Spring AMQP 1.6.0 Milestone 1 (and 1.5.4) Available

Engineering | Gary Russell | February 16, 2016 | ...

We are pleased to announce the availability of the first milestone of the 1.6 version of Spring AMQP.

Some highlights of this release:

  • A new jar spring-rabbit-test containing a test harness to help with testing @RabbitListener methods; see the testing chapter.

  • Multiple @RabbitListener annotations on a method (when using Java 8) and the @RabbitListeners annotation (for pre-Java 8), each allowing the same method to be the listener method for multiple listener containers.

  • Full support for the Delayed Message Exchange RabbitMQ plugin.

  • An AsyncRabbitTemplate returning ListenableFuture<?> for request/reply messaging.

  • An option to publish ApplicationEvents when listener containers go idle.

Distributed Tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Spring Cloud Zipkin

Engineering | Josh Long | February 15, 2016 | ...

I was inspired by OpenZipkin contributor and Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin contributor Adrian Cole's epic talk introducing Zipkin to write this particular post. There's so much epic stuff in that talk, so once you're done reading this, go watch that!

Advances in technology and cloud computing have made it easier to stand up and deploy services with ease. Cloud computing enables us to automate away the pain (from days or weeks (gasp!) to minutes!) associated with standing up new services. This increase in velocity in turn enables us to be more agile, to think about smaller batches of…

Developing Spring Boot applications with Kotlin

Engineering | Sébastien Deleuze | February 15, 2016 | ...

Update: a comprehensive Spring Boot + Kotlin tutorial is now available.

Just in time for Kotlin 1.0 release, we are adding support for Kotlin language to https://start.spring.io in order to make it easier to start new Spring Boot projects with this language.

This blog post is also an opportunity for me to explain why I find this language interesting, to show you a sample project in detail and to give you some tips.

What is Kotlin?

Kotlin is a language created by JetBrains. It runs on top of the JVM (but not only), it is an object oriented language that includes many ideas from functional programming. I won't go too much in details about all Kotlin features (PDF, HTML

Spring Data Couchbase 2.0

Engineering | Josh Long | February 10, 2016 | ...

This is a cross-post blog from Simon BASLÉ from Couchbase. You can find him on twitter (@simonbasle) or github. Learn more about Couchbase and the Couchbase Java SDK on the developer portal. Thanks again, Simon and great job to you and your team! -Josh

Spring Data Couchbase 2.0 is a rewrite of the original Spring Data Couchbase 1.4.x connector. It is based on the Couchbase Java 2.2 SDK and makes heavy use of the new query language N1QL (which was introduced in Couchbase Server 4.0) to offer more features for Spring Data users.

The first Milestone has been released last august, then a Release…

This Week in Spring - February 9th, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | February 09, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installation of This Week in Spring! This week I'm in beautiful Stockholm, Sweden at the amazing JFokus conference. It's also Shrove Tuesday here in Sweden and the custom is to over-indulge, so as I type this I am eating a Semla. I hope you too enjoy over-indulging on this week's epic roundup!

  • the world's worst kept secret is finally announced! We've been developing a reactive runtime for Spring MVC, and you can start to kick the tires! Check out this amazing blog on Spring 5's ambitions for reactive web programming!
  • Spring Cloud Stream lead Marius Bogoevici has just announced Spring Cloud Stream 1.0.0.M4 which, among other things, defaults to publish/subscribe semantics, supports a notion of consumer groups, provides a simplified binder SPI, resettable Kafka offsets, and so much more! Check it out!
  • the 2.0.0.RELEASE of Spring Data Couchbase just dropped!

Reactive Spring

Engineering | Rossen Stoyanchev | February 09, 2016 | ...

At SpringOne2GX 2015, Juergen announced plans for Spring Framework 5 with a major focus on reactive architectures. Concrete efforts are already underway and a lot has happened since!

At the most basic level, reactive programming models allow for writing non-blocking services and applications. This requires a fundamental shift from writing imperative logic to async, non-blocking, functional-style code, in particular when interacting with external resources.

Reactive Web Applications

Most Java web applications are built on the Servlet API which was originally created with synchronous and…

Orchestrating Work with Activiti and Spring Integration

Engineering | Josh Long | February 06, 2016 | ...

I received an email recently that asked about how to forward control from a wait-state in an Activiti (which is an open-source BPMN2 workflow engine from Alfresco) to a Spring Integration flow and then resume execution of the Activiti workflow process upon completion of some work in Spring Integration.

To really appreciate why this is useful goal, we need some background.

What is Activiti

Activiti is a business process engine. It's basically a directed graph of nodes (states) that model the states of a complex business process. It keeps track of the progression of work described in a business…

This Week in Spring - February 2nd, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | February 02, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's been a busy week for all of us on the Spring team, as you're about to see! I've just finished my presentation at the epic DevNexus show and now I'm off to visit customers in Hartford and Los Angeles before making my way to the epic ConFoo conference in Montreal, Canada. If you're in the area, be sure to ping me and say hi!

We've got a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

AngularJS - Escaping the Expression Sandbox for XSS

Engineering | Rob Winch | January 28, 2016 | ...

UPDATE: This is a summary of XSS without HTML: Client-Side Template Injection with AngularJS. Previously the citation was in the middle of the document and difficult to find. The goal of the summary is to present the exploit and a fix without all the nuances, not to claim the work as my own.


AngularJS is a popular JavaScript framework that allows embedding expressions within double curly braces. For example, the expression 1+2={{1+2}} will render as 1+2=3.

This means that if the server echos out user input that contains double curly braces, the user can perform a XSS exploit using…

This Week in Spring - January 26th, 2016

Engineering | Josh Long | January 26, 2016 | ...

Welcome to another installation of This Week in Spring! Here we are, already staring at the second month of the year and, boy!, are things getting exciting! I'm about to start hitting the road again and I'd love to talk to you and your organization if you're near any of the following places and events in February:

Anyway, without further ado, let's get into it!

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