CVE report published for Spring Cloud Function (06-2022)
We have released Spring Cloud Function 3.2.6 to address the following CVE report.
Please review the information in the CVE report and upgrade immediately.
We have released Spring Cloud Function 3.2.6 to address the following CVE report.
Please review the information in the CVE report and upgrade immediately.
On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Framework 5.3.21
is available now.
Spring Framework 5.3.21
includes 22 fixes and improvements.
Dear Spring Community,
I am happy to announce the 4.15.0 release of the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Theia.
Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! I've just arrived in beautiful Berlin, Germany, for the forthcoming We Are Developers show with more than five thousand attendees. I was in Toronto, Canada, for the epic SpringOne Tour installment there. I've also had the privilege of taking these last two trips with my daughter, Kimly. She's on summer break from school. It's made the long miserable hours in economy bearable, and something for which I couldn't be more grateful. I'm also looking forward to being at the upcoming SpringOne Tour installment in New York City…
On August 31 of 2004, only a few months after version 1.0 of the Spring Framework itself got released, Torsten Jürgeleit created a repository and made the initial commits to a project that became the tooling support for Spring in Eclipse, the Spring IDE project (while the roots of that work are probably going back further in time, as the comment of the first commit to the repository reads like there was a CVS repository even before that time.). Shortly after, Christian Dupuis joined, led the project for many years and initiated the Spring Tool Suite on top of Spring IDE.
It’s been a long time…
Hi, Spring fans! In thi^^^ these installments, we continue our series introducing the Spring for GraphQL project. This series features Spring for GraphQL lead Rossen Stoyanchev (@rstoya05) - whose work you may know from basically everything in the wide and wonderful world of Springdom having to do with the web (HTTP, RSocket, WebSockets, GraphQL, JSF, MVC, etc) - and GraphQL Java engine founder and lead Andi Marek (@andimarek) and of course yours truly, Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long (@starbuxman). It provides an in-depth look at all things Spring for GraphQL.
This week I'm publishing two…
Hi, Spring fans! In thi^^^ these installments, we continue our series introducing the Spring for GraphQL project. This series features Spring for GraphQL lead Rossen Stoyanchev (@rstoya05) - whose work you may know from basically everything in the wide and wonderful world of Springdom having to do with the web (HTTP, RSocket, WebSockets, GraphQL, JSF, MVC, etc) - and GraphQL Java engine founder and lead Andi Marek (@andimarek) and of course yours truly, Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long (@starbuxman). It provides an in-depth look at all things Spring for GraphQL.
This week I'm publishing two…
On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I'm happy to announce that Spring Shell 2.1.0-M5
has been released and is now available from
Please see the release notes for more details.
Thanks to all those who have contributed with issue reports and pull requests.
Hi, Spring fans! In this installment, Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Kubernetes legend and fellow Tanzu Developer Advocate Cora Iberkleid (@ciberkleid) about Kubernetes and Cartographer supply chains
Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! I've just landed in tantalizing Toronto, Canada, for the SpringOne Tour Toronto show. I'm so excited to be here, at long last, after so long away from one of my favorite countries. I'll be doing two talks - my usual, Kubernetes Native Java, and a talk on building Kubernetes Controllers (a.k.a. "Operators") using the official Kubernetes Java client, Spring Boot, and Spring Native with my amazing friend and teammate Tiffany Jernigan, who you may recall was on the podcast not too long ago.
After Toronto, I'm off to beautiful Berlin, Germany, for the We Are Developers show…