Spring Tips: HTMX

Engineering | Josh Long | August 07, 2024 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! HTMX is the progressive hypertext sensation that's sweeping the process of web app creation, and - thanks to a nice integration by Spring community legend Wim Deblauwe, it's easier than ever to use it with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. And, it's the topic of today's installment!

#java #springboot #html #htmx #http #html5

This Week in Spring - August 6th, 2024

Engineering | Josh Long | August 07, 2024 | ...

It's August! Egads, has that come quickly! AUGUST. The eigth month of the year, and we're almost done with the first week, in fact! It's not that I'm not grateful to be here, but, yah, wow that was quick. And, of course, the month of my all time double dutch favorite conference, SpringOne, happening August 26th, 2024! Will I see you there?

Spring Tips: Spring Security method security with special guest Rob Winch

Engineering | Josh Long | July 31, 2024 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! In this installment I have special guest Spring Security lead Rob Winch give us a master class in how the method security support works and some of its new features. Come for the security, stay for the incredible opportunity to look over a senior engineer's shoulders as he explains the nuances of API design!

#springboot #springsecurity #springframework #java #security #apidevelopment #softwaredevelopment #architecture

Spring AI with Groq - a blazingly fast AI inference engine

Engineering | Christian Tzolov | July 31, 2024 | ...

Faster information processing not only informs - it transforms how we perceive and innovate.

Spring AI, a powerful framework for integrating AI capabilities into Spring applications, now offers support for Groq - a blazingly fast AI inference engine with support for Tool/Function calling.

Leveraging Groq's OpenAI-compatible API, Spring AI seamlessly integrates by adapting its existing OpenAI Chat client. This approach enables developers to harness Groq's high-performance models through the familiar Spring AI API.


We'll explore how to configure and use the Spring AI OpenAI chat client to connect with Groq. For detailed information, consult the Spring AI Groq documentation and related tests

This Week in Spring - July 29th, 2024

Engineering | Josh Long | July 30, 2024 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's July 29th, 2024! I can hardly believe it! We're less than a month away from SpringOne 2024! Have you registered for either in-person attendance or the free livestreams yet? As always, we've got a ton of stuff to cover so let's dive right into it!

Spring AI with Ollama Tool Support

Engineering | Christian Tzolov | July 26, 2024 | ...

Earlier this week, Ollama introduced an exciting new feature: tool support for Large Language Models (LLMs).

Today, we're thrilled to announce that Spring AI (1.0.0-SNAPSHOT) has fully embraced this powerful feature, bringing Ollama's function calling capabilities to the Spring ecosystem.

Ollama's tool support allows models to make decisions about when to call external functions and how to use the returned data. This opens up a world of possibilities, from accessing real-time information to performing complex calculations. Spring AI takes this concept and integrates it seamlessly with the…

A Bootiful Podcast: Cloud Legend Mark Fynes

Engineering | Josh Long | July 25, 2024 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! In this installment I talk to Mark Fynes. Mark’s a field principal with Tanzu at Broadcom, building platforms with our Pivotal/VMWare/Broadcom customers for the past 10 years. Passionate technologist, working closely with developers, architects, IT-operations, security architecture and IT-leaders.

This Week in Spring - July 23rd, 2024

Engineering | Josh Long | July 24, 2024 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! It's such an exciting time to be alive! I hope you're doing well. It's nearly the end of July, already! Time is flying and as always the community has not disappointed with their incredible content. Let's dive right into it!

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