Spring Framework 6.1.8, 6.0.21 and 5.3.36 available now

Releases | Brian Clozel | May 22, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, I am pleased to announce that Spring Framework 6.1.8, 6.0.21 and 5.3.36 are available now.

We are releasing out of our usual cycle to fix an AOP regression that was shipped last week.

Spring Integration 6.3 Available, also 6.2.5 & 6.1.9

Releases | Artem Bilan | May 22, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who contributed, I am pleased to announce Spring Integration 6.3.0.

In addition to regular bug fixes, dependency upgrade, there were some deprecation refactoring. The Migration Guide includes some of them.

Here are some notable improvements and new features:

  • The ObservationPropagationChannelInterceptor has been deprecated in favor of enabling observation on the specific channel.
  • The spring-integration-security module is completely removed in favor of API from spring-security-messaging module.
  • The MockIntegrationContext.substituteTriggerFor() API has been introduced.
  • The MessageHistory header is now mutable, append-only container. This provides some performance optimization when we don't create a new Message on every history track.

Spring Batch 5.0.6 and 5.1.2 available now

Releases | Mahmoud Ben Hassine | May 22, 2024 | ...

I am pleased to announce that Spring Batch 5.0.6 and 5.1.2 are available now from Maven Central!

These patch releases come with a number of bug fixes, improvements and dependencies updates. You can find the release notes of each version here: 5.0.6 and 5.1.2.

We look forward to your feedback on Github Issues, Github Discussions, Twitter, and StackOverflow.

Spring Batch Home|Source on Github|Reference documentation

Spring Authorization Server 1.3 goes GA

Releases | Joe Grandja | May 22, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone who has contributed, it is my pleasure to announce the release of Spring Authorization Server 1.3.

The 1.3 release contains a few noteworthy new features:

See the 1.3 release notes for complete details.

To get started using Spring Authorization Server, see the Getting Started chapter of the reference documentation and the samples to become…

Spring Session 3.3 goes GA

Releases | Marcus Hert Da Coregio | May 21, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Session team and everyone who contributed to this release, I am delighted to announce the general availability of Spring Session 3.3.0 from Maven Central!

The 3.3 release brings:

  • Spring Session Backed implementation of ReactiveSessionRegistry (docs)
  • Add ReactiveRedisIndexedSessionRepository (docs)
  • Allow PlatformTransactionManager to be specified using @SpringSessionTransactionManager (docs)
  • Improvements in the JDBC documentation

This release will be included in the upcoming Spring Boot 3.3 GA release. We'd like to hear from you, so keep the feedback coming.

Project Site | Reference |

Deploy and Scale Spring Batch in the Cloud – with Adaptive Cost Control

Engineering | Josh Long | May 21, 2024 | ...

May 21, 2024, at 9 AM PST

You can now use Azure Spring Apps to effectively run Spring Batch applications with adaptive cost control. You only pay when batch jobs are running, and you can simply lift and shift your Spring Batch jobs with no code change.

Spring Batch is a framework for processing large amounts of data in Java applications. It provides reusable functions for logging, transaction management, job statistics, job restart, skipping errors, and resource management. It also supports high-performance tasks through optimization and partitioning. Introduced in March 2008, Spring Batch is…

Spring Security 6.3.0 goes GA!

Releases | Marcus Hert Da Coregio | May 21, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Security team and everyone who contributed to this release, I am delighted to announce the general availability of Spring Security 6.3.0 from Maven Central!

The 6.3 release brings several compelling features including

  • Long-term JDK serialization backward compatibility
  • New method security annotations and capabilities
  • Compromised password checking, and
  • OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange support

To find out more about what’s new, see the what's new section of the documentation.

This release will be included in the upcoming Spring Boot 3.3 GA release. We'd like to hear from you, so…

Spring for GraphQL 1.3.0 Released

Releases | Rossen Stoyanchev | May 21, 2024 | ...

I'm pleased to announce the release of Spring for GraphQL 1.3.0. In addition to the M1 and the RC1 releases, the final release adds the following features:

  • Virtual thread support for controller methods.
  • GraphQL over WebSocket authentication via "connect_init" message.
  • Interceptors in WebSocketGraphQlTester.
  • Kotlin Flow as controller method return value.

See the Versions page on the wiki for a list of features.

Spring for Apache Kafka 3.2.0, 3.1.5 and 3.0.17 available now

Releases | Soby Chacko | May 21, 2024 | ...

On behalf of the team and everyone in the community who contributed, we are pleased to announce the general availability of Spring for Apache Kafka 3.2.0.

Spring for Apache Kafka 3.2.0

Th 3.2.0 GA version includes new additions, feature enhancements, bug fixes, and documentation updates. For more details on all the changes in the 3.2.0 release, please see https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-kafka/releases/tag/v3.2.0.

The upcoming Spring Boot 3.3.0 will include the 3.2.0 version of Spring for Apache Kafka.

Since this is the first GA version in the 3.2.x line, here is a recap of all the…

This Week in Spring - May 21st, 2024

Engineering | Josh Long | May 21, 2024 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! It's been yet another amazing and exciting week and with it a bevy of new releases. And of course, in about a week's time, we will find ourselves at Spring IO, ready to show a lot of these new things. Will you be there? I will! Anyway, let's dive right into it. There are a ton of new releases!

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