Build a robust REST-ful Web Service in less than 6 minutes

News | Phil Webb | December 10, 2013 | ...

Speaker: Pieter Humphrey (Martin Lippert)

A walk through of the new getting started guide, importing a guide into STS, building a simple, parameterized, robust REST web service in about 6 minutes using Spring Boot, Spring Tool Suite, and Spring Framework 4.0 Follow along at:

Learn more about Spring Tool Suite at

Learn more about Spring Boot at

Learn more about Spring Guides at

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Joint JetBrains Webinar: Spring for IntelliJ IDEA13

News | Phil Webb | December 10, 2013 | ...

Speakers: Yann Cébron (JetBrains) and Josh Long (Pivotal)

In this webinar, Yann Cébron (JetBrains) is joined by our guest Josh Long (Pivotal). Together, they will highlight the new features for Spring support included in these major releases that will help you to be more productive. We will be performing hands-on demonstrations so you'll be able to pick up some useful productivity tips & tricks for your daily work. Last but not least, we will share some insight into future plans for Spring support in IntelliJ IDEA. IntelliJ IDEA 13 will be released in early December, and Spring 4.0 is just around the corner too. Don't miss this opportunity to see and hear about the latest features and have your questions answered on the spot.

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Build a Hello World REST service in less than 6 minutes

News | Phil Webb | December 10, 2013 | ...

Speakers: Pieter Humphrey (Martin Lippert)

A short demo of building a Spring Boot runnable REST service, with Actuator support, as a Java Application in just a few seconds. Then we show enhancing it with a simple Hello World data structure and showing "Hello World" string return values to your browser, and a quick tour through Spring Boot's Actuator features.

Learn more about Spring Tool Suite at

Learn more about Spring Boot at

Learn more about Spring Guides at

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Manning's Countdown to 2014 sale: 50% off all Spring Books from Manning Dec 9th and 10th!

News | Chloe Jackson | December 09, 2013 | ...

Manning Countdown to 2014

In celebration of Spring Framework 4.0 launch, Pivotal is excited to sponsor Manning's "Countdown to 2014" and their "Day of Spring / Groovy / Grails", a joint promotion with Manning Publications where we offer 50% discounts for specific days, on books that are hand-picked by the Spring, Groovy, Grails folks at Pivotal. Manning is also making an additional offer to anyone that purchases the Deal of the Day - they are automatically entered to win one free copy of an eBook and one chance to win an iPad mini!

Monday, December 9 - MEGA DEAL - 50% off pBooks, including Spring Day / Groovy Day books listed below. Code: gpivdotd13

All codes are good for 48 hours.

You read excerpts from books online for free by clicking on the links below. We hope you enjoy the deals!

Spring in Action, 4th Edition

By Craig Walls

Read except from Chapter 1

Spring Integration in Action

By Mark Fisher, Jonas Partner, Marius Bogoevici, and Iwein Fuld

Foreword by Rod Johnson

Sample chapter 3

Sample chapter 18

Spring Batch in Action

By Arnaud Cogoluegnes, Thierry Templier, Gary Gregory, Olivier Bazoud

Sample chapter 1

Sample chapter 5

Spring in Practice

by Willie Wheeler with Joshua White

Sample chapter 11

Sample chapter 13

RabbitMQ in Action

By Alvaro Videla and Jason J.W. Williams

Sample chapter 1

Sample chapter 8

RabbitMQ in Action

RabbitMQ in Depth

By Gavin M. Roy

Read Except from Chapter 1

RabbitMQ in Action

Webinar: Spring Security

News | Chloe Jackson | December 05, 2013 | ...

Speaker: Rob Winch

Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework and is the de-facto standard for securing Spring-based applications. Whether you are itching to learn how to use Spring Security for the first time or you want to learn about all the new features in Spring Security 3.2 this presentation is a must.

In this talk Rob, the Spring Security project lead, will take you on a guided tour of how to get up and running with Spring Security 3.2's new features including:

  • Java Configuration support
  • CSRF protection
  • Security related HTTP response headers
  • Spring MVC integration

Thursday, January 16, 2014 3:00pm GMT Time (London, GMT) Register

Thursday, January 16, 2014 10:00am PST (San Francisco, GMT-08:00)

Webinar: Introduction to Spring Framework 4.0

News | Chloe Jackson | December 05, 2013 | ...

