When.js 1.8.0 Released

Releases | Jeremy Grelle | February 14, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce the release of when.js 1.8.0.

When.js is cujojs’s lightweight Promises/A and when() implementation, derived from the async core of wire.js, cujojs’s IOC Container. It also provides several other useful Promise-related concepts, such as joining multiple promises, mapping and reducing collections of promises, and timed promises.

Among other things, this release includes an extensive set of adapters for working with existing callback-based APIs, including node-style async APIs, allowing you to effectively convert them into promise-aware functions. In addition, most of the new features in this release are community contributions, which is awesome. Keep it coming!

Some specific highlights include:

  • Adapters for promisifying existing callback-based code.
  • Mechanisms for generating and processing unbounded/infinite lists
  • Promise-based periodic polling utility.

Check out the changelog for more info and direct links to docs for all the new goodies.

If you're still wondering what this cujojs thing is all about, be sure to check out Brian Cavalier and John Hann's "IOC + JavaScript" talk from SpringOne 2012.

Spring Social 1.1.0.M2 Released

Releases | Craig Walls | February 13, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce the second milestone release of Spring Social 1.1.0!

Spring Social is an extension of the Spring Framework that enables you to connect your Java applications to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers such as Facebook and Twitter.

Along with Spring Social 1.1.0, we are also releasing second milestones for Spring Social Facebook 1.1.0 and Spring Social Twitter 1.1.0.

The main theme of milestone 2 is tighter integration with Spring Security, including a new SocialAuthenticationFilter to achieve sign-in-with-provider capability directly within the Spring Security filter chain.

In addition to Spring Security integration, these milestone releases also include:

  • Support for non-standard parameters in the OAuth authorization flows.
  • Interceptor capability in ProviderSignInController's flow to allow for custom behavior in authentication flow.
  • Sign-in capability for Facebook Canvas applications, including a new spring-social-canvas sample to showcase the use of CanvasSignInController.
  • Support for paging in the Facebook API binding with "since" and "until" parameters.
  • Advanced search capabilities in the Twitter API binding.
  • Support for ticker symbol pseudo-entity in Twitter statuses.

These milestone releases also contain several smaller improvements and bug fixes.

To get the software, download the release distribution (Core | Facebook | Twitter).

As always, the Spring Social community has been awesome at providing feedback and contributing pull requests to make this release possible. Significant contributions in this release came from Stefan Fussenegger, who contributed much of the Spring Security integration code and Yuan Ji who provided feedback and refactoring help in that same set of code. Also, it seems that the Spring Social community has taken a keen interest in using Spring Social to build Facebook Canvas apps, which led to the creation of CanvasSignInController.

If you'd like to follow along or contribute, we encourage you to participate in the Spring Social Forum, report bugs or suggest enhancements, or to fork the code and contribute back via pull requests.

Spring Data release train Arora available

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | February 13, 2013 | ...

I am pleased to announce the first themed release of the Spring Data release train named Arora. Going forward we'll use names of famous computer scientists to label a set of Spring Data modules to make it easier to identify modules being compatible to each other. This mostly refers to the Spring Data Commons version they refer to.

The Arora release contains the following modules:

The major new features of the release are:

  • Annotation based auditing support through @CreatedDate, @CreatedBy etc. (except Spring Data Gemfire)
  • Exposure of Spring Data Mapping information for all modules (to be used by Spring Data REST)
  • Spring Data Mapping information being read from accessor methods as well
  • Automatic registration of JodaTime Converters if present on classpath (Spring Data MongoDB)
  • Major improvements to mapping subsystem and query execution for Spring Data MongoDB
  • Extended querying options on query methods (Spring Data Solr)
  • Annotation support for Gemfire functions (Spring Data Gemfire)
  • A tag has been added to the gfe-data XML namespace for automatic basic client connection and region configuration. (Spring Data Gemfire)
  • Support for Lettuce Redis driver (raising the count of supported driver to 5, Spring Data Redis)
  • Dynamic removal of listener for running MesageListenerContainer (Spring Data Redis)
  • Refined Maven build to ease release process

Alongside the new major versions of the Spring Data Modules we've also published bugfix releases for Spring Data Commons (1.4.1), Spring Data JPA (1.2.1) and Spring Data MongoDB (1.1.2).

Note: The artifactId of the Spring Data Commons module has changed to from spring-data-commons-core to spring-data-commons. So if you're explicitly referring to it from your project, make sure you update the reference accordingly.

The binaries will be present in Maven central shortly if not already in place.

Spring Social Twitter 1.0.3 Released

Releases | Craig Walls | February 13, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm happy to announce the release of Spring Social Twitter 1.0.3.RELEASE.

