Spring Data Elasticsearch 1.0 M1 Released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | February 11, 2014 | ...

On behalf of the development team around Mohsin Husen at BioMed Central I am happy to announce the first milestone of the Spring Data Elasticsearch community module.

The release of the module implements the well-known Spring Data programming model on top of Elasticsearch includes support for dynamic mapping (nested type, object, parent child), index and search API, facets, highlighting, aliasing, more-like-this, scan & scroll etc.

From a Spring Data perspective this release features support for templates, repositories, CDI, Java and XML-style configuration. Entities will be automatically…

This Week in Spring - February 11, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | February 10, 2014 | ...

Welcome back to another installation of This Week in Spring! I'm hurriedly preparing for a busy few weeks. I'll be giving a tech talk at our office (875 Howard St, San Francisco, CA) on the 18th (and you're more than welcome! Just turn up around 12:30 PST on Tuesday the 18th and join us as we talk Boot, baby!), some training on the 19th, then I'll be in Atlanta for the epic DevNexus show and then, the very next day, off to Montreal, Canada for the ConFoo conference. I hope to see you here, at the GoPivotal offices for the tech talk, or in Atlanta, or in Montreal!

This week we've got lots of…

What's new in Spring Data Codd RC1?

Engineering | Oliver Drotbohm | February 07, 2014 | ...

As we're approaching the home stretch of the Spring Data release train currently in development, I think it's time to give you a brief overview of some of the new features we're going to introduce with this release.

In case you're not aware yet, the release train is a coordinated release of multiple Spring Data modules to make sure they work seamlessly out of the box. The current one is named after the inventor of the relational model Edgar F. Codd.

Spring Data Commons

As the Spring Data Commons module creates the foundation for all of the other modules contained in the release train, new…

Spring YARN Application Model

Engineering | Janne Valkealahti | February 06, 2014 | ...

Now that Thomas has just released a fifth milestone for Spring for Apache Hadoop, I'd like to use this opportunity to talk about recent development in its new feature, Spring YARN.

One strength in our Spring IO Platform is interoperability of its technologies. Great example of this is how Spring Boot and Spring YARN are able work together to create a better model for Hadoop YARN application development. In this blog post I'd like to show an example of a new Spring Yarn Application model which is heavily based on Spring Boot.

Spring YARN Intro

Development life cycle from a moment when a…

Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.0 M5 released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | February 06, 2014 | ...

We are pleased to announce the Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.0 M5 milestone releases. We are moving closer to a release candidate, so this is a good time to highlight what is new in this 2.0 version and how it compares to 1.0.

Spring for Apache Hadoop 1.0 primarily targets using HDFS and MapReduce with either MapReduce v1 or MapReduce v2 (YARN). The default distribution is Apache Hadoop 1.2.1 with additional "flavors" provided for other distributions: Hadoop 2.2.0, Pivotal HD 1.1, Cloudera CDH4 MR1 or MR2 YARN and Hortonworks HDP 1.3.

The main focus for Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.0 is to add YARN…

Introduction to Apache Hadoop and Spring Data Hadoop

Engineering | Pieter Humphrey | February 06, 2014 | ...

Introduction to Apache Hadoop and Spring Data Hadoop by Hadoop expert Kailash Kutti (video from the Singapore Spring User Group)


Learn more about Spring Data at http://projects.spring.io/spring-data/

!{iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/w6qWNHOh3t0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen}{/iframe}

Introduction to Spring Data JPA and Spring Data MongoDB

News | Pieter Humphrey | February 06, 2014 | ...

Presentation by Nik Trevallyn Jones at the Singapore Spring User Group.


Learn more about Spring Data at http://projects.spring.io/spring-data/

!{iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/P05GlyrIz0o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen}{/iframe}

Spring Data Couchbase 1.0 RC1 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | February 06, 2014 | ...

On behalf of Michael Nitschinger I'm pleased to announce the availability of the first release candidate of the Spring Data module for Couchbase.

