This Week in Spring, January 17th, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | January 17, 2012 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring. We've got a lot of good content to look at this week, so let's get on with it.

  1. Pssst. What are you guys doing this Thursday, the 19th? If you haven't already, may I suggest you register for the Spring 3.1 webinar with Juergen Hoeller and Chris Beams?
    		If you're in Europe,  there's going to be a  webinar  at <a href = "">3PM GMT, or 4PM CEST</a>, and if you're in North America, there's going to be a webinar at <a href = "">1PM EST or 10AM PST</a>. 
    		 Don't be left out, this event's already seen the highest registration of any webinar thus far, so register now, and as usual, I hope to see you there. 
    	<LI> Another session from SpringOne2GX, on <a href = "…

Video: SpringOne 2GX - Writing Applications for Cloud Foundry Using Spring and MongoDB

News | Adam Fitzgerald | January 14, 2012 | ...

SpringOne 2GX Video: Writing Applications for Cloud Foundry Using Spring and MongoDB

Here is another session from SpringOne 2GX 2011. This one gives instructions for Writing Applications for Cloud Foundry Using Spring and MongoDB. The Spring material is presented by data expert Thomas Risberg and the Mongo material is presented by Jared Rosoff from 10gen. The presentation provides a technical introduction to Cloud Foundry, MongoDB and Spring Data for MongoDB (including Mongo Template and Mongo Repository support). This is a great way to dive into noSQL and cloud at the same time!

Many thanks to InfoQ for coming to Chicago to record so many of the fantastic SpringOne 2GX presentations.

Video: SpringOne 2GX - Enterprise Integration–The Seriously Nasty Stuff

News | Adam Fitzgerald | January 12, 2012 | ...

SpringOne 2GX Video: Enterprise Integration - the Seriously Nasty Stuff

There were some amazing sessions at SpringOne 2GX 2011 and this one was no different. John Davies, co-founder and CTO of Incept5, talks about the challenges present in doing enterprise integration in large financial systems. John discusses the challenges specific to financial services which include massive volume, low latency and highly specialized data exchange formats. John then details specific places where enterprise integration can be successful and in particular where Spring Integration can provide great solutions.

Many thanks to InfoQ for coming to Chicago to record so many of the fantastic SpringOne 2GX presentations.

This Week in Spring, January 10th, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | January 11, 2012 | ...

 Welcome back to another installment of <EM>This Week in Spring</EM>! 
There's a lot to cover, so let's dive into it! 
	<LI>  Always eager to help ring in the new year properly, Mark Fisher announced the <a href  = "">Spring Integration 2.1 GA</a> yesterday.   
		 The new release has <EM>everything</EM>, and then some! It features new or revised support for a broad spectrum of technologies including AMQP, JDBC, GemFire, MongoDB, Redis, and much, much more. 
		<LI>Andy Clement and Martin Lippert's <a…

Spring Integration 2.1 is now GA

Engineering | Mark Fisher | January 09, 2012 | ...

Spring Integration 2.1 has been released! You can download it here or configure your Maven POM. This version is the result of more than one full year of work, and the team has resolved hundreds of issues since Spring Integration 2.0 was released. Interestingly, it has been 4 years and a few days since the very first public release of Spring Integration (0.5, released on Jan 3rd 2008). In this post, I simply want to provide a quick overview of the main new features of 2.1.

RabbitMQ/AMQP support

In the 'spring-integration-amqp' module, we have Channel Adapters for one-way messaging as well as Gateways for request/reply. The adapters and gateways can be used for inbound and/or outbound integration with a RabbitMQ broker. We also have AMQP-backed Message Channel implementations - both point-to-point and publish/subscribe - that can be used anywhere in the middle of a flow. For more information, see this section

This Week in Spring, January 3rd, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | January 04, 2012 | ...

Happy new year! I hope your new year and holidays were amazing. And, welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring.

This year is going to be <EM>incredible</EM>, so let's dive right into it.  

This week's  roundup features some content from the last few weeks. Particularly, we've got content that InfoQ   put up     
from the <a href = "">SpringOne2GX 2011</a> conference.  

Thank you InfoQ for sharing this great content, as usual.

  1. Garry Russel and David Turanski's SpringOne2GX presentation on implementing highly available architectures using Spring Integration is now up on InfoQ.
  2. <LI> Rob Winch demoes some of the <A href = "">new features in Spring Security 3.1</a>: multiple http elements, stateless authentication mode for RESTful services, Debug Filter, CAS support for…

Video: SpringOne 2GX - Spring MVC 3.1 Update

News | Adam Fitzgerald | January 03, 2012 | ...

