CVE-2014-3578 Directory Traversal in Spring Framework

MEDIUM | SEPTEMBER 05, 2014 | CVE-2014-3578


Some URLs were not sanitized correctly before use allowing an attacker to obtain any file on the file system that was also accessible to process in which the Spring web application was running.

Affected Spring Products and Versions

  • 4.0.0 to 4.0.4
  • 3.2.0 to 3.2.8
  • 3.1.1 is known to be affected
  • Other unsupported versions may also be affected


Users of affected versions should apply the following mitigation:

  • Users of 3.x should upgrade to 3.2.9 or later
  • Users of 4.x should upgrade to 4.0.5 or later


This issue was identified by Takeshi Terada of Mitsui Bussan Secure Directions, Inc. and reported to Pivotal via JPCERT/CC. Information that additional versions were affected was discovered…

CVE-2014-3527 Access Control Bypass in Spring Security

HIGH | AUGUST 15, 2014 | CVE-2014-3527


When using Spring Security's CAS Proxy ticket authentication a malicious CAS Service could trick another CAS Service into authenticating a proxy ticket that was not associated. This is due to the fact that the proxy ticket authentication uses the information from the HttpServletRequest which is populated based upon untrusted information within the HTTP request.

This means if there are access control restrictions on which CAS services can authenticate to one another, those restrictions can be bypassed.

If users are not using CAS Proxy tickets and not basing access control decisions based upon the CAS Service, then there is no impact to users.

Affected Spring Products and Versions

  • 3.1 to 3.2.4


Users of affected versions should apply the following mitigation:

  • Users of 3.2x should upgrade to 3.2.5 or later
  • Users of 3.1.x should upgrade to 3.1.7 or later


This issue was identified by David Ohsie and brought to our attention by the CAS Development team.


CVE-2014-0225 XML External Entity (XXE) injection when using Spring MVC

HIGH | MAY 28, 2014 | CVE-2014-0225


When processing user provided XML documents, the Spring Framework did not disable by default the resolution of URI references in a DTD declaration. This enabled an XXE attack.

Affected Spring Products and Versions

  • Spring MVC 3.0.0 to 3.2.8
  • Spring MVC 4.0.0 to 4.0.4
  • Earlier unsupported versions may be affected


Users of affected versions should apply the following mitigation:

  • Users of 3.x should upgrade to 3.2.9 or later
  • Users of 4.x should upgrade to 4.0.5 or later


This issue was discovered and reported responsibly to the Pivotal security team by Nebula(XIAOBAISHAN,CHIBI,HUBEI.CN) HelloWorld security team, security team. Additional…

CVE-2014-0054 Incomplete fix for CVE-2013-7315 / CVE-2013-6429 (XXE)

HIGH | MARCH 11, 2014 | CVE-2014-0054


Spring MVC's Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter also processed user provided XML and neither disabled XML external entities nor provided an option to disable them. Jaxb2RootElementHttpMessageConverter has been modified to provide an option to control the processing of XML external entities and that processing is now disabled by default.

Affected Spring Products and Versions

  • Spring MVC 3.0.0 to 3.2.7
  • Spring MVC 4.0.0 to 4.0.1
  • Earlier unsupported versions may be affected


Users of affected versions should apply the following mitigation:

  • Users of 3.x should upgrade to 3.2.8 or later
  • Users of 4.x should upgrade to 4.0.2 or later


This issue was reported to the Spring Framework developers by Spase Markovski.


CVE-2014-0097 Blank password may bypass user authentication

HIGH | MARCH 11, 2014 | CVE-2014-0097


The ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticator does not check the password length. If the directory allows anonymous binds then it may incorrectly authenticate a user who supplies an empty password.

Affected Spring Products and Versions

  • Spring Security 3.2.0 to 3.2.1
  • Spring Security 3.1.0 to 3.1.5


Users of affected versions should apply the following mitigation:

  • Users of 3.2.x should upgrade to 3.2.2 or later
  • Users of 3.1.x should upgrade to 3.1.6 or later


This issue was identified by the Spring Development team.


CVE-2014-1904 XSS when using Spring MVC

MEDIUM | MARCH 11, 2014 | CVE-2014-1904


When a programmer does not specify the action on the Spring form, Spring automatically populates the action field with the requested uri. An attacker can use this to inject malicious content into the form.

Affected Spring Products and Versions

  • Spring MVC 3.0.0 to 3.2.7
  • Spring MVC 4.0.0 to 4.0.1
  • Earlier unsupported versions may be affected


Users of affected versions should apply the following mitigation:

  • Users of 3.x should upgrade to 3.2.8 or later
  • Users of 4.x should upgrade to 4.0.2 or later


This issue was discovered and reported responsibly to the Pivotal security team by Paul Wowk of CAaNES LLC.


CVE-2013-6429 Fix for XML External Entity (XXE) Injection (CVE-2013-7315) in Spring Framework was Incomplete

HIGH | JANUARY 14, 2014 | CVE-2013-6429


Spring MVC's SourceHttpMessageConverter also processed user provided XML and neither disabled XML external entities nor provided an option to disable them. SourceHttpMessageConverter has been modified to provide an option to control the processing of XML external entities and that processing is now disabled by default. It was subsequently discovered that this fix was also incomplete (CVE-2014-0054).

Affected Spring Products and Versions

  • Spring MVC 3.0.0 to 3.2.4
  • Spring MVC 4.0.0.M1-4.0.0.RC1
  • Earlier unsupported versions may be affected


Users of affected versions should apply the following mitigation:

  • Users of 3.x should upgrade to 3.2.5 or later
  • Users of 4.x should upgrade to 4.0.0 or later (This is also fixed in 4.0.0-RC2 but users are recommended to use 4.0.0 or later)
  • To fully mitigate this issue (including CVE-2014-0054), users of 3.x should upgrade to 3.2.8 or later and users of 4.x should upgrade to 4.0.2 or later.


This issue was identified by the Spring development team.



2014-Jan-15: Initial vulnerability report.

  • 2014-Jun-19: Update to reflect split of CVE-2013-4152 into CVE-2013-4152 and CVE-2013-7315. Added information on additional vulnerability report that identified that this fix was incomplete.

CVE-2013-6430 Possible XSS when using Spring MVC

LOW | JANUARY 14, 2014 | CVE-2013-6430


The JavaScriptUtils.javaScriptEscape() method did not escape all characters that are sensitive within either a JS single quoted string, JS double quoted string, or HTML script data context. In most cases this will result in an unexploitable parse error but in some cases it could result in an XSS vulnerability.

Affected Spring Products and Versions

  • Spring MVC 3.0.0 to 3.2.1
  • Earlier unsupported versions may be affected


Users of affected versions should apply the following mitigation:

  • Users of 3.x should upgrade to 3.2.2 or later


This issue was originally reported to the Spring Framework developers by Jon Passki and the security implications brough to the attention of the Pivotal security team by Arun Neelicattu.

CVE-2013-4152 XML eXternal Entity (XXE) injection in Spring Framework

HIGH | AUGUST 22, 2013 | CVE-2013-4152


The Spring OXM wrapper did not expose any property for disabling entity resolution when using the JAXB unmarshaller. There are four possible source implementations passed to the unmarshaller: DOMSource, StAXSource, SAXSource and StreamSource.

For a DOMSource, the XML has already been parsed by user code and that code is responsible for protecting against XXE.

For a StAXSource, the XMLStreamReader has already been created by user code and that code is responsible for protecting against XXE.

For SAXSource and StreamSource instances, Spring processed external entities by default thereby creating this vulnerability.

The issue was resolved by disabling external entity processing by default and adding an option to enable it for those users that need to use this feature when processing XML from a trusted source.

Affected Spring Products and Versions

  • 3.0.0 to 3.2.3
  • 4.0.0.M1
  • Earlier unsupported versions may be affected


Users of affected versions should apply the following mitigation:

  • Users of 3.x should upgrade to 3.2.4 or later
  • Users of 4.x should upgrade to 4.0.0.M2 or later


These issues were identified by Alvaro Munoz of the HP Enterprise Security Team.



2013-Aug-22: Initial…

CVE-2013-7315 XML External Entity (XXE) injection in Spring Framework

HIGH | AUGUST 22, 2013 | CVE-2013-7315


It was identified that Spring MVC processed user provided XML with JAXB in combination with a StAX XMLInputFactory without disabling external entity resolution. External entity resolution has been disabled in this case. It was subsequently discovered that this fix was incomplete (CVE-2013-6429, CVE-2014-0054).

Affected Spring Products and Versions

  • 3.2.0 to 3.2.3
  • 4.0.0.M1-4.0.0.M2 (Spring MVC)
  • Earlier unsupported versions may be affected


Users of affected versions should apply the following mitigation:

  • Users of 3.x should upgrade to 3.2.4 or later
  • Users of 4.x should upgrade to 4.0.0.RC1 or later
  • To fully mitigate this issue (including CVE-2013-6429 & CVE-2014-0054), users of 3.x should upgrade to 3.2.8 or later and users of 4.x should upgrade to 4.0.2 or later.


These issues were identified by Alvaro Munoz of the HP Enterprise Security Team.



2013-Aug-22: Initial vulnerability…

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