Spring 3.0.5 is Now Available

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | October 29, 2010 | ...

Lost somewhere in all the news and excitement about last week's SpringOne 2GX conference was the news that Spring 3.0.5 is now available. This release addresses over 80 minor issues and includes some small improvements to the Spring Expression Language (SpEL), annotation support, and embedded databases. Be sure to read the Change Log for all the details.

Download | Documentation | Javadoc API | Change Log | JIRA

Don't forget that Spring users can ask questions in the community forum and identify issues in JIRA as well.

Spring ActionScript 1.1 Released

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | October 29, 2010 | ...

Dear community,

We're pleased to announce that Spring ActionScript 1.1 is now available.

Download | API Documentation | HTML Docs | Changelog

Besides a series of bugfixes, this release adds the following new features and enhancements:

  • Component Scanning & Context XML Namespace
  • Test Framework
  • PostConstruct, PreDestroy and Inject Metadata

Details about the release are include in the Spring ActionScript blog. Community members can always ask questions in the community forum and identify issues in JIRA as well.

Spring Security 2.0.6 and 3.0.4 Released

Releases | Luke Taylor | October 28, 2010 | ...

We're pleased to an announce the release of Spring Security 3.0.4.

This release provides a fix for the vulnerability CVE-2010-3700. A 2.0.6 release has also been provided for users who have not yet to upgraded to Spring Security 3.

Please see the changelog for a full list of issues which have been addressed.

Both releases are available from the Spring Community Downloads area and also from the Maven Central repository.

Download | Changelog | Reference Manual | FAQ

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.5.0.RC1 released

Releases | Christian Dupuis | October 15, 2010 | ...

SpringSource has just released a new milestone version of SpringSource Tool Suite: 2.5.0.RC1. STS provides the best Eclipse-powered development environment for building Spring and Grails powered enterprise applications.

The release comes only a few hours after we pushed Spring Roo 1.1.0.RC1. STS 2.5.0.RC1 certainly supports the new Roo version and comes with lots of improvements in the Roo and GWT support.

This is also the first time we are providing bundles based on Eclipse 3.6.1. If you aren't quite ready to try the cutting edge milestone release, then you can always download the 2.3.…

Spring ActionScript 1.0 is Now Available

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | September 24, 2010 | ...

Dear community,

We're pleased to announce that Spring ActionScript 1.0 is now available.

Download | API Documentation | HTML Docs | Changelog

Spring ActionScript is an offshoot of the Java Spring Framework written in ActionScript 3.0. The framework contains the following core features:

  • Inversion of Control container, configurable with XML or MXML
  • EventBus supporting loose communication between application components
  • Metadata/annotation processing used for autowiring, event handling, ...
  • Operation, Command and Task API
  • Utilities for abstracting server communication
  • Support for Modules
  • Extensions for the Cairngorm and PureMVC frameworks

The Spring Actionscript team would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took the time to report bugs, give suggestions and help out in any other kind of way. Without the dedicated Spring community behind us, the framework would not be where it is today. Thank all of you!

As always, we're on the look out for new members to join the team. If…

Spring Web Flow 2.2.0.RC1 is available

Releases | Rossen Stoyanchev | September 23, 2010 | ...

Building on the JSF 2 support in M1 this release features:

  • JSF 2 Spring Travel sample built with PrimeFaces components.
  • A Facelets tag library for the popular Spring Security framework including an <authorize> tag and several EL functions.
  • A working Portlet 2.0 and JSF 1.2 sample that builds on Web Flow's own Portlet support (i.e. without any Portlet Bridge for JSF dependencies).
  • Spring JavaScript jar split into two artifacts: one for Java and one for non-Java resources (css, .js).
  • Upgarde to dojo 1.5 and inclusion of dojox in the bundled custom build.

Full Changelog | Download

Note that documentation is not yet updated. Please use the sample code provided with the distribution and the comments in the appropriate JIRA tickets.

RabbitMQ 2.0 is Now Available

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | August 30, 2010 | ...

Great news for everyone interested in advanced, scalable, enterprise and cloud messaging! The RabbitMQ team has just released a brand new version, RabbitMQ 2.0, of their popular messaging server. The release includes an all new scalable storage engine, native support for multi-protocol messaging, improvements to plugin distribution and much more.

Download | Documentation | Release Notes | Blog

Spring Community members can use the new Spring AMQP project for both Java and .NET connectivity to RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ and Spring AMQP will be among the incredible technical content featured at SpringOne 2GX 2010 in Chicago, October 19th-21st. Be sure to register now to lock in an early registration discount.

Spring 3.0.4 is Now Available

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | August 19, 2010 | ...

Arjen Poutsma has just announced that Spring 3.0.4 is now available. This release addresses over 80 minor issues and updates Spring's support for some recent third-party releases including Hibernate Core 3.6, Hibernate Validator 4.1, EclipseLink 2.1, and EHCache 2.2.

Download | Documentation | Javadoc API | Change Log | JIRA

All the latest features for Spring as well as advanced technical sessions and roadmap discussion will be happening at SpringOne 2GX 2010 in Chicago, October 19th-21st. Be sure to register now to lock in an early registration discount.

Don't forget that Spring users can ask questions in the community forum and identify issues in JIRA as well.

Spring AMQP 1.0.0.M1 Released

Releases | Mark Fisher | July 17, 2010 | ...

We are pleased to announce that the first milestone release of the Spring AMQP 1.0 project is now available for both Java and .NET!

Download it now: Spring AMQP for Java | Spring AMQP for .NET

Spring AMQP makes common Spring idioms available to developers who are building AMQP-based messaging solutions. For example, building a messaging application that uses RabbitMQ as a broker will feel quite similar to building an application based on Spring's JMS support. To learn more about the project, visit the Spring AMQP Homepage. There you will find links to the Reference Manual, Forum, Issue Tracker…

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