Spring Boot 3.1.11 available now

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | April 18, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I'm happy to announce that Spring Boot 3.1.11 has been released and is now available from Maven Central.

This release includes 34 bug fixes, documentation improvements, and dependency upgrades. Thanks to all those who have contributed with issue reports and pull requests.

How can you help?

If you're interested in helping out, check out the "ideal for contribution" tag in the issue repository. If you have general questions, please ask on stackoverflow.com using the spring-boot tag or chat with the community on Gitter.

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation | Stack Overflow |

Spring Authorization Server 1.3.0-RC1, 1.2.4 and 1.1.7 available now

Releases | Joe Grandja | April 16, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, it is my pleasure to announce the releases of Spring Authorization Server 1.3.0-RC1, 1.2.4 and 1.1.7.

See the 1.3.0-RC1, 1.2.4 and 1.1.7 release notes for complete details.

To get started using Spring Authorization Server, see the Getting Started chapter of the reference documentation and the samples to become familiar with setup and configuration.

Project Page | GitHub Issues | Project Board

Spring for Apache Kafka 3.0.16, 3.1.4 and 3.2.0-RC1 Available Now

Releases | Soby Chacko | April 16, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the entire team and everyone in the community who contributed, we are pleased to announce the general availability of Spring for Apache Kafka 3.0.16 and 3.1.4.

Both of these GA releases include a few improvements and bug fixes. For more details, see the following change logs.



Spring Boot 3.1.11 and 3.2.5 releases will include Spring for Apache Kafka 3.0.16 and 3.1.14, respectively.

In addition, we are pleased to announce the first release candidate for Spring for Apache Kafka 3.2.0 (3.2.0-RC1). This release candidate includes new additions, feature enhancements, bug fixes, and…

Spring for GraphQL 1.3 RC1 Released

Releases | Rossen Stoyanchev | April 16, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the Spring for GraphQL team, I am pleased to announce the availability of 1.3 RC1. This post describes the release. For more on other upcoming features in 1.3, see the 1.3 M1 blog post.

GraphQL Java 22

The 1.3 release candidate builds on GraphQL Java 22, released earlier today. GraphQL Java 22 includes a lot of new features including major performance improvements, experimental support for the up and coming Defer and Stream Directives addition to the GraphQL spec, and much more.

The release includes breaking changes too, and this is a good time to experiment in your environment. See the GraphQL Java 22 release page

Spring Framework 6.2.0-M1: Overriding Beans in Tests

Engineering | Simon Baslé | April 16, 2024 | ...

Spring Framework 6.2.0-M1 has been released, including changes that resolve more than one hundred issues. Among those are a range of new features in Spring's testing support.

In this post, I’d like to walk you through one of these new testing features: Bean Overriding support.

The previous state of affairs

Using the Spring TestContext Framework, you can easily verify the correct wiring of your Spring application within integration tests using an annotation-driven model.

In unit testing, dependency injection and Spring design principles make your code less dependent on the container and make it…

This Week in Spring - April 16th, 2024

Engineering | Josh Long | April 16, 2024 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! I'm writing this from beautiful Paris, France, ahead of the amazing Devoxx France event. I've come to almost all of these events over the years. It's hard to believe it's been more than a decade since the show was first announced. I remember when these franchise editions - Devoxx UK, Devoxx FR, Devoxx PL, Devoxx MA, Devoxx UA, etc. - were new and novel. Now, rumor has it, this year edition of Devoxx FR will be even larger than Devoxx Belgium! What a coup. I love Devoxx. I've talked about it endlessly, but last year's…

Spring for Apache Pulsar 1.1.0-RC1 available now

Releases | Chris Bono | April 15, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I’m happy to announce that Spring for Apache Pulsar 1.1.0-RC1 has been released and is available from https://repo.spring.io/milestone now!

This release will be included in the upcoming Spring Boot 3.3.0-RC1 release.

This release includes numerous enhancements, documentation improvements, bug fixes, and dependency upgrades. Notable new features include:

  • Transaction support for @PulsarListener and PulsarTemplate

Please see the release notes for more details.

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