Spring Security Kerberos 1.0.0 Released

Releases | Janne Valkealahti | April 23, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce the release of Spring Security Kerberos 1.0.0.RELEASE. I would like to start by saying thank you for all community members who helped us by either creating PR's for new features or simply providing feedback.

Here is a guick summary of changes what went through with two release candidates and a GA release:

  • We did a lot of housekeeping to put a whole project up-to-date due to a long overdue from a first milestone.
  • Spring team added KerberosRestTemplate while all other new features came from a community.
  • Community contributions are:
    • KerberosLdapContextSource which allows to authenticate against Windows AD with existing Kerberos credentials to get more info about a logged-in user.
    • Tweaks to Kerberos negotiation which allows better interoperability with WinRM.
    • Changes how SpnegoEntryPoint is used which allows to fallback to other authentication methods if Kerberos negotiation fails.

Spring Integration Hazelcast Support 1.0 Milestone 1 is available

Releases | Artem Bilan | April 20, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring community,

We are pleased to announce the Milestone 1 for the Spring Integration Hazelcast Support project. Use the Milestone Repository with Maven or Gradle to try it in early access.

compile "org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-hazelcast:1.0.0.M1"

First of all, special thanks to Eren Avşaroğulları, who initiated the project and is a responsive and energetic contributor. Please, don't miss his talk with us on SpringOne this year!


Spring Integration implements well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns and provides lightweight messaging within Spring…

Spring Session 1.0.1 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | April 16, 2015 | ...

I'm pleased to announce the release of Spring Session 1.0.1.RELEASE. You can find the release in Maven Central.

This release fixes 30+ tickets. You can find the highlights below:


The highlights of Spring Session 1.0.1 are available below:

  • Support for AWS ElastiCache #124
  • Servlet 3.1 fixes #152. This resolves issues when running Spring Security and Spring Boot 1.2
  • Servlet 2.5 fixes #111 #182
  • Added Servlet 2.5 & XML based configuration sample and guide
  • Embedded Redis used in Samples now works on Windows 64 bit #174
  • New Spring Session Logo #130

Site | Documentation | Javadoc | Issues | Help | Source |

Spring integration Java DSL 1.1 M1 is available

Releases | Artem Bilan | April 15, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring community,

We are pleased to announce that the Spring Integration Java DSL 1.1 Milestone 1 is now available. Use the Milestone Repository with Maven or Gradle to try it in early access.

compile "org.springframework.integration:spring-integration-java-dsl:1.1.0.M1"

To be honest, many of the planned features for 1.1 are not implemented yet, but thanks to encouragement from our pal Josh Long and the recent announcement about the Apache Kafka support (Spring Integration Kafka Support 1.1 Release, Spring XD 1.1.1 Release), we've released this Milestone 1 mainly to showcase the…

Spring Social Facebook 2.0.0.RELEASE Released

Releases | Craig Walls | April 15, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm happy to announce the release of Spring Social Facebook 2.0.0.RELEASE. This release completes the overhaul of Spring Social Facebook to target version 2.3 of Facebook's Graph API.Facebook will be turning off version 1.0 of their Graph API on April 30th, so it is highly recommended that you upgrade to Spring Social Facebook 2.0.0.RELEASE as soon as possible.

As has been mentioned in last week's release candidate and in milestone releases prior to that, Facebook's Graph API introduced several breaking changes which resulted in many breaking changes between Spring Social Facebook 1.1.x and Spring Social Facebook 2.0.0. Also, even some operations that still work do not work as they did previously. For example, it is no longer possible to fetch a list of all

Spring Statemachine 1.0.0.M1 Released

Releases | Janne Valkealahti | April 14, 2015 | ...

We're pleased to announce a first milestone release of Spring Statemachine 1.0.0.M1. This blog also acts as introductory for this new project.

While it'd be nice to write a blog post introducing new cutting edge technology hot from a press, finite statemachines has been around longer than readers of this post(grandpa you can now lower your hand). There are technologies which come and go and then there are these fundamental technologies which stick around simply because they are proven to work.

Every programmer is most likely already using concepts of states of some sort in their applications…

Spring AMQP 1.4.4 and Spring Integration 3.0.7, 4.0.7 and 4.1.3 are available

Releases | Artem Bilan | April 07, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring community,

On behalf of the Spring Integration/AMQP team I'm pleased to announce that we have released a number of maintenance releases (click the links in the following bullets to see the corresponding release notes):

All of these releases are available from the Release Repository, as well as from Maven Central.

Thank you very much for everyone involved!

We are working on the first milestone for the Spring AMQP 1.5 release