boot 3.

I also did an in-depth look at the new GraalVM support powered by Spring's ahead-of-time (AOT) engine.

There's so much else to talk about this week, but I really can't stress this enough: Spring Boot 3 is here! In some ways, it feels like this release has been more than four years in the making! It's amazing, and I can't wait for people…

Spring Tips: the road to Spring Framework 6: the new Ahead-of-Time Compilation Engine and GraalVM

Engineering | Josh Long | November 23, 2022 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Spring Boot 3 is here (or will be tomorrow, on the 24th of November, 2022, to be more precise!), bringing a fantastic new Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation engine that supports GraalVM native images. Join me, and we'll dive deep into the engine and its interactions with the Spring component model.

This video is a detailed masterclass on the new AOT engine. It starts by examining the everyday usecases of an application developer and delves deeper and deeper into the engine, treating concerns that library and framework developers will care about.


Also, Happy thanksgiving…

This Week in Spring - November 22nd, 2022 - Spring Boot 3 and Thanksgiving edition!

Engineering | Josh Long | November 22, 2022 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! It's Tuesday, the 22nd of November, 2022, as I write this, which means we're two days away from Spring Boot 3 and Thanksgiving. Spring Boot 3, I've written about in abundance so I won't rehash that. If you want to learn more about some of the amazing new features in Spring Framework 6 and Spring Boot 3, perhaps check out my Spring Tips installment introducing them in this episode:

And, of course, a major new feature in Spring Boot 3 is the new ahead-of-time (AOT) engine, about which I speak at great length in tomorrow's new installment of Spring Tips:

This video is done so…

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