Speaker: Juergen Hoeller

The Spring Framework re-invented enterprise Java in the last decade. Together with the rest of the upcoming Spring IO micro platform, a new Spring Framework generation will power the next decade of JVM-based innovation.

Join Juergen Hoeller to learn about Spring Framework 4.0, its refined annotation-based component and configuration model, and how it relates to Java 8, Java EE 7, Groovy, WebSockets, as well as Spring Boot and Spring Integration.

Thursday, January 9, 2014 3:00pm GMT Time (London GMT) Register

Thursday, January 9, 2014 10:00am PST (San Francisco, GMT-08:00)

SpringOne2GX 2013 Replay: Zero Effort Spring

News | Chloe Jackson | December 03, 2013 | ...

Speakers: Dr. David Syer and Phil Webb

Are you an impatient programmer who wishes the keyboard could keep up with you? If you've ever wished Java and Spring could do more to keep up, then this is the place to be. We present Spring Boot, a toolkit and runtime platform that will get you up and running with Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services faster than you believed possible. The goals are:

  • Radically faster and widely accessible getting started experience for Spring development
  • Be opinionated out of the box, but get out of the way quickly as requirements start to diverge from the defaults
  • Provide a range of non-functional features that are common to large classes of projects (e.g. embedded servers, security, metrics, health checks, externalized configuration)
  • First class support for REST-ful services, modern web applications, batch jobs, and enterprise integration
  • Applications that adapt their behavior or configuration to their environment
  • Optionally use Groovy features like DSLs and AST transformations to accelerate the implementation of basic business requirements

We illustrate how these goals can be achieved through a series of demonstrations, and in-depth reviews of the design principles and codebase of new features in Spring Framework 4.0 and in the wider Spring Ecosystem .

Learn more about Spring Boot at

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SpringOne2GX 2013 Replay: REST-ful API Design

News | Chloe Jackson | December 02, 2013 | ...

Speaker: Ben Hale

As data-driven applications become more widespread, the services that provide the data are becoming more critical. Most commonly these data services are exposed via REST-ful APIs. This session describes what exactly makes a service REST-ful, how to implement a REST-ful API using Spring, and how to test that API.

Make sure to check out Ben's follow on talk from SpringOne2GX2013: REST-ful API Evolution for a great discussion of API loose coupling with HATEOAS. (spring MVC's REST controller) (Hypermedia Support) (Data REST)

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Webinar Replay: Have you seen Spring Lately?

News | Chloe Jackson | December 02, 2013 | ...

Speaker: Josh Long

It's been an amazing year for Spring! 2013 saw the Spring family join Pivotal where - along with Cloud Foundry and our data driven technologies (the Pivotal HD Hadoop distribution, the GemFire data grid, and the RabbitMQ message broker) - Spring supports today's application workloads and profiles. Today's Spring embraces Java 8, Scala, Groovy, provides a best-in-class REST stack, supports the open web, mobile applications, big-data applications and batch workloads. Today's Spring is easy to get started with, easy to learn, and embraces conventions over configuration. Today's Spring is part of the Spring.IO platform. Today's Spring is...Pivotal. Join Spring developer advocate Josh Long as he re-introduces you to today's Spring, a Spring you may not have seen yet.

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Spring Best Practices & Cloud Foundry Event in Bangalore

News | Mark Baars | November 21, 2013 | ...

We are glad to announce that we will host a free conference about Spring and Cloud Foundry on Sunday November 24th at the office of SpringPeople in Bangalore, from 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM.

You can register by clicking here, make sure to register in time since we have limited seats available for this free event.

The event sessions include:

  • Cloud Foundry: Using Spring to Deploy your Apps to the Cloud by Paul Chapman

Paul Chapman is a Senior Consultant within our Australian service delivery division, where he undertakes consulting, training and mentoring of our clients across Asia-Pacific. He…

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