Coming up in 2016: Spring Framework 4.3 & 5.0

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | August 03, 2015 | ...

As a follow-up to the Spring Framework 4.2 GA announcement and also to my earlier post on Spring Framework 5 system requirements, I'd like to take the opportunity to summarize our core framework plans for next year:

#Spring Framework 4.3

First up will be Spring Framework 4.3 in Q2 2016, as a final feature release in the 4.x series. As mentioned, this will still be designed for the general Spring 4 system requirements (Java 6+, Servlet 2.5+) and getting prepared for an extended 4.3.x support life until 2019, in particular for users on JDK 6 and 7 but also for applications deployed to older app…

Spring Session 1.0.2 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | August 03, 2015 | ...

I'm pleased to announce the release of Spring Session 1.0.2.RELEASE. You can find the release in Maven Central.

This release fixes 20+ tickets. The general goal was to close out bugs before we start working on Spring Session 1.1. You can find the highlights below:


The highlights of Spring Session 1.0.2 are available below:

  • ERROR dispatch can cause two sessions to be created (#229)
  • CookieHttpSessionStrategy can write the same Session id twice (#251)
  • Updates to previous HttpSession references are not reflected after changeSessionId() invoked (#227)
  • Official support for Spring Framework 4.2 (#120)
  • Our samples remove Embedded Redis (#248)
  • Documentation improvements and fixes

Spring Framework 4.2 goes GA

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | July 31, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring community,

It's my pleasure to announce that Spring Framework 4.2 is now generally available from as well as Maven Central! This is a feature release in the 4.x line, compatible with Java 6 and 7 as well as Java 8, with a focus on core refinements and modern web capabilities:

  • Annotation detection on Java 8 default methods (e.g. @Bean)
  • Annotation-based application events (@EventListener)
  • First-class support for annotation attribute aliases (@AliasFor)
  • Full nested path processing for direct field binding
  • Data binding and conversion for JSR-354 Money & Currency
  • Integration with Hibernate ORM 5.0 (natively and via JPA)
  • Standards-based bean scripting via JSR-223 (JRuby, JavaScript)
  • JSR-223 based web views (with a focus on JavaScript on Nashorn)
  • Rich support for CORS and declarative HTTP caching
  • First-class support for HTTP Streaming and Server-Sent Events
  • CompletableFuture for handler methods and @Async

Spring Cloud Connectors 1.2.0 released

Releases | Scott Frederick | July 29, 2015 | ...

I’m pleased to announce the availability of Spring Cloud Connectors 1.2.0.

Applications that use Spring Cloud Connectors, and libraries that extend the core Connectors libraries, should be re-compiled against version 1.2.0. There were no backward-incompatible API changes between version 1.1.1 and 1.2.0, but some internal implementation changes prevent 1.2.0 from being a drop-in replacement for 1.1.1 without re-compiling.

Here's an overview of what's new in 1.2.0:

Additional Databases Supported

The Cloud Foundry Connector and Spring Connector now support IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server…

Spring Data Fowler SR2 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | July 28, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team I'd like to announce the availability of the second service release of Spring Data release train Fowler. The release ships 40 tickets fixed and is a recommended upgrade for all users due to an important bugfix in the support for JTA 1.2's @Transactional.

Spring Boot users can upgrade to the new version by setting the spring-data-releasetrain.version property in their Maven POMs to Fowler-SR2, Non-Spring Boot users are recommended to use the Spring Data release train BOM as described in our example repository and configure it to the very same version.

Spring XD 1.2.1 Released

Releases | Mark Pollack | July 28, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the Spring XD team, I am very pleased to announce the general availability of Spring XD 1.2.1!

This release includes bug fixes and some small enhancements:

  • Support for registering custom Kryo Serializers
  • Configuration options to fine tune Kryo performance
  • Update several dependencies to latest versions - Spring Integration, Boot, reactor, Groovy
  • Add jars for Avro and Snappy compression to Sqoop job submission
  • Fix admin UI access when security is enabled
  • Improved pagination for containers and jobs

You can download the zip distribution or install on OSX using homebrew On RHEL/CentOS you can install using rpm

Spring Security 4.0.2 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | July 23, 2015 | ...

I'm pleased to announce the release of Spring Security 4.0.2.RELEASE. This release is the second maintenance release of the 4.0 line and focusses on fixing any major issues that were found in the new release. For complete details on the release, refer to the Change Log.

Along with lots of bug fixes, the highlights of this release include:

Support for Spring Framework 4.2

Spring Framework 4.2 GA is just around the corner. Spring Security 4.0.2 fixes some issues when running with Spring Framework 4.2. We are also rerunning our entire test suite using Spring Framework 4.2.

Minor Improvements to…

Spring Security 3.2.8 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | July 23, 2015 | ...

I'm pleased to announce the release of Spring Security 3.2.8.RELEASE. This release focusses on fixing major issues. For complete details on the release, refer to the Change Log.

While we will continue to support the 3.2.x line for some time, we encourage everyone to update to 4.x. To make this transition easy, we have a very detailed migration guide complete with sample migrations and a diff. If you have any problems migrating, create a StackOverflow question with the spring-security tag. If you don't get a response within a reasonable amount of time feel free to ping me at @rob_winch or in…

Spring Roo 2.0.0.M1 refactors addons, structures for collaboration

Releases | Pieter Humphrey | July 20, 2015 | ...

On behalf on the Spring Roo team at DISID Corporation, I am pleased to announce that Spring Roo 2.0.0.M1 has been released!

This first release of Spring Roo 2.0 is a large refactoring of Spring Roo project. We have moved Roo to be a smaller and easier to maintain project:

  • The OSGi container has been upgraded to OSGi R5.
  • Spring Roo has defined its runtime. The Roo runtime contains everything that is needed to execute addons and it doesn't contain any addon. By not containing any addons it is easier to keep the Roo runtime more stable and backward compatible.
  • Today, Spring Roo is centered in Spring technologies - so addons like GWT and JSF have been moved to their own projects in order to be maintained by the Roo community.
  • The user guide has been migrated to ASCIIdoc.

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