On behalf of the community, I’m pleased to announce the release of Spring Security OAuth 2.3.0.RELEASE.
The 2.3.0 release adds new support for Elliptic Curve signature verification in JwkTokenStore. Thank you Michael Duergner for this contribution! This release also includes a few minor enhancements and bug fixes.
The Spring Security SAML project team is proud to announce our latest 1.0.4.RELEASE. This maintenance release pushes its dependencies to the latest known working version while staying backwards compatible.
This release requires an additional Maven repository to download the latest version of the not-yet-commons-ssl dependency.
Moving forward we will be working on our 2.0.0 release. This release aims to provide an easy upgrade path for users of the 1.0.x releases while modernizing the underlying dependencies for easy up keep.
Feedback and contributions are always appreciated. Stay tuned.
We are pleased to announce the first milestone release of Spring Cloud Open Service Broker 2.0.0.
This project was formerly named Spring Cloud - Cloud Foundry Service Broker. A lot has changed in the few years since that project was released. The service broker API that the project implements is no longer specific to Cloud Foundry but has been donated to the Open Service Broker API project and is implemented by Kubernetes and other platforms. The new project name reflects this evolution and openness.
In addition to a new name, some highlights of the 2.0 version are:
Requires Java 8, Spring Framework 5, and Spring Boot 2
Supports inclusion in either a Spring MVC or a Spring WebFlux application
It's my pleasure to announce that Spring IO Platform Cairo-RC1 is now available from the Spring milestone repository. The Cairo generation of the Platform builds on top of Spring Framework 5.0 and Spring Boot 2.0 and requires Java 8.
The Spring Cloud Data Flow team is pleased to announce the release of 1.4.0 RC1. Follow the Getting Started guides for Local Server, Cloud Foundry, and Kubernetes.
Following are the release highlights:
Stream Deployment UX
In Skipper mode, we have added a brand new stream deployment builder form to simplify the selection of platform and the properties while deploying a stream. The options include override to the deployment platform and the deployer, application and global properties for the streaming pipeline.
Docker Compose for Development
To simplify the getting started experience for the Local Server, we have added the Docker Compose support, which when run as a single command from the CLI, it will automatically provision the latest release of the Local-server along with Apache Kafka for messaging…
We are pleased to announce the release of Spring Batch 3.0.9.RELEASE and 4.0.1.RELEASE via Maven Central, Github, and the Pivotal download repository.
These two maintenance releases address a number of bug fixes, enhancements and documentation updates. For a complete list of changes, please refer to the change logs for 3.0.9 and 4.0.1. Many thanks to all of those who submitted pull requests that went into these releases.
Please note that the next patch version, 3.0.10.RELEASE, will be the last maintenance release of the 3.x line. We strongly recommend users to migrate to the latest and…
On behalf of the team, it is my very great pleasure to announce that Spring Boot 2.0 is now generally available as 2.0.0.RELEASE from repo.spring.io and Maven Central!
This release is the culmination of 17 months work and over 6800 commits by 215 different individuals. A massive thank you to everyone that has contributed, and to all the early adopters that have been providing vital feedback on the milestones.
This is the first major revision of Spring Boot since 1.0 was released almost 4 years ago. It's also the first GA version of Spring Boot that provides support for Spring Framework 5.0.
On behalf of the community I’m pleased to announce the release of Spring Session BOM Apple-SR1. With the changes to Spring Session modules described in 2.0.0.RELEASE announcement, the addition of bill of materials (BOM) module was a logical next step.
The originally released Apple-RELEASE contained a glitch in published BOM so make sure you use Apple-SR1.
The BOM provides dependency management for Spring Session core modules (which include Data Redis, Hazelcast and JDBC) and Spring Session Data MongoDB. The following table provides an overview of all…
This project is intended to be used to help users transition between the old Spring Security OAuth 2.x support and the Next Generation OAuth 2.0 Support in Spring Security 5. It provides users of Spring Security OAuth 2.x the same auto-configuration capabilities in a Spring Boot 2.0 based application that is currently available in Spring Boot 1.5.x. For more details please refer to the documentation.