SpringOne 2GX Video: Spring MVC 3.1 Update

Here is more great content from SpringOne 2GX 2011, this time a complete update to Spring MVC 3.1 covering URI variables, Redirect & Flash attributes, UriComponentsBuilder, Multipart Request Support, and HDIV Integration. This video presentation is by Rossen Stoyanchev, one of the Spring experts who commits to Spring MVC and Spring Web Flow.

Many thanks to InfoQ for coming to Chicago to record so many of the fantastic SpringOne 2GX presentations.

Video: SpringOne 2GX - Getting Started With Spring Security 3.1

News | Adam Fitzgerald | January 03, 2012 | ...

SpringOne 2GX Video: Getting Started With Spring Security 3.1

The new year is off to a phenomenal start with more great content from SpringOne 2GX 2011, this time a detailed introduction to Getting Started with Spring Security 3.1. This video presentation is by Rob Winch, one of those amazing Spring community members that answers all kinds of questions on the community forums. In this introduction Rob covers:

  • The basic authentication and authorization capabilities of Spring Security
  • New features in the 3.1 release including
    • Stateless authentication for RESTful services
    • More JAAS integration and support
    • Support for multiple http elements
  • Lots and lots of real application samples

Many thanks to InfoQ for coming to Chicago to record so many of the fantastic SpringOne 2GX presentations.

This Year in Spring

News | Josh Long | December 27, 2011 | ...

Welcome back to the final installment of This Week in Spring for 2011. It's incredible to think that we've been doing this for a year already! Where has the time gone? Time flies when you're having fun, as they say...

The hope has always been that these roundups would make it easier for developers to take the pulse of the Spring community. Between the announcements and releases and content from SpringSource and VMware and the incredible deluge of content authored by the community, there is always something interesting happening, somewhere.

While there is a lot of interesting content this week, we'll defer the usual reviews until next week. This week, we're going to reflect on the year that was 2011 for the Spring community.


	<lI>  <B>Spring 3.1</B> Development of Spring 3.1 began in earnest in early 2010, and by SpringOne 2GX 2010 we already had an idea of what it was going to look like. By the beginning of this year, <a href ="">we already had milestones</a> to play with.  
  As the year progressed, we saw numerous new milestones, followed in short order by release candidates. The release candidates progressed and then, finally, a couple of weeks ago, we <a href = "">got Spring 3.1 GA</a>. 

Among the many new, exciting…

Spring Data Neo4j 2.0.0 Released

Releases | Michael Hunger | December 23, 2011 | ...

Dear Spring Developers and Graphistas,

We're happy to present you with the release of Spring Data Neo4j 2.0 as a small Christmas gift from our side. Spring Data Neo4j is based on Neo4j 1.6.M02.

The major feature of this release is the addition of a simple mapping mode (spring-data-neo4j). Just annotate your POJOs and use a GraphRepository for the usual CRUD and advanced query operations.

For graph-attached POJOs and high performance use-cases, you can employ the advanced mapping mode (spring-data-neo4j-aspects), which leverages AspectJ to enhance your domain class.

Both mapping modes use the same underlying code, which is now based on the Spring Data Commons mapping infrastructure.

We improved the Cypher graph query language support by supporting new Cypher features, adding queries derived from finder-methods to the repositories and extended the result handling conversions to include projections to mapping-interfaces, Pages and more.

Besides also adding preliminary geospatial support provided by the Neo4j-spatial project, we also support new, type-safe Cypher-DSL which can also be used in conjunction with Query-DSL.

The example project are now included with the main source tree so that they are always up-to-date. The cineasts tutorial app is also included in the examples in 3 versions (simple mapping, advanced mapping, REST).

Thanks to the recent public availability of the Neo4j Add-On on Heroku, we included a chapter on how to deploy a Spring Data Neo4j application into the Heroku cloud. You’ll also find an accompanying example application called “todos” that is ready for deployment.

Special Thanks to James and Werner from Junisphere for all the code contributions and fixes.

In the last few weeks we got a lot more feedback on the Spring Forums, on JIRA and on the Neo4j Mailing list. We used your help to remove bugs, improve behaviour and documentation. Thanks a lot to everyone who reported issues and contributed insights.

To learn more about Spring Data Neo4j make sure to watch the introductory webinar by the project lead Michael Hunger and have a look at the extensive guide book. The detailed presentation from the Spring One conference is available on InfoQ.

And then please get your hands dirty and include Spring Data Neo4j in your holiday project which you could use to look at your domain with a fresh perspective.

Happy Holidays!
The Spring-Data and Neo4j Team

Project resources:
Downloads | Reference Card | JavaDocs | Spring Data Graph Guide Book | Changelog | GitHub Repository

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