Spring Framework 4.0 RC1 available

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | November 01, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring community,

I'm pleased to announce the availability of our first Spring Framework 4.0 release candidate. This release completes our 4.0 feature set with several new features since M3:

  • full compatibility with recent OpenJDK 8 Developer Preview builds
  • first-class support for Groovy-based bean definitions (as known from Grails)
  • autowiring based on generic types (e.g. MyRepository<Customer>)
  • using Objenesis to create CGLIB proxy instances (allowing for constructor injection)
  • the introduction of a ScriptEvaluator mechanism (including JSR-223 support)
  • time zone resolution in Spring MVC (connected to JSR-310 and Joda-Time)
  • finer-grained configuration options for Spring MVC's @ControllerAdvice
  • the introduction of MvcUriComponentsBuilder (inspired by Spring HATEOAS)

Spring Security 3.2.0.RC2 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | November 01, 2013 | ...

Spring Security 3.2.0.RC2 is now available from the SpringSource repository at http://repo.springsource.org. See here for a quick tutorial on resolving these artifacts via Maven.

What's new?

The release resolves 80+ issues. Most of the issues for this release were fixing bug, adding documentation, and converting our documentation to Asciidoctor.

Refer to the recently added What's new in Spring Security 3.2 to find all the highlights of this release. You will notice there are some nice features that have been added that I have not blogged about. Be sure to follow the links to see and links to…

Spring LDAP 2.0.0.M1 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | November 01, 2013 | ...

I'm pleased to announce that Spring LDAP 2.0.0.M1 is now available from the SpringSource repository at http://repo.springsource.org. See here for a quick tutorial on resolving these artifacts via Maven.

What's New?

The release adds lots of new functionality! Some of the highlights can be found below:

  • Spring Data Repository and QueryDSL support is now included in Spring LDAP.
  • Fluent LDAP query support has been added.
  • A custom XML namespace is now provided to simplify configuration of Spring LDAP.
  • Spring LDAP core has been updated with Java 5 features such as generics and varargs.
  • The ODM (Object-Directory Mapping) functionality has been moved to core and there are new methods in LdapOperations/LdapTemplate that uses this automatic translation to/from ODM-annotated classes.

Spring Boot 0.5.0.M5 Released

Releases | Dave Syer | October 09, 2013 | ...

Spring Boot 0.5.0.M5 is available in the Spring repo. Instructions for installing and using are on the project website or in github. Loads of new features including:

  • Autoconfigure support for JMS, AMQP, AOP, Mobile, MongoDB
  • Simplified @Grab usage (see example below)
  • A test command for Groovy scripts (supporting JUnit and Spock, more detail coming on that in a blog from Greg)
  • A new SpringApplicationBuilder with support for, amongst other things, application context hierarchies
  • A new PropertiesLauncher that can launch a Java application from properties discovered at runtime (e.g. to set up a classpath from a lib directory)

Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.4.0 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | October 08, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

we are happy to announce the next major release of our Eclipse-based tooling today: The Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.4.0 and the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS) 3.4.0.

Highlights from this release include:

  • import new Getting Started guides directly into the IDE
  • new wizard to start with Spring Boot directly from within the IDE
  • automatic detection for JavaConfig classes
  • basic support for Groovy in Spring IDE
  • updated to Eclipse Kepler SR1
  • updated to Grails 2.2.4
  • updated to tc Server 2.9.3

Both tool suites ship on top of the latest Eclipse Kepler SR1 release.

To download the distributions, please go visit:

Detailed new and noteworthy notes can be found here: STS/GGTS 3.4.0 New & Noteworthy.

The next version 3.5.0 is scheduled to arrive in March 2014, shortly after the Eclipse Kepler SR2 (4.3.2) release. The first milestone build is scheduled to arrive in late November 2013.


Spring Mobile 1.1.0 Released

Releases | Roy Clarkson | October 08, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are happy to announce the GA release of Spring Mobile 1.1.0! This release includes all the changes from the previous milestones, including the following:

  • Improved device detection in LiteDeviceResolver
  • Tablet support in SitePreference and SiteSwitcher
  • Java-based configuration to complement the traditional XML configuration
  • LiteDeviceDelegatingViewResolver for managing mobile and tablet views

See the Changelog, JavaDoc, and Reference Documentation for more details. Information about obtaining the artifacts can be found on the Spring Mobile project page.

Spring Data Arora SR3 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | October 01, 2013 | ...

The Spring Data team has just released the final service release for the Arora release train. SR3 includes the following modules:

In it's core the release includes all bug fixes made between Babbage RC1 and GA that were candidates for back porting. It's a recommended update for all users on Arora that cannot upgrade to Babbage for whatever reason.

The third service release is the last release for Arora. The Spring Data team is now focussing on the development of the first milestone for the upcoming release train called Codd as well as service releases for Babbage. You can find an overview of the further release planning

Spring Data Couchbase 1.0 M1 and Spring Data Solr 1.0 GA released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | September 12, 2013 | ...

Hot on the heals of the Spring Data Babbage GA release I am happy to announce the availability of two community driven Spring Data modules, namely the first milestone of Spring Data Couchbase lead by Michael Nitschinger and the 1.0 GA of Spring Data Solr lead by Christoph Strobl.

The first milestone release of the Couchbase module contains lots of features that allow you to build content driven and scalable applications on top of Couchbase and spring-data very quickly. This release features support for templates, repositories, Java and XML-style configuration. Entities are automatically converted into JSON documents, which can be queried from Couchbase and exported through scalable map/reduce views. In addition to that, the release contains support for @Cacheable

Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.4.0.M1 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | September 12, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring community,

I am happy to announce the first milestone release 3.4.0.M1 of the Spring Tool Suite (STS) and the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS).

Highlights from this milestone build include:

  • import new Getting Started guides directly into the IDE
  • new wizard to start with Spring Boot directly from within the IDE
  • automatic detection for JavaConfig classes
  • basic support for Groovy in Spring IDE
  • updated to Eclipse Kepler SR1 (RC1)
  • updated to Grails 2.2.4
  • updated to tc Server 2.9.3

Both tool suites ship on top of the latest Eclipse Kepler SR1 RC builds.

The 3.4.0. release is scheduled for early October 2013 - shortly after the Eclipse Kepler SR1 release.

To download the distributions, please go visit:

Detailed new and noteworthy notes can be found here: STS/GGTS 3.4.0.M1 New & Noteworthy.


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