Spring Web Services Samples have been updated!

Engineering | Greg L. Turnquist | August 10, 2020 | ...

Dear Spring community,

Spring Web Services Samples (spring-ws-samples) has been upgraded!

You might have known this, but many parts of this collection of samples goes all the way back to 2006. Today, I am happy to report it has been updated in a multitude of ways.

  • Introduction to Spring Boot

  • Introduction to Spring Data

  • Removal of outdated technologies

  • Removal of redundant samples

This was a hard-won task that took me several weeks, but based on the incredible persistence of SOAP, it was something that had to be done to serve the Spring community.

Introduction to Spring Boot

One of…

Case Study: Build and Run a Streaming Application Using an HTTP Source and a JDBC Sink

Engineering | David Turanski | August 10, 2020 | ...


So far in this series we have introduced the new stream applications based on Java functions, and function composition. We have also provided detailed examples of how to build a source from a supplier and a sink from a consumer. Here we continue the journey with the first of several case studies to follow. Each case study demonstrates how to use one or more of the available pre-packaged Spring Boot stream applications, in various scenarios, to build data streaming pipelines.

Today we will showcase two of the most commonly used applications, the HTTP source and the JDBC sink. We will use them to build a simple service that accepts HTTP POST requests and saves the contents to a database table. We will first run these as standalone Spring Cloud Stream applications, and then show how to orchestrate the same pipeline with Spring Cloud Data Flow

A Bootiful Podcast: JFrog's Baruch Sadogursky on continuous delivery, DevOps, Java artifact management and more

Engineering | Josh Long | August 07, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! In this installment Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks about ten years on the Spring team, reactive support, and RSocket support in Spring Integration, his upcoming appearances at SpringOne and his upcoming YOW! workshop on Cloud Native Java, and then talks to JFrog's Baruch Sadogursky (@jbaruch) about continuous delivery, DevOps, Java artifact management Artifactory, and more.

This Week in Spring - August 4th, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | August 05, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring!

How're you all doing? Me? I'm doing swell! I was so happy to celebrate my tenth anniversary on the Spring team on the 2nd of August, 2020. It has been an amazing run so far and I am so excited about the continued adventure! A huge part of the reason I love this job is because of you, dear community. Thank you. You can learn more about the story so far in this blog.

Creating a function for consuming data and generating Spring Cloud Stream Sink applications

Engineering | Soby Chacko | August 03, 2020 | ...

This is part 4 of the blog series in which we are introducing java functions for Spring Cloud Stream applications.

Other parts in the series.

Part 1 - General Introduction

Part 2 - Function Composition

Part 3 - Supplier function and Source application

In the last blog in this series, we saw how we can use a java.util.function.Supplier to generate a Spring Cloud Stream source. In this new edition, we will see how a consuming function can be developed and tested using java.util.function.Consumer and java.util.function.Function. Later on, we will briefly explain the generation of a Spring Cloud…

This Week in Spring - July 28th, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | July 28, 2020 | ...

Creating a Supplier Function and generating Spring Cloud Stream Source

Engineering | Soby Chacko | July 27, 2020 | ...

This is part 3 of the blog series in which we are introducing java functions for Spring Cloud Stream applications.

Other parts in the series.

Part 1 - General Introduction

Part 2 - Function Composition

In the last two blogs in this series, we provided a general introduction to this new initiative of migrating all the existing Spring Cloud Stream App Starters to functions and the various ways in which we can compose them. In this blog, we continue the series, showing how these functions are developed, tested, and used to generate Spring Cloud Stream applications. In particular, here we are focusing on how to write a supplier function (implementing java.util.function.Supplier

This Week in Spring - July 21, 2020

Engineering | Josh Long | July 21, 2020 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to yet another installment of This Week in Spring! How're you doing? Good, I hope!

I've just finished recording two epic episodes of a Bootiful Podcast that'll be streaming to ears near you in the not-too-distant future. I can not wait.

I'm also super excited: tomorrow I'll be hosting the Reactive Spring and Spring Tips-themed edition of SpringOne Tour. Do not miss this!

Also, the Spring team wants to hear from you! Please fill this survey out.

We've got a ton of stuff to get into this week, so let's begin.

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