API Rate Limiting with Spring Cloud Gateway

Engineering | Haytham Mohamed | April 05, 2021 | ...

One of the imperative architectural concerns is to protect APIs and service endpoints from harmful effects, such as denial of service, cascading failure. or overuse of resources. Rate limiting is a technique to control the rate by which an API or a service is consumed. In a distributed system, no better option exists than to centralize configuring and managing the rate at which consumers can interact with APIs. Only those requests within a defined rate would make it to the API. Any more would raise an HTTP “Many requests” error.

link to rate limit image

Spring Cloud Gateway (SCG) is a simple and lightweight component…

This Week in Spring - March 30th, 2021

Engineering | Josh Long | March 30, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! Can you believe it's nearly April? Time sure flies when you're having fun! There's a lot of good stuff to get to this week, particularly around the nascent and just announced Spring Native project which people seem to love, so let's get to it!

A Bootiful Podcast: Shigeru Urushibara, President and CEO at UL Systems, Inc., and Japanese technology ecosystem legend

Engineering | Josh Long | March 25, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! In this episode, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to one of the most inspiring people in the technology world, a friend, and inspiration, Mr. Shigeru Urushibara (@urucrunch). Urushibara-san is a Java and Spring programmer and a general technology enthusiast. He's founder, president, and director of ULS Group Inc., an information technology company headquartered in Tokyo that is listed on the JASDAQ Securities Exchange and that employs hundreds of people. He's a friend of the Java community and we're honored to have him on the show.

This Week in Spring - March 23rd, 2021

Engineering | Josh Long | March 24, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring!

Friends, director of Spring engineering and Spring Native cofounder Andy Clement and I will be doing a presentation with Bellsoft's Dmitry Chuyko called Spring Boot: Production-ready, Efficient, Fast: Pick Three, that introduces how to build GraalVM native images for Spring Boot applications with the new Spring Native project. Do not miss this webinar on March 25th at 11 am.

Spring Boot: Production-ready, Efficient, Fast: Pick Three

Engineering | Josh Long | March 23, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! I hope you'll join the legendary Andy Clement (director of engineering on the Spring team, Spring/AspectJ/Spring Tool Suite/Eclipse contributor, and Spring Native cofounder) and me, well known ASCII art fan, for the upcoming JRUSH event.

At some point, after you've gotten the business logic just right and the ASCII art resplendent, you'll want to reduce data center spend and improve speed. And when this time comes, you're going to wish you had watched this presentation where Andy and Josh introduce the Spring Native project. You don't want regrets, do you, friend? Do the right thing. Be the change you want to see in the world:

Bootiful Cassandra with DataStax's Patrick McFadin, Cedrick Lunven, and Spring's Josh Long

Engineering | Josh Long | March 22, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! DataStax and Spring are the classic Netflixian definition of a cloud-native, and for good reason:

  • they scales
  • they're easy
  • they're easily operationalized

In this video, join DataStax's Patrick McFadin (@PatrickMcFadin), Cedrick Lunven (@clunven), and the Spring team's Josh Long (@starbuxman) as they introduce Bootiful Cassandra and look at some of the technology that continues to power some of the largest websites on the planet.

Register for DataStax Astra now and try this code anytime. You don't need a credit card, and you get $25.00 USD credit every month, which gives you…

An Azure Spring Cloud Update: Managed Virtual Network and Autoscale are now generally available in Azure Spring Cloud

Engineering | Josh Long | March 18, 2021 | ...

NOTE: this post was written by our friend Kylie Liang (@liangkylie) from the Microsoft Azure Spring Cloud team. Thanks, Kylie!

We are excited to announce the general availability of the Azure Spring Cloud Managed Virtual Network and Autoscale features. Both are critical to securely running production workloads at scale on the Azure Spring Cloud service.

Secure Azure Spring Cloud in Managed Virtual Network

With the Managed Virtual Network feature, you can provision the Azure Spring Cloud service in your virtual network which enables:

  • Isolation of Azure Spring Cloud apps and service runtime from the internet on your corporate network.
  • Interacting with systems in on-premises data centers or Azure services in other virtual networks.
  • Controlling inbound and outbound network communications for Azure Spring Cloud.

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