Spring Modulith 1.0 RC1 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | August 09, 2023 | ...

I am happy to announce the release of Spring Modulith 1.0 RC1. The first release candidate is likely to be the last before our GA release and contains quite a few new features and improvements.

  • GH-240 – Event re-publication on startup is now configurable and defaults to false to avoid problems in cluster deployments.
  • GH-251 — More efficient database access in the Event Publication Registry.
  • GH-206 – The Clock instance used by the Event Publication Registry can now be customized.
  • GH-227, GH-229 — Improvements in ApplicationModuleExporter to support the structural verification in the editor of STS4
  • A lot of minor improvements and documentation updates.

Find more detailed information in the official release change log. We are looking forward to your feedback in preparation of our 1.0 GA release around SpringOne. In case you have not registered yet, make you do. We have both a talk and a deep-dive workshop scheduled.

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