The highlights of this release are (usual bugfixes and stability improvements aside) the support for custom repository queries backed by views, the possibility to customize view queries through the @View annotation and @Version support on entities for optimistic locking. Also - when XML configs are used - the beans can now be configured through SpEL expressions. This RC1 release is available from the Spring IO milestone repository. The complete changelog can be found here

Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.5.0.M2 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | February 05, 2014 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce the second milestone release 3.5.0.M2 of the Spring Tool Suite (STS) and the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS).

Highlights from this milestone build include:

  • improved new dashboard
  • improved Jar-type content assist for Spring Boot
  • initial support for Spring Groovy CLI apps
  • major performance improvements for Gradle tooling (refresh dependencies)
  • updated to Grails 2.3.5

Both tool suites ship on top of the latest Eclipse Kepler SR1 release.

To download the distributions, please go visit:

Detailed new and noteworthy notes can be found here: STS/GGTS 3.5.0.M2 New & Noteworthy.

The 3.5.0 release is scheduled for early March 2014 - shortly after the Eclipse Kepler SR2 release.


This Week in Spring - February 4th, 2014

Engineering | Josh Long | February 04, 2014 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring! There's a lot to cover so let's get to it.

  1. Spring Integration 3.0.1 maintenance release is now available, with lots of good bug fixes, and we encourage 3.0.0 users to upgrade now. Check out Gary Russell's blog about what's new in 3.0.0 if you haven't seen it yet, lots of new features.
  2. Spring Data's first release candidate of their "Codd" release train is now available!
  3. Join Spring Data project leads Oliver Geirke and Thomas Darimont on Feb 18th as they school us on Spring Data Repositories - Best Practices.
  4. On Feb 11th, don't miss an Intro to Apache Tomcat 8 Webinar with Apache committer Stuart Williams and Daniel Mikusa
  5. In other Apache Tomcat news, the maintenance release for Apache Tomcat 6.0.39 is now available. Head over to the TomcatExpert blog to check out the details.
  6. Zoltan's blog has a very nice post on building and deploying a Spring Boot application to Heroku! Check it out!
  7. Spring Batch lead Michael Minella gave a nice talk on Spring Batch and the Batch JSR, JSR 352 from SpringOne2GX, replay now available!
  8. Another SpringOne2GX replay this week, a fantastic talk from E*Trade architect Durai Arasan, on Real life use of Spring Integration with RabbitMQ at E*Trade. One of the best talks of SpringOne2GX 2013!
  9. spring.io lead and Spring ninja Chris Beams has put together a great post on what open-source means for all of us here at Pivotal. Check it out, and spread the word!
  10. Our pals at Neo4J got some great TechCrunch coverage about how Neo Technologies is changing the world of Graph databases!
  11. Blogger Brian put together a neat look at one way to handle common web development tasks like resource optimization (JavaScript transpilation, JavaScript and CSS minification, etc. ) with WRO4J and Spring. Check it out!
  12. Spring lead Juergen Hoeller put up a nice post on how to migrate from Spring 3.2 to Spring 4.0.(1).
  13. The Cygnet Infotech blog put together a neat infographic about Grails titled 6 Reasons Why Grails is an Awesome Java Web Framework. I have no idea what the infographic means by "Java" web framework, but it's certainly an epic JVM web framework, and the rest of it is as true as can be!
  14. The Programming Free blog has a post on building RESTful services with Spring MVC 4.0. This post is technically correct, but could stand to be even simpler! (See below)
  15. Fred George, who I had the pleasure of meeting last year (when I spoke at Oredev) through our mutual pal Chris Richardson, did a great talk in 2012 about building micro services which you can watch here. This video has nothing, specifically, to do with Spring. It instead focuses on building loosely coupled, discrete, micro services that - taken together - describe a system. Why do I mention this? Because Spring Boot makes it dead simple to build such services! Check out the Spring Initializr, select the functionality you need (perhaps web and JPA), open up Application.java, and then add a REST endpoint! Here's an example of a complete, working REST service powered by Spring Boot. The only thing I omit is the Maven (or Gradle) build file.

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