Spring Social is an extension of the Spring Framework that enables you to connect your Java applications to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers such as Facebook and Twitter.

This is an API-update release, bringing Spring Social Twitter's API binding up to date with version 1.1 of Twitter's API. Twitter has deprecated the 1.0 version of their API and will shut it down next month. It is recommended that if you are using Spring Social Twitter 1.0.2 or lower that you immediately upgrade to Spring Social Twitter 1.0.3 to avoid any disruption in functionality.

To get the software, download the release distribution.

It is anticipated that this will be the last release of Spring Social Twitter in the 1.0.x series. Work on Spring Social 1.1.0 is well underway and is now at milestone 2 for the 1.1.0 release.

This Week in Spring - Feb 12th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | February 12, 2013 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring ! As usual, we've got a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

  1. Dave Syer is taking his SpringOne2GX talk to an online audience on Feb 14th, 2013 Webinar - When and Why Would I Use OAuth2?
  2. Dream team Sam Brannen (Swiftmind) & Rossen Stoyanchev (SpringSource) join forces on Feb 21st, 2013 for a Webinar: Testing Web Applications with Spring 3.2
  3. New SpringOne2GX 2012 talks released to YouTube in HD! Ten Great Reasons to Virtualize Your Java Apps, and What's New in CloudFoundry.
  4. Our pal Boris Lam is back, this time with two posts on how to use Spring Data MongoDB and JSF together.
  5. The PluralSight blog has a video introduction to Spring MVC interceptors. This video is an excerpt from a full-fledged video course.
    <LI>  Cool demonstration: <A href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTxd0PGDaMI&list=UU7yfnfvEUlXUIfm8rGLwZdA&index=1">Spring Insight plugins for Spring Integration and RabbitMQ</a>. 
  6. The syntx blog has a nice post on how to add HTTP Basic authentication using Spring Security to Spring MVC-secured resources.
  7. Krishna's Blog has a nice post introducing unit-testing the Spring Security layer with the InMemoryDaoImpl.
  8. <LI>  You know, I was looking for something like this just the other day!  <EM>Mark's Blog </EM> has a nice post on the <A href="http://markchensblog.blogspot.com/2013/02/how-spring-mvc-works.html"> workflow of the various objects in servicing an incoming HTTP request in Spring MVC</a>.  Is this stuff you could easily figure out by sticking a breakpoint in a controller and just looking at the call stack…

SpringOne 2GX 2012 Replays: Ten Great Reasons to Virtualize Java Applications, What's New in CloudFoundry

News | Pieter Humphrey | February 12, 2013 | ...

Ten Great Reasons to Virtualize Your Java Apps

Customer interest in virtualizing Java workloads has been growing exponentially year on year. For the last few years, the focus has been largely around looking for best practice guidance to mitigate concerns around virtualizing Java workloads, particularly in the area of performance. Since joining VMware, SpringSource has been investing in providing first class support for the Java runtime on vSphere with products such as EM4J. Combined with the industry-leading capabilities of the vSphere platform and the growing product portfolio around the Java ecosystem, there are many great reasons to virtualize Java.

So rather than continuing to ask the question, is it OK to virtualize Java, this session boldly aims to suggest that you would be crazy not to!

About Benjamin Corrie

Benjamin Corrie

Ben Corrie has been working on Java since 1998, where he began at IBM testing JDK 1.1.4. He progressed to working on the internals of IBM's Java Virtual Machine where he lead a project to develop industry-leading memory management technology for the JVM. He joined SpringSource as a consultant in 2008 and moved to California a year later to lead an effort to improve Java performance on vSphere. As the tech lead on the recently announced EM4J project, he is successfully helping to make vSphere the best place to run Java.

More About Benjamin »

What's New in Cloud Foundry

Come to this session to get an in-depth view of the latest and greatest in Cloud Foundry. It's easier than ever before to build and deploy your distributed polyglot applications. You will see some exciting new options, including new Java and Node runtimes and support for background workers and container-less web apps. These features allow you to create distributed apps comprised of many smaller, focused apps each written in the framework that fits its purpose best. We will also explore the latest in tooling, including new features in the STS plugin and the brand new "next gen" VMC client. We will peek under the hood to see what's new in the Cloud Foundry architecture. From Cloud Foundry beginner to expert, this session has something for everyone.

