Spring Data Redis 1.1 Released

Releases | Jennifer Hickey | September 11, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am pleased to announce the SpringOne 2013 release of Spring Data Redis 1.1! This release provides support for Redis 2.6 commands and features, including an abstraction for running Redis scripts from your Spring application.

Other highlights include:

  • Significant enhancements to pipelining functionality
  • Data type conversion and deserialization of Redis transaction results
  • Modified API for adding or removing multiple List, Set, and Hash elements in one call

Run this Jira Query for a complete list of changes.

We look forward to your feedback on the forum or in the issue tracker

Introducing the Spring YARN framework for developing Apache Hadoop YARN applications

Releases | Janne Valkealahti | September 10, 2013 | ...

We're super excited to let the cat out of the bag and release support for writing YARN based applications as part of the Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.0 M1 release. In this blog post I’ll introduce you to YARN, what you can do with it, and how Spring simplifies the development of YARN based applications.

If you have been following the Hadoop community over the past year or two, you’ve probably seen a lot of discussions around YARN and the next version of Hadoop's MapReduce called MapReduce v2. YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is a component of the MapReduce project created to overcome some…

Spring Data Babbage release train goes GA

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | September 10, 2013 | ...

Dear Spring community, just in time for SpringOne 2013, we are happy to announce the availability of the GA version of the Spring Data release train code named Babbage. The release concludes the development of a pile of new features and improvements for the Spring Data Core, JPA, MongoDB and Neo4j modules and will serve as foundation for upcoming releases of a bunch of community modules. Here are the most important features of the release.

General upgrades / Spring Data Commons:

  • Spring 4 and JDK 8 compatibility improvements in Spring Data Core to leak into all modules
  • Extended Pageable/Page APIs
  • Advanced web and hypermedia integration for Spring MVC
  • Support for count…By in derived query method names of repositories
  • Upgrade to Querydsl 3.x timeline
  • Improved CDI extensions for all modules

Spring Security 3.2.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | August 31, 2013 | ...

Spring Security 3.2.0.RC1 is now available from the SpringSource repository at http://repo.springsource.org. See here for a quick tutorial on resolving these artifacts via Maven.

This release includes tons of updates and fixes. The highlights include:

  • Polishing of Spring Security Java Configuration
    • Uses content negotiation to determine how to prompt user for authentication when multiple authentication mechanisms (i.e. HTTP Basic and Form login) enabled
    • AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer allows registering Java Configuration directly
    • A number of bugs fixed
  • CSRF protection and automatic integration with Spring Web MVC jsp tags
  • Automatic cache control support
  • Defence against Clickjacking attacks
  • HTTP Strict Transport Security support to reduce Man in the Middle attacks
  • Samples include pom.xml so they can be imported as Maven projects
  • MediaTypeRequestMatcher for matching on requests with content negotiation
  • Over ten java configuration samples have been integrated into the samples directory
  • Three new guides that walk users through samples and provide detailed instructions on how to do specific tasks. More of these guides will follow in coming releases
  • Refer to Spring Security 3.2.0.RC1 preview for more details about this release.


    To learn about all the new features within Spring Security 3.2 attend my Getting Started with Spring Security 3.2 presentation at SpringOne2GX September 9-12, 2013. If you haven't already gotten your tickets, do so now before its too late!

    Changelog | Download | Reference Manual | Guides | FAQ

    Spring LDAP 1.3.2 Released

    Releases | Rob Winch | August 26, 2013 | ...

    It is with great pleasure that I am announcing the release of Spring LDAP 1.3.2. This release contains lots of bug fixes and will provide a solid foundation for a Spring LDAP 2.0 release.

    I'd like to thank Mattias Arthursson from 261 Consulting for all his hard work on this release.

    Spring Data Redis 1.1 RC1 Released

    Releases | Jennifer Hickey | August 23, 2013 | ...

    Dear Spring Community,

    I am pleased to announce the first release candidate of Spring Data Redis 1.1!

    Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Changelog

    Highlights include:

    • Support for millisecond precision in key expiration commands
    • Resubscription of message listeners on connection failure
    • Full implementation of ConcurrentMap contract in RedisMap and RedisProperties

    For more information about Spring Data Redis please see the home page for a live sample and webinar recording.

    We look forward to your feedback on the forum or in the issue tracker. We hope to see you at the upcoming SpringOne conference in Santa Clara, CA. Checkout the schedule and register!

    Spring XD 1.0 Milestone 2 Released

    Releases | Mark Pollack | August 14, 2013 | ...

    Today we are pleased to announce the 1.0 M2 release of Spring XD (download)  Spring XD is a unified, distributed, and extensible system for data ingestion, real time analytics, batch processing, and data export.  The project’s goal is to simplify the development of big data applications.

    The second milestone release of Spring XD introduces several new features that make it even easier to ingest and process real-time streams of data as well as orchestrate Hadoop based batch jobs.  In this blog post we will cover

    • Shell
    • New sources, sinks and transports
    • DSL improvements
    • Batch Jobs


    The most noticeable new feature is the introduction of the interactive shell.  The shell provides you an easy way to create new streams and jobs, view metrics, interact with Hadoop, and more.  As an introduction to the shell I will redo some of the examples from the M1 blog post.


    Spring Mobile 1.0.2 Released

    Releases | Roy Clarkson | August 06, 2013 | ...

    Dear Spring Community,

    We are happy to announce the release of Spring Mobile 1.0.2! Spring Mobile provides extensions to Spring MVC that aid in the development of cross-platform mobile web applications. This release includes the following:

    • Firefox OS now detected as mobile device
    • Kindle devices are now detected as tablets
    • Kindle Fire devices are detected as tablet if they are in Silk Desktop mode or Android WebView, and as mobile when in Silk Mobile mode
    • Additional bug fixes and improvements

    See the changelog and reference manual for more information.

    To retrieve the software, download the release distribution, or add the maven artifacts to your project. Sample apps are available to help you get started. If you are building a mobile web app, we encourage you try Spring Mobile 1.0.2 and collaborate with us on the next iteration of the project.

    Spring Mobile 1.1.0.RC1 Released

    Releases | Roy Clarkson | August 06, 2013 | ...

    Dear Spring Community,

    We are happy to announce the release of Spring Mobile 1.1.0.RC1! Spring Mobile provides extensions to Spring MVC that aid in the development of cross-platform mobile web applications. This release includes the following:

    • Firefox OS now detected as mobile device
    • Corrected an issue with redirects and forwards when using LiteDeviceDelegatingViewResolver
    • Additional bug fixes and improvements

    See the changelog and reference manual for more information.

    To retrieve the software, download the release distribution, or add the maven artifacts to your project. Sample apps are available to help you get started. If you are building a mobile web app, we encourage you try Spring Mobile 1.1.0.RC1 and collaborate with us on the next iteration of the project.

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