Spring XD Benchmarks Part 1

Engineering | Glenn Renfro | June 16, 2015 | ...


A common question when developing streaming applications is, “How many events per second can you process?”. The primary purpose of this blog post is to answer that question without falling into the classic benchmarking conundrum of benchmarking versus "benchmarketing". The common approach with 'native' benchmarking applications provide by messaging middleware vendors is to focus on raw data transport speed, without serialization or deserialization of the message data and without any data processing. In Part 1 of the series, we will follow this approach.

Our tests used direct…

This Week in Spring - June 16th, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | June 16, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in sunny London for Devoxx UK where I'll be talking to developers about building cloud-native applications with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry. As usual, if you're in the area, hit me up. The big news this week is the Spring XD 1.2 GA blowing the doors off performance numbers! No benchmarketing here, everything is published and reproducible: Performance turning to get ~12 MILLION msg/sec with an in-memory transport and 2.6MILLION msg/sec when using Kafka (100 byte messages). Lots more detail in the

Cache auto-configuration in Spring Boot 1.3

Engineering | Stéphane Nicoll | June 15, 2015 | ...

Over the past year, we have significantly improved the cache abstraction, with support of JSR-107 (JCache) annotations and a better declarative model to share or externalize common settings. In Spring Boot 1.3, we now offer a comprehensive auto-configuration for it.

In a nutshell, the cache abstraction applies caching to methods, thus reducing the number of executions based on the information available in the cache. The caching logic is applied transparently: the method below will only be invoked if the specified ISBN is not already present in the books cache. Upon calling that method for a missing Book, the caches will be updated transparently so that a further call does not invoke the…

Introducing Spring Social Evernote

Engineering | Josh Long | June 15, 2015 | ...

This post is a guest post by community member Tadaya Tsuyukubo (@ttddyy), creator of the Spring Social Slideshare project. Thanks Tadaya! I’d like to see more of these guest posts, so - as usual - don’t hesitate to ping me! -Josh

Spring Social Evernote is one of the community modules in the Spring Social ecosystem. It is a service provider implementation for Evernote. It allows developers to work with the Evernote SDK for Java with idiomatic Spring idioms.

Evernote takes a unique approach for providing their APIs to developers. They have created language specific SDKs based on Thrift serialization format. Dave Engberg, CTO of Evernote, explained the motivations for choosing Thrift in this blog

Feedback welcome: Spring 5 system requirements

Engineering | Juergen Hoeller | June 10, 2015 | ...

As you might have gathered from my Java EE 7 blog post, we are planning for a Spring Framework 5.0 generation with a 2016 availability horizon. We'll be tracking JDK 9's release candidates then since one of our key themes is comprehensive JDK 9 support.

The feature planning for Spring 5 is still in the works. We are going to present a more in-depth plan at SpringOne this year, so stay tuned! Nevertheless, I would like to take this opportunity to reach out to you for feedback about our intended system requirements:

We will definitely raise our minimum to JDK 8+. This is a prerequisite since it…

This Week in Spring - June 9th, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | June 09, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! What a week! This week I'm in Kansas City for the 6,000+-strong developer conference of a single company's developers and then it's back to New York City for QCon NYC where I'll be talking up building cloud-native applications with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. If you're in either place be sure to reach out to me and let's talk shop (Spring, and, optionally, in Kansas City, BBQ..)

  • Spring co-founder and project lead Juergen Hoeller put together two must-read posts this week: the first looks at Java 8 and Spring 4 adoption. ALSO, much, much, much more importantly: HE MENTIONED THIS WEEK IN SPRING :D #WIN.
  • Juergen also posted is one of my favorite in years, a brutally honest look at the Java EE 7 landscape and the depressing lack of (big-vendor) supported implementations options for production-supported Java EE containers. You know, the man has a point..
  • The amazing Dr. Pollack (see above!) announced Spring XD 1.2 RC1. The new release is packed with lots of new stuff including an Apache Ambari plugin to package and deploy Spring XD into production, new analytics, new features and performance improvements for the Apache Kafka support, improved HA configuration for RabbitMQ, Sqoop metastore support, and a lot

CORS support in Spring Framework

Engineering | Sébastien Deleuze | June 08, 2015 | ...

For security reasons, browsers prohibit AJAX calls to resources residing outside the current origin. For example, as you're checking your bank account in one tab, you could have the evil.com website in another tab. The scripts from evil.com shouldn’t be able to make AJAX requests to your bank API (withdrawing money from your account!) using your credentials.

Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a W3C specification implemented by most browsers that allows you to specify in a flexible way what kind of cross domain requests are authorized, instead of using some less secured and less powerful…

Apache Ambari meets Spring XD

Engineering | Janne Valkealahti | June 02, 2015 | ...

We’re pleased to announce the first version of the Apache Ambari plugin for Spring XD.

Ambari is a cluster provisioning tool to install and manage various Apache projects like HDFS, YARN, Zookeeper or Kafka. Ambari has a concept of a stack definition which is used by both Pivotal and Hortonworks. The stack definition is usually made up of components supported by the maintainer.

This Ambari integration adds support for provisioning Spring XD with Pivotal HD 3.0 and Hortonworks HDP 2.2.

Spring XD is not part of the main Ambari distribution for PHD or HDP. However, it is easy to extend an…

This Week in Spring - June 2, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | June 02, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in New York City in advance of QCon NYC next week talking to customers and working with the local Pivotal Labs team. If you're around be sure to say hi and let's talk code.

So, as usual, we've got a lot to cover so let's get to it.

  1. Our pal Nicolas Frankel's put together an awesome post on modularizing configuration for integration testing with Spring

This Week in Spring - May 26th, 2015

Engineering | Josh Long | May 27, 2015 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! There is a lot to talk about, so let's get to it!

  • First, the big news! Spring framework lead and OG Spring Guy Juergen Hoeller just announced that Spring framework 4.2 RC1 is now available! This new release includes lots of amazing new features so be sure to check it out! It includes anotation detection on Java 8 default methods, annotation-based application events, first-class annotation attibute aliases, nest path processing for direct field binding, data binding and conversion for JSR 354 (money and currency), Hibernate ORM 5.0 support (via JPA and natively), a STOMP client for use over TCP and WebSocket channels, Listenable/

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