This Week in Spring - December 1st, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | December 02, 2020 | ...

Spring Data 2020.0 - New and Noteworthy in Spring Data for Apache Cassandra 3.1

Engineering | Mark Paluch | November 26, 2020 | ...

Spring Data 2020.0.0 ships with Spring Data for Apache Cassandra 3.1. This release ships with numerous enhancements that refine existing functionality and introduce support for selected Cassandra 4 features:

  • Reactive auditing
  • Reactive SpEL support in @Query query methods.
  • Configuration of the keyspace per Statement through CqlTemplate and QueryOptions.
  • Revised CqlOperations with new queryForStream(…) methods returning a Stream with transparent pagination.
  • DataClassRowMapper to map Cassandra results to data classes via constructor creation/bean properties

Reactive Auditing

Reactive auditing is enabled by annotating your configuration class with @EnableReactiveCassandraAuditing. Registering a bean that implements ReactiveAuditorAware

This Week in Spring - November 24th, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | November 25, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another jam-packed installment of This Week in Spring! It's the week of Thanksgiving here in the United States and I feel like I've got a ton of things and a ton more people for which and for whom to be thankful, and a huge, constant part of that is you, dear community. I say this in this column all the time, but you - the community - are the main reason that Spring is worth doing. I know that I speak for the entire Spring team when I say: thank you! And, speaking for myself, I hope that, whether you're in the US celebrating Thanksgiving or anywhere else, that you…

Spring Data 2020.0 - New and Noteworthy in Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.1

Engineering | Christoph Strobl | November 24, 2020 | ...

Spring Data Elasticsearch is one of the community modules shipped with the 2020.0 release. On behalf of P.J. Meisch, who is doing most of the heavy lifting these days, we’re happy to share his insights on the current release.

The previous release included major overhaul of the internal code structure and the API, whereas the 2020.0 version of Spring Data Elasticsearch focused on fixing bugs and adding functionality.

Altogether there were 23 bugs fixed and 81 other issues resolved. Spring Data Elasticsearch now is built with the actual Elasticsearch version 7.9.3.

This blog post shows the most…

Spring Data 2020.0 - New and Noteworthy in Spring Data Neo4j 6.0

Engineering | Christoph Strobl | November 20, 2020 | ...

Spring Data Neo4j is a Spring Data community project that is maintained and developed by Neo4j, Inc. On behalf of the team working on the module at Neo4j, we are happy to share their insights about recent changes and new features shipped with the 2020.0.0 release.

Neo4j users who use Spring Boot 2.3 require special attention because the configuration infrastructure for Spring Data Neo4j 6.0 has changed in an incompatible way.

That said, not only has the configurational infrastructure changed, but the whole project changed.

The module has some history and went through several major changes. For…

Spring Data 2020.0 - New and Noteworthy in Spring Data R2DBC 1.2

Engineering | Mark Paluch | November 18, 2020 | ...

This release is a major milestone in Spring's R2DBC support. Spring support for R2DBC started as an experimental project two years ago to evaluate how a reactive SQL integration might look. With this release, Spring Data R2DBC underwent a major refactoring by moving several components into a dedicated spring-r2dbc module and deprecating components that are provided by the Spring Framework. Besides that change, Spring Data R2DBC ships with the following most notable changes:

  • Add lifecycle callbacks through the EntityCallback API
  • Reactive auditing
  • Pass-through of enum values and Postgres Geo types

This Week in Spring - November 17th, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | November 18, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Can you believe it's already November 17th, 2020!? We're weeks away from Thanksgiving here in the US and then the end-of-year holidays. I, for one, can not believe it. You know what else is pretty wild? The first week of January will be ten years of writing This Week in Spring!

I've got a pretty busy appearance schedule between now and the end of the year though. I'd love to see you at any of these events.

  1. 2020-11-17 - Ireland Bash Talk - I'll be speaking _tonight_ (California, USA / PDT time)
  2. 2020-11-18 - JCConf keynote speaker - Rsocket Revolution
  3. 2020-11-18 - QCon Plus - I'll be doing a presentation and doing live Q&A
  4. 2020-11-19 - the Kansas City JUG
  5. 2020-11-22 - GDG Devfest Shanghai
  6. 2020-11-23 - JavaHispano JUG presentation
  7. 2020-12-03 - Knoxville JUG
  8. 2020-12-04 - I'll be speaking at the jLove conference, participating in both a talk and a panel
  9. 2020-12-07 - Join me, Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long for this 90 minute exploration of all things reactive and RSocket in Spring. This is ideally timed for folks in APJ, so sign up now!
  10. 2020-12-15 - I'll be speaking at the Warsaw, Poland JUG - Warszawa JUG. Check the website for more details as they become available
  11. 2020-12-23 - Join me on our VMWare Tanzu channel - I'll be doing a "Code" stream at noon PDT

And, with all that out of the way, we've got a ton of stuff to get to this week so let's dive right in!

Case Study: Elasticsearch sink

Engineering | Soby Chacko | November 16, 2020 | ...

This article is part of a blog series that explores the newly redesigned Spring Cloud Stream applications based on Java Functions. In this post, we will look at the Elasticsearch sink that allows us to index records in Elasticsearch, and its corresponding Consumer function.

Here are all the previous parts of this blog series.

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