Spring for GraphQL 1.3 M1 Released

Releases | Rossen Stoyanchev | February 21, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the Spring for GraphQL team, I am pleased to announce the availability of our first 1.3 milestone. The release includes a number of new features described in this post.

Synchronous GraphQlClient

GraphQlClient provides a common workflow for GraphQL requests over any transport including HTTP, WebSocket, and RSocket. Following the availability of Project Loom in Java 21, and a new synchronous RestClient in Spring Framework 6.1, we've now added the option to use GraphQlClient on a blocking stack, and to use a synchronous API. See the reference docs for details on how to create GraphQlClient with a RestClient

Spring for GraphQL 1.2.5 released

Releases | Brian Clozel | February 21, 2024 | ...

I am pleased to announce that Spring for GraphQL 1.2.5 is now available on Maven Central.

This release closes 20 issues. We have shipped important fixes for @SubscriptionMapping support, which was not working properly with graphql-java 21.x+ versions, and for scrolling with offset positions, which did not correctly match the Relay spec.

The 1.2.5 version will ship with Spring Boot 3.1.9 and 3.2.3, to be released later this week. We are excited to ship Milestone 1 of Spring for GraphQL 1.3.0 today.

How can you help?

If you have general questions, please ask on stackoverflow.com using the spring-graphql tag

Spring Authorization Server 1.3.0-M2 available now

Releases | Joe Grandja | February 21, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, it is my pleasure to announce the release of Spring Authorization Server 1.3.0-M2.

See the release notes for complete details.

To get started using Spring Authorization Server, see the Getting Started chapter of the reference documentation and the samples to become familiar with setup and configuration.

Project Page | GitHub Issues | Project Board

Spring Authorization Server 1.2.2 and 1.1.5 available now

Releases | Joe Grandja | February 21, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, it is my pleasure to announce the general availability of Spring Authorization Server 1.2.2 and 1.1.5.

See the 1.2.2 and 1.1.5 release notes for complete details.

To get started using Spring Authorization Server, see the Getting Started chapter of the reference documentation and the samples to become familiar with setup and configuration.

Project Page | GitHub Issues | Project Board

Spring for Apache Pulsar 1.1.0-M1 available now

Releases | Chris Bono | February 21, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I'm happy to announce that Spring for Apache Pulsar 1.1.0-M1 has been released and is now available from https://repo.spring.io/milestone.

This milestone release will be included with the upcoming Spring Boot 3.3.0-M2 release.

This release includes enhancements, documentation improvements, and dependency upgrades. Notable new features include:

  • Auto Schema support
  • Default topic/schema via message annotation

Please see the release notes for more details.

A great place to get started is the Quick Tour in the reference docs.

How can you…

This Week in Spring - February 20th, 2024

Engineering | Josh Long | February 20, 2024 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! How are you this fine 20th of February, 2024? I'm doing alright on this rainy 20th of Feburary here in San Francisco, and I hope you are too! We've got a ton of things to get into this week so let's dive right into it!

Spring for Apache Pulsar 1.0.3 available now

Releases | Chris Bono | February 20, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I’m happy to announce that Spring for Apache Pulsar 1.0.3 is generally available from Maven Central now!

This release will be included in the upcoming Spring Boot 3.2.3 release.

Please see the release notes for more detail.

A great place to get started is the Quick Tour in the reference docs.

How can you help?

If you're interested in helping out, check out open issues in the Github repository. If you have general questions, please ask on Stack Overflow using the spring-pulsar tag.

GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Stack Overflow

Spring for Apache Kafka 3.0.14, 3.1.2 and 3.2.0-M1 Available Now

Releases | Soby Chacko | February 20, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the entire team and everyone in the community who contributed, we are pleased to announce that Spring for Apache Kafka 3.0.14 and 3.1.2 are generally available now.

Spring for Apache Kafka 3.0.14 includes a few improvments and bug fixes. This release will be included as part of the upcoming Spring Boot 3.1.9 release.

Spring for Apache Kafka 3.1.2 ships with some new features, enhancements, bug fixes and documentation improvements. This release will be part of the upcoming Spring Boot 3.2.3 release.

We are also happy to announce the first milestone release of Spring for Apache Kafka 3.2.0 (3.2.0-M1). This milestone release includes a number of new additions as features, enhancements, bug fixes and documentation changes. This milestone release will be included with the upcoming Spring Boot 3.3.0-M2 release

First milestone of Spring Data 2024.0.0 available

Releases | Mark Paluch | February 16, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I’m pleased to announce the first milestone 2024.0.0-M1 of the Spring Data 2024.0 release train.

Notable new features include:

  • Support for Value Expressions
  • MongoDB 7.0 and MongoDB Java Driver 5.0

Please see the release notes for more details and upgrade instructions.

Thanks to all those who have contributed with issue reports and pull requests.

Finally, here are the links to the documentation and release notes:

Spring Data 2023.1.3 and 2023.0.9 available

Releases | Mark Paluch | February 16, 2024 | ...

Spring Data 2023.1.3 and 2023.0.9 available

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I’m pleased to announce the availability of 2023.1.3 and 2023.0.9 service releases. These releases ship with dependency upgrades, fixes for regressions and selected improvements.

The upcoming Spring Boot releases 3.2.3, respective 3.1.9 will pick up the above releases by next week.


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