Spring Modulith 0.2 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | December 23, 2022 | ...

I am pleased to announce the availability of Spring Modulith 0.2. The release adds the following features:

  • We introduced @ApplicationModuleListener to ease the declaration of asynchronous, transactional event listeners that run in a transaction themselves. A model that we recommend as default to integration application modules. (#80, reference documentation)
  • The application module dependency structure is now also exposed as Spring Boot actuator. This allows operating infrastructure to visualize insights it provides to operations teams to be aligned with the application module structure (HTTP traces by module etc.) (#87, reference documentation
  • The Postgres event publication registry schema now follows Postgres best practices. (#81

Spring Boot 3.0.1 available now

Releases | Phil Webb | December 22, 2022 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I'm happy to announce that Spring Boot 3.0.1 has been released and is now available from Maven Central.

This release includes 54 bug fixes, documentation improvements, and dependency upgrades. Thanks to all those who have contributed with issue reports and pull requests.

How can you help?

If you're interested in helping out, check out the "ideal for contribution" tag in the issue repository. If you have general questions, please ask on stackoverflow.com using the spring-boot tag or chat with the community on Gitter.

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Stack Overflow |

Spring Boot 2.7.7 available now

Releases | Scott Frederick | December 22, 2022 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I'm happy to announce that Spring Boot 2.7.7 has been released and is now available from Maven Central.

This release includes 24 bug fixes, documentation improvements, and dependency upgrades. Thanks to all those who have contributed with issue reports and pull requests.

How can you help?

If you're interested in helping out, check out the "ideal for contribution" tag in the issue repository. If you have general questions, please ask on stackoverflow.com using the spring-boot tag or chat with the community on Gitter.

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Stack Overflow |

Spring for GraphQL 1.1.1 released

Releases | Brian Clozel | December 20, 2022 | ...

I'm pleased to announce that Spring for GraphQL 1.1.1 is now available on Maven Central.

This first maintenance release in the 1.1.x generation includes 19 fixes and documentation improvements. This version will be shipped with Spring Boot 3.0.1, to be released later this week.

How can you help?

If you have general questions, please ask on stackoverflow.com using the spring-graphql tag.

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Stack Overflow

Spring Cloud 2022.0.0 (codename Kilburn) Has Been Released

Releases | Ryan Baxter | December 16, 2022 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that the General Availability (RELEASE) of the Spring Cloud 2022.0 Release Train is available today. The release can be found in Maven Central. You can check out the 2022.0 release notes for more information.

Notable Changes in the 2022.0.0 Release Train

Spring Cloud 2022.0.0 is a major release that builds upon Spring Framework 6.x and Spring Boot 3.x. This includes compatibility with Jakarta EE and requires a Java 17 baseline. See here for the issues included in this release. Below are highlights from all of the 2022.0.0 milestone, release…

Spring for Apache Pulsar 0.1.0 available now

Releases | Chris Bono | December 15, 2022 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I’m happy to announce that Spring for Apache Pulsar 0.1.0 has been released and is now available from Maven Central.

This is the initial GA minor release of the framework. The full 1.0.0 GA release is expected mid Q12023 and will contain many more features. Although it still lives in the experimental Spring projects it is expected to move into the main Spring projects as part of the full release.

Notable Changes

We have been busy adding features since our last blog. Notable new features include:

  • Reactive support
  • GraalVM Native Image Support

Spring Cloud Data Flow version 2.10.0 released

Releases | Corneil du Plessis | December 12, 2022 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, we are very excited to announce the 2.10.0 release of Spring Cloud Data Flow is now available from Maven Central.

Spring updates

Updates to the following versions:

  • Spring Boot 2.7.6
  • Spring Framework 5.3.24
  • Spring Cloud 2021.0.5

Spring Shell

Spring Shell has been updated to 2.1.4.

Documentation Updates

Container images for ARM.

Spring Cloud Data Flow and Skipper, and Stream Application projects contain scripts to use in creating containers when running on an ARM platform. The Reference Guide has a section describing the use of the…

Spring Tools 4.17.0 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | December 07, 2022 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce the 4.17.0 release of the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Theia.

major changes to the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution

early access to new experimental features

Among a number of bug fixes and minor improvements, this release introduces experimental support for:

  • Spring Boot version validations: The IDE will tell you when there is a newer major, minor, or patch version available for your Spring Boot project
  • Spring Boot upgrade support: The tooling will help you upgrading your existing projects to newer Spring Boot versions, including upgrades to newer patch and minor versions, as well as newer major versions (e.g. upgrading to Spring Boot 3)
  • Spring specific validations and refactorings: The…

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