First Milestone of Spring Data Release Train Gosling Available

Releases | Christoph Strobl | June 02, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team, I am happy to announce the first milestone of the Spring Data release train Gosling. The release ships with 164 tickets fixed as well as Spring Data KeyValue joining the Spring Data release train with an initial milestone. The highlights of the release include:

  • Spring 4.1 as a new minimum baseline.
  • Simplified support for adding custom methods to all repositories throughout the individual modules (see this example).
  • Declarative ad-hoc JPA 2.1 fetch graph declarations via @EntityGraph on repository methods.
  • Gemfire 8.1 support including multi-index definition operations.
  • SpEL expressions in @Query as well as support for $geoIntersects for MongoDB.
  • Enhanced ZSET support for Spring Data Redis including ZRANGEBYLEX.
  • A Spring Data REST module shipping the HAL browser as well as support for conditional GETs.
  • Map-backed repositories (see this example)

Spring XD 1.2 RC1 Released

Releases | Mark Pollack | June 02, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the Spring XD team, I am very pleased to announce that the Spring XD 1.2 Release Candidate is now available for download. You can also install using rpm

The 1.2 RC1 release includes bug fixes as well as several new features and enhancements.

  • Apache Ambari plugin to automate the deployment of Spring XD to a Hadoop cluster. Read more in the release blog for the plugin.
  • A new Analytics tab in the UI that allows you to easily view gauges, counters, field-value counters and aggregate counters.
  • Performance improvements for the Kafka Message Bus that places it on par with the performance benchmark applications that ship with Kafka. An upcoming blog will discuss XD performance in more detail
  • Improved HA support for the Rabbit Message Bus, XD containers connect to the Rabbit Broker that hosts the queue that is being consumed
  • Support for the Sqoop metastore and other

Spring Integration 4.2 Milestone 1 is Available

Releases | Gary Russell | May 28, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce that the first milestone of Spring Integration 4.2 is now available (4.2.0.M1).

This release includes:

  • A significant overhaul of the JMX support in the framework, providing performance and other improvements when JMX is enabled
  • A preview of STOMP client-side channel adapters based on the support in Spring Framework 4.2
  • A mongodb metadata store
  • @SecuredChannel annotation
  • Conditional Pollers - the polling interval can be adjusted dynamically, based on the results of (or before executing) the current poll
  • Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support in the http inbound gateway
  • Many internal improvements

Spring Cloud Consul 1.0.0.M1 Available Now

Releases | Spencer Gibb | May 27, 2015 | ...

Consul is a system for discovering and configuring services in your infrastructure. It was built by Hashicorp, the same smart folks that created Vagrant and Packer. Consul provides services such as Service Discovery, Health Checking, Key/Value Store all while supporting multiple datacenters out of the box.

Spring Cloud Consul aims to bring all of those features to the Spring Cloud ecosystem. The project has reached its first milestone and fresh jars are available in the repository. Spring Cloud Consul provides the following features:

  • Spring Cloud Consul Discovery: An implementation of the Spring Cloud Commons DiscoveryClient. Service registration and discovery are performed via the Consul HTTP API.

  • Spring Cloud Consul Config: Distributed configuration via the Consul Key/Value API. This behaves similarly to the Spring Cloud Config Client, but is backed by the distributed Consul KV Store.

  • Spring Cloud Consul Bus: An event bus for linking services and service instances together with distributed messaging. Useful for propagating state changes across a cluster (e.g. config change events). This is implemented using the Consul Event API.

Spring Framework 4.2 goes RC1

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | May 26, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring community,

It's my pleasure to announce that Spring Framework 4.2 RC1 is now available from our milestone repository. This is a feature release in the 4.x line with a focus on core refinements and modern web capabilities:

  • Annotation detection on Java 8 default methods (e.g. @Bean)
  • Annotation-based application events (@EventListener)
  • First-class support for annotation attribute aliases
  • Full nested path processing for direct field binding
  • Data binding and conversion for JSR-354 Money & Currency
  • Integration with Hibernate ORM 5.0 (natively and via JPA)
  • Rich support for CORS and declarative HTTP caching
  • First-class support for HTTP Streaming and Server-Sent Events
  • Listenable/CompletableFuture as message handler return value
  • A STOMP client for use over TCP and WebSocket channels

Spring Cloud Connectors 1.2.0 RC1 released

Releases | Scott Frederick | May 22, 2015 | ...

I’m pleased to announce the availability of Spring Cloud Connectors 1.2.0 RC1.

This release should be fully backward compatible with 1.1.0.RELEASE for applications using the library. Libraries that extend the core Connectors library should be recompiled against 1.2.0 RC1, and may encounter a few small extension API changes. Barring any issues, this will be the only RC before 1.2.0.RELEASE.

Here's an overview of what's new in 1.2.0:

Spring Cloud Connectors Core


  • AmqpServiceInfo no longer validates that the path element of a URI contains a value, which allows the default RabbitMQ vhost to be used.
  • URL validation in AmqpServiceInfo was relaxed such that QPID URL format is supported as well as RabbitMQ URL format.
  • AmqpServiceInfo now supports holding a list of URIs for providers that support multiple host connections.

Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.2 RC1 released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | May 21, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce the Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.2 RC1 milestone releases. This is the last planned release before the 2.2 GA release in approximately 2 weeks.

The most important changes/enhancements in the Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.2 version are:

  • Remove support for running with JDK 6, Java 7 or later is now required
  • Improvements to the HDFS writer to support syncable writes and a new timeout option
  • Add support for Pivotal HD 3.0
  • Update CLoudera CDH 5 to use version 5.3.3
  • Update Hortonworks HDP 2.2 version to
  • Update Kite SDK to version 1.0
  • Update Spring project versions to the latest

Spring Batch 3.0.4.RELEASE is now available

Releases | Michael Minella | May 19, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring Batch 3.0.4.RELEASE is now available via Maven Central, Github and the SpringSource download repository. This is the 4th maintenance release for the 3.0.x branch of Spring Batch and addresses a number of bugs and a few minor enhancements. Many thanks to all of those who submitted the many pull requests that went into this release.

Spring Batch Home | Source on GitHub | Reference Documentation

We look forward to your feedback in Jira, StackOverflow, or to me directly via Twitter @michaelminella.

Spring Social 1.1.1 Released

Releases | Craig Walls | May 15, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm pleased to announce the availability of Spring Social 1.1.1.RELEASE. This is a maintenance release, addressing a handful of bugs and introducing a few minor improvements. View the release notes for full details.

Compatibility note: In order to fix a serialization issue when using ProviderSignInUtils, a minor breaking change was necessary. ProviderSignInAttempt no longer carries its own ConnectionFactoryLocator and UsersConnectionRepository. Those must now be passed in as parameters when instantiating ProviderSignInUtils.

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