About Jennifer Hickey

Jennifer Hickey

Jennifer Hickey is a Sr. Software Engineer with SpringSource/VMware, with over a decade of experience in software engineering. Jennifer is a member of the Cloud Foundry team, specializing in developer experience and support of frameworks such as Spring, Grails, Rails, and Sinatra. She is passionate about increasing developer productivity in the cloud. Jennifer has led or contributed to a number of SpringSource projects, including Hyperic and tc Server. She has been involved in converting multiple large EJB/legacy codebases to Spring. Prior to joining SpringSource, Jennifer was a principal architect of a large-scale network management system.

More About Jennifer »

About Ramnivas Laddad

Ramnivas Laddad

Ramnivas Laddad is a SpringSource Principal Engineer. He has over a decade of experience in applying his enterprise Java and aspect-oriented programming (AOP) expertise to middleware, design automation, networking, web application, user interface, and security projects.

Ramnivas Laddad is a well-known expert in enterprise Java, especially in the area of AOP and Spring. He is the author of AspectJ in Action, the best-selling book on AOP and AspectJ that has been lauded by industry experts for its presentation of practical and innovative AOP applications to solve real-world problems. Ramnivas, a Spring framework committer, is also an active presenter at leading industry events such as JavaOne, JavaPolis, No Fluff Just Stuff, SpringOne, Software Development, and has been an active member of both the AspectJ and Spring communities from their beginnings.

More About Ramnivas »


This Week in Spring - Feb 5th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | February 06, 2013 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring --

There's some great video content is available online this week, so be sure to check the content out. Also, you asked and we are delivering - we now maintain an single index page for all SpringOne2GX recordings along with the link to the InfoQ page for their recordings of the event. On with the roundup!

  1. Rossen Stoyanchev has announced the 2.4M1 and 2.3.2 releases of Spring Web Flow.
  2. Dream team Sam Brannen (Swiftmind) & Rossen Stoyanchev (SpringSource) join forces on Feb 21st, 2013 for a Webinar: Testing Web Applications with Spring 3.2
  3. Dave Syer is taking his SpringOne2GX talk to an online audience on Feb 14th, 2013 When and Why Would I Use OAuth2?
  4. Jeremy Grelle's talk from SpringOne2GX 2012 introducing practical patterns for asynchronous, push-enabled applications is now available online.
  5. Craig Walls' presentation from SpringOne2GX 2012 Introducing Spring Social is now available on YouTube in HD.
  6. Craig Walls' Javascript - focused talk from SpringOne2GX 2012 Client Side UI Smackdown, is now available on YouTube in HD.
  7. Over on InfoQ China (where the content is in Chinese...), blogger Ding Xuefeng has done a marvelous job shining a light on some of the various Spring sub-projects, including Spring Data, Spring Batch, Spring Integration. Definitely worth a read!
  8. The slides from Spring framework committer Sam Brannen's talk on Spring Framework 3.2 are available, and make for a fascinating read.
  9. This blog explains how to lookup and use a JavaMail Session as configured in Tomcat's JNDI from a Spring application.
  10. The softtech blog has a code-heavy post introducing how to create a one-to-many relationship using Spring Data JPA.
  11. <LI>The <EM>Guident</EM> blog has a nice <a href="http://blog.guident.com/2013/01/spring-into-apache-hadoop/">post introducing  Spring Data Hadoop's support for HBase.</a> </LI>
    <LI> The <EM>Dinesh on Java</EM> blog has a nice post on  <A href="http://www.dineshonjava.com/2013/01/spring-data…

SpringOne 2GX 2012 Replays: Client Side UI Smackdown, Making Connections with Spring Social

News | Pieter Humphrey | February 05, 2013 | ...

Making Connections with Spring Social

The modern web is rich with APIs that can be consumed by other applications, enabling an integrated experience for the users who hold accounts on the websites that front those APIs. Many of these APIs are secured with OAuth, an authorization specification for securing REST APIs. Spring Social is an extension to the Spring Framework that enables Spring applications to establish connections with those APIs on behalf of their users with little or no need to muck about in the intricacies of OAuth.

In this session, we'll explore how Spring Social brings API connectivity to Spring applications. We'll also uncover the newest features of Spring Social that make it easier than ever to link your application's users to the identities they maintain on various sites across the web.

About Craig Walls

Craig Walls

Craig Walls has been professionally developing software for almost 18 years (and longer than that for the pure geekiness of it). He is a senior engineer with SpringSource as the Spring Social project lead and is the author of Spring in Action and XDoclet in Action (both published by Manning) and Modular Java (published by Pragmatic Bookshelf). He's a zealous promoter of the Spring Framework, speaking frequently at local user groups and conferences and writing about Spring and OSGi on his blog. When he's not slinging code, Craig spends as much time as he can with his wife, two daughters, 4 birds and 3 dogs.

