This Week in Spring - June 21, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | June 21, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in Amsterdam, Holland to speak at the local Spring User Groups and with local companies, and then it's off to Krakow, Poland, Los Angeles, USA, Berlin, Germany and finally Seoul, South Korea! If you're in any of those regions, hit me up. Anyway, there's a lot of good stuff to get into this week so let's get to it!

This Week in Spring - June 14th, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | June 14, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in London and Amsterdam (for the epic GOTO Amsterdam conference as well as the JDriven meetup and the Dutch Spring User Group). We've got a lot to cover, as usual, so let's get to it!

Notes on Reactive Programming Part II: Writing Some Code

Engineering | Dave Syer | June 13, 2016 | ...

In this article we continue the series on Reactive Programming, and we concentrate on explaining some concepts through actual code samples. The end result should be that you understand a bit better what makes Reactive different, and what makes it functional. The examples here are quite abstract, but they give you a way to think about the APIs and the programming style, and start to get a feel for how it is different. We will see the elements of Reactive, and learn how to control the flow of data, and process in background threads if necessary.

Setting Up a Project

We will use the Reactor libraries to illustrate the points we need to make. The code could just as easily be written with other tools. If you want to play with the code and see it working without having to copy-paste anything, there are working samples with tests in Github

This Week in Spring - June 7th, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | June 07, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's already June! Where. Does. The. Time. GO?? This week I'm in Chicago, IL, for the Chicago Coder Conference, Boston and New Hampshire for customer visits, London, England for Devoxx UK and Talin, Estonia for Geekout EE. If you're around be sure to say hi! Now then, we've got a lot to cover this week so let's get to it!

Notes on Reactive Programming Part I: The Reactive Landscape

Engineering | Dave Syer | June 07, 2016 | ...

Reactive Programming is interesting (again) and there is a lot of noise about it at the moment, not all of which is very easy to understand for an outsider and simple enterprise Java developer, such as the author. This article (the first in a series) might help to clarify your understanding of what the fuss is about. The approach is as concrete as possible, and there is no mention of "denotational semantics". If you are looking for a more academic approach and loads of code samples in Haskell, the internet is full of them, but you probably don’t want to be here.

Reactive Programming is often…

Reactor guides deprecated

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | June 02, 2016 | ...

Greetings Spring community,

There has been a lot of buzz in the past six months over Spring 5 and Reactive Streams support. I personally witnessed the number of questions Rossen received during his Reactive Spring MVC talk at DevNexus back in March. And his reactive talk at Spring I/O conference more recently was VERY popular to attenders.

Based on the huge leaps and bounds Project Reactor has made in the past two years, we are taking two of our guides down:

  • Creating an Asynchronous, Event-Driven Application with Reactor

  • Uploading pictures with Reactor

Those guides are over two years old…

This Week in Spring - May 31, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | May 31, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This last week was a bit crazy, though after a long restful weekend there's a lot of intersting content to invigorate us for the week ahead. I'll be speaking at a meetup on the 16th June, for those near Amsterdam that'd care to join us! As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get into it.

Zero Downtime Deployment with a Database

This article will explain in depth how to tackle issues related to database compatibility and the deployment process. We will present what can happen with your production applications if you try to perform such a deployment unprepared. We will then walk through the steps in the lifecycle of an application that are necessary to have zero downtime. The result of our operations will be applying a backward incompatible database change in a backward compatible way.

If you want to work through the code samples below, you will find everything you need in GitHub.


Zero downtime deployment

What is this mythical zero downtime deployment? You can say that your application is deployed that way if you can successfully introduce a new version of your application to production without making the user see that the application went down in the meantime. From the user’s and the company’s point of view it’s the best possible scenario of deployment since new features can be introduced…

This Week in Spring - May 24th, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | May 24, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installation of This Week in Spring! This week's already off to a crazy start. Sunday evening I returned from Kiev, Ukraine, where I spoke at JEEConf. Yesterday, Monday, I gave a talk with my friend Baruch from JFrog at yesterday's JFrog Swampup conference event in Napa, California. Today I'm off to Denver, Colorado for Gluecon, and then off to GOTO Chicago in Chicago, Illinois and I'll finish out the week in Washington DC for customer visits. I can't wait to see you all along the way!

This Week in Spring - May 17th, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | May 17, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! As I write this, I'm in Chennai, India, en route to Bangalore, India for a day of exciting customer meetings and then I'm off to sunny Barcelona, Spain, for the epic Spring IO event! Then, this Friday, I'm off to Kiev, Ukraine, for JEEConf. If you're around, as always, don't be shy and say hi!. That said, let's get into it!

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