Spring Security Advisories

CVE-2021-22044: Spring Cloud OpenFeign Client Endpoint Exposure

HIGH | OCTOBER 26, 2021 | CVE-2021-22044

Applications using type-level @RequestMappingannotations over Feign client interfaces, can be involuntarily exposing endpoints corresponding to @RequestMapping-annotated interface methods. Although a response is not returned for a request sent in…

CVE-2021-22118: Local Privilege Escalation within Spring Webflux Multipart Request Handling

MEDIUM | MAY 25, 2021 | CVE-2021-22118

In Spring Framework, versions 5.2.x prior to 5.2.15 and versions 5.3.x prior to 5.3.7, a WebFlux application is vulnerable to a privilege escalation: by (re)creating the temporary storage directory, a locally authenticated malicious user can read or modify files that have been uploaded to the WebFlux application, or overwrite arbitrary files with multipart request data.

Spring MVC applications are not affected by this vulnerability, nor are applications that do not handle multipart file requests.

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