More About Craig »

Client-Side UI Smackdown

In the modern web, user interfaces are expected to be rich, highly responsive, and available anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Round-trip server-side HTML rendering doesn't fit the bill any longer and numerous JavaScript frameworks have stepped forward to simplify development of client-side user-interfaces. With so many great options available, we now face a paradox of choice and it can be difficult to decide which UI framework best suits our needs.

In this session we'll explore a handful of the most popular client-side UI frameworks, including Backbone, Knockout, Sammy, and Spine (and others) weighing their strengths and weaknesses and helping decide which framework is most suitable for a given set of UI goals.

About Craig Walls

Craig Walls

Craig Walls has been professionally developing software for almost 18 years (and longer than that for the pure geekiness of it). He is a senior engineer with SpringSource as the Spring Social project lead and is the author of Spring in Action and XDoclet in Action (both published by Manning) and Modular Java (published by Pragmatic Bookshelf). He's a zealous promoter of the Spring Framework, speaking frequently at local user groups and conferences and writing about Spring and OSGi on his blog. When he's not slinging code, Craig spends as much time as he can with his wife, two daughters, 4 birds and 3 dogs.

More About Craig »

Spring Web Flow 2.4 M1 and 2.3.2 Released

Releases | Rossen Stoyanchev | February 04, 2013 | ...

A minor maintenance release of Spring Web Flow 2.3.2 is now available via Maven and for download. See the Changelog for the list of changes.

A first milestone of Spring Web Flow 2.4 is also available through the SpringSource milestone repository. See the Changelog for the full list of changes.

Spring Web Flow samples have been separated from the distribution and into a separate Github project. In addition the booking-mvc sample has been updated to use Thymeleaf thanks to Thymeleaf's project lead Daniel Fernández.

This Week in Spring - January 29th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | January 29, 2013 | ...

Welcome back to another installation of This Week in Spring ! I've been visiting developers and companies in India, China, and Japan. It's been an exciting time to see what these emerging and powerful countries are doing with open source and with Spring, in particular! Of course, stay tuned to the SpringSource blog in the coming weeks some very cool examples and details!

In the meantime, as usual, we've got quite a bit of news to cover this week, including more news on the Spring 4 roadmap announcement from last week. If you want to get the absolute latest, check out the Spring 3.2 GA webinar replay on YouTube, where Spring Framework 4.0 is covered a bit toward the end. Let's get to it!

  1. Charles Humble at InfoQ's done a nice interview with Juergen Hoeller and write up of the Spring 4 announcement .
  2. The Spring Integration 2.2.1 and 2.1.5 maintenance releases are now generally available.
  3. 		<LI>Spring HATEOAS 0.4 was <a href="http://www.springsource.org/node/3796">released</a>, adding Jackson and HAL support.</LI>
  4. Two new SpringOne 2GX 2012 Replays have been released to our YouTube Channel: Tooling for the Javascript Era, An Introduction to Broadleaf Commerce
  5. We've launched a page to centralize all the SpringOne2GX 2012 recordings, check it out!
  6. Chris Beams, Gunnar Hillert, and Rossen Stoyanchev were recorded in well-received presentation Introducing WebSockets at SpringOne2GX 2012, now online on InfoQ!
  7. Blogger Ilias Tsagklis from the Java Code Geeks blog also has a nice post on the Spring 4.0 roadmap announcement.
  8. Chris Beams has announced that Spring 3.1.4 has been released!
  9. Marty Pitt has created a very nice extension - he's calling it BakeHouse- for Spring web applications that preprocesses web artifacts for consumption in your web application at application startup. There are various kinds of pre processing possible: This is a very cool extension, Marty! It's like what I always wanted things like JAWR to be! The thing I most like about it, though? The fluid use of Spring Java @Configuration classes! Really slick and productive!
  10. The Japanese portal Public Key has a nice writeup of the announced roadmap for Spring 4.0
  11. The Just Enough Architecture blog has a nice post on using ActiveMQ, Spring Integration and MongoDB together - cool! I might've used Spring Batch's flat file reading support instead of a custom one out of the box, though, overall, this is an awesome post!
  12. Blogger madhav has a nice look at the code to support table and class inheritance using Spring Data JPA. That said, it's really hard to read as the code is not indented at all!
  13. Noushin Bashir has put together a nice post on how to configure ActiveMQ with SSL and then connect to it from Spring.
  14. 	<LI>  Allard Buijze over at Trifork has announced <a href= "http://blog.trifork.nl/2013/01/22/axon-framework-2-0-released/"> version 2.0 of…

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