Testing improvements in Spring Boot 1.4

Engineering | Phil Webb | April 15, 2016 | ...

One of the nice things about working for Pivotal is that they have a great agile development division called Pivotal Labs. The teams within Labs are big proponents of Lean and XP software methodologies such as pair programming and test-driven development. Their love of testing has had a particular impact on Spring Boot 1.4 as we've started to get great feedback on things that could be improved. This blog post highlights some of the new testing features that have just landed in the latest M2 release.

Testing without Spring

The easiest way to unit test any Spring @Component is to not involve…

SpringOne Platform

Engineering | Josh Long | April 14, 2016 | ...

The Bigger Picture

Let's talk about Pivotal. Our ambition is to make business more agile, to reduce the time around the innovation loop; speed is the single biggest advantage an organization can have. Pivotal's main "product" is agility. This translates naturally into technology. Microservices are well-defined, small, easy-to-evolve, independently deployable batches of functionality. They lend themselves to rapid iteration because they're small. Spring Boot and the Spring ecosystem make short work of standing up new microservices and applications, and Spring Cloud handles the complexity in…

Couchbase as a First Class Citizen of Spring Boot 1.4

Engineering | Stéphane Nicoll | April 14, 2016 | ...

This is a cross-post blog from Simon BASLÉ from Couchbase. You can find him on twitter (@simonbasle) or github. Learn more about Couchbase and the Couchbase Java SDK on the developer portal.

Spring Boot 1.4.0 MILESTONE 2 is out! This is a good time to tell you about the joint effort between Spring Boot team members and the Couchbase Java SDK team to offer a first class integration of Couchbase into Spring Boot :)

In Spring Boot 1.4.0, Couchbase becomes a first class citizen of the Spring Boot ecosystem!

Couchbase SDK Integration

Spring Boot now directly recognizes when you have the Couchbase SDK in your classpath. And when that's the case, it instantiates a Cluster and a Bucket bean for you using autoconfiguration

Overriding Dependency Versions with Spring Boot

Engineering | Dave Syer | April 13, 2016 | ...

This article explains some of the dependency management tricks that can be used to create libraries and apps that depend on newer versions of a transitive dependency than that managed by a platform like Spring Boot or the Spring IO Platform. The examples below uses Reactor as an example of such a dependency because it is nearing a major new release (2.5.0) but existing dependency management platforms (Spring Boot 1.3.xq) declare a dependency on older versions (2.0.7). If you wanted to write an app that depended on a new version of Reactor through a transitive dependency on a library…

This Week in Spring - April 12th, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | April 12, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in wet and wonderful New York City. It's already almost tax-day here in the US! Whew! time is sure flying. Other (markedly more pleasant) annual landmarks will soon be here, including our big SpringOne Platform event, so book your tickets now!

Also, I'll be joining my friends Simon Maple, Daniel Bryant, and Markus Eisele for a webinar on microservices on April 19th - join us! It should be fun and - hopefully - interesting!

As usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get to it!

Spring WS 2.3.0 is released

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | April 11, 2016 | ...

Greetings Spring community,

Spring WS has just released version 2.3.0.RELEASE. This is a major upgrade where we have updated several core dependencies such as Apache Wss4j 2 (from 1.6). I recommend upgrading to ensure you have the latest fixes. For a listing of completed issues see the report below:

Release Notes | Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation

The artifacts are staged on maven central, http://repo.spring.io/release, and bintray.


1 Stream, 2 Applications, and 3 Dependencies for Spring Cloud Data Flow

Engineering | Josh Long | April 05, 2016 | ...

I just wanted to register here an experience that made me smile yesterday: making the rapidly improving Spring Cloud Data Flow wiggle from (Spring Boot) start(-ers) to service in a matter of minutes!

The only pre-requisite is that you have a Redis instance runnning. My Redis instance is running on and it required no further configuration for Spring Boot to find and work with it.

We'll use the epic Spring Initializr to make short work of generating our applications. Remember those silly Apple commercials, "There's an App For That?" Nevermind that, there's a checkbox for that! Let's…

This Week in Spring - March 29th, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | March 29, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installation of This Week in Spring! This week I'm working with customers and trying to bring the Spring (and hoping for the according weather!) to hitherto snow-covered Denver, Colorado.

The Spring Boot Dashboard in STS - Part 5: Working with Launch configurations

Engineering | Martin Lippert | March 29, 2016 | ...

Welcome back Spring community,

in this fifth part of the series we will take a closer look at the new support for multiple launch configurations that was added to the Spring Boot Dashboard in STS 3.7.3.

Multiple launch configs per project

The first version the boot dashboard allowed you to quickly start and stop a local Spring Boot app. Therefore the boot dashboard focused on one specific launch configuration for the project - and completely ignored other launch configs. But having multiple launch configurations per project can be extremely useful, for example to start the same app multiple times in slightly different configurations.

The new version of the boot dashboard directly integrates the concept of launch configs. If you have multiple launch configs for the same project, they will show up in the boot dashboard as entries below the project node in the tree.

You can now use all the various actions and features of the boot dashboard on individual launch configs (instead of the project). You can start individual launch configs, stop them, jump to their console, open a browser for the running app, tag them, filter them, and so on. The project node serves an an aggregate for the launch configs. If you want to start or stop all launch configurations, just press start or stop on the project and all launch configs will be started or stopped.

To help you deal with multiple launch configurations the boot dashboard also has a few new actions for working with launch configurations, like open the launch config editor, duplicate an existing launch config, or delete one.

Hide launch configs

To keep the simple things simple, the boot dashboard doesn’t show an entry for a launch config for a project if there exists only one for that project. You can change that setting, if you want to, via a setting in the boot dashboard view menu:

There might be situations where you have specific launch configurations that should not show up in the boot dashboard - to keep the boot dashboard clean and easy to use. Therefore we added an option to hide individual launch configurations from the boot dashboard. You can find the switch for that if you open the launch config.


This concludes the blog series on the new features of the Spring Boot Dashboard in the Spring Tool Suite 3.7.3. Let us know about your experiences using the dashboard and provide feedback. We are happy to hear about your experiences by commenting on this or file a bug report at: https://issuetracker.springsource.com/browse/STS.

The Spring Boot Dashboard blog series:

Spring Cloud Brixton.RC1 is now available

Engineering | Spencer Gibb | March 24, 2016 | ...

On behalf of the team, I am pleased to announce that the first release candidate for the Spring Cloud Brixton Release Train is out. The milestone is available today and can be found in our Spring Milestone repository.


Some of the highlights of the Brixton Release Train are:

  • Spring Boot 1.3.x and Spring 4.2.x support
  • Cluster Leadership election and locks via Spring Cloud Cluster
  • Hashicorp Consul support for service registration/discovery & configuration via Spring Cloud Consul
  • Apache Zookeeper support for service registration/discovery, configuration via Spring Cloud Zookeper and leader election in Spring Cloud Cluster
  • Distributed tracing through the Spring Cloud Sleuth abstraction with two out of the box implementations: one supporting logging (ideal for log collectors and multiplexers like Logstash and Loggregator) and one supporting Twitter's Zipkin
  • Netflix Atlas Telemetry System and the next generation Spectator Metrics library

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