Spring Cloud Square 0.4.0-M2 is available.

Engineering | Olga Maciaszek-Sharma | October 20, 2021 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that the Milestone 2 (M2) of the Spring Cloud Square 0.4.0 is available today. The release can be found in Spring Milestone repository. You can check out the 0.4.0-M2 release notes for more information.

See all issues included in this release here.

Notable Changes in 0.4.0-M2

  • Spring Native support adjustments for non-load-balanced use-cases (PR)
  • Support for configuring different WebClient.Builder beans (not shared) for each @RetrofitClient instance (PR)

The documentation for this milestone can be found here.

This Week in Spring - October 19th, 2021

Engineering | Josh Long | October 19, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! How're you doing? Good? Keepin' busy? Good. I'm doing alright, too.

  • Last week, I did a sort of smörgåsbord episode of Tanzu Code on twitch.tv/vmwaretanzu. It was super fun! I stream on VMWare Tanzu as well as on my own Twitch channel, twitch.tv/JavaJoshLong about all things Spring, Java, and more.
  • In last week's super short-and-to-the-point installment of Spring Tips, I looked at the Spring Plugin project
  • I also put out This Month in Spring - a newsletter digest version of this very weekly roundup that comes out every... month. Naturally.
  • Did you see this? Twitter is now using graphql-java, the very same project that underpins the Spring GraphQL project, for their APIs and they're reporting incredible performance gains!

Spring Data JDBC - How do I implement caching?

Engineering | Jens Schauder | October 18, 2021 | ...

This is the third article of a series about how to tackle various challenges you might encounter when using Spring Data JDBC.

The series consists of

  1. Spring Data JDBC - How to use custom ID generation.

  2. Spring Data JDBC - How do I make bidirectional relationships?

  3. Spring Data JDBC - How do I implement caching? (this article).

  4. Spring Data JDBC - How Can I Do a Partial Update of an Aggregate Root?

  5. Spring Data JDBC - How do I Generate the Schema for my Domain Model?

If you are new to Spring Data JDBC, you should start by reading its introduction and this article, which explains the relevance of aggregates in the context of Spring Data JDBC

This Week in Spring - October 12th, 2021

Engineering | Josh Long | October 12, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to yet another installment of This Week in Spring where we recap - with apologies to The Times - all the news that's fit to reprint in the Spring and Spring-adjacent ecosystems. First: it's almost Halloween! Can you believe it?? This year has absolutely flown by! I need to dust off my PHP costume for Halloween. Maybe I'll even start using this particularly ghastly VS Code theme on the day...

Anyway, it's been a busy week for me already and we're only at the very beginning of Tuesday! I've been attending Kubecon (virtually), I spoke at the online I Code Java event at…

This Week in Spring - October 5th, 2021

Engineering | Josh Long | October 05, 2021 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! Life's been busy but fun this last week. I've been knee-deep in video production! I've got a lot of fun Spring Tips installments lined up or in production at the moment, and I can't wait for you to see 'em!

I also spent much of last week with my buddy Matt Raible and we made JHipster work with Spring Native, and I'm still giddy as can be about the newly opened possibilities. (More on that below)

How are you doin', otherwise? I hope you're doing well!

Now then, we've got a lot to cover and oh-so little time in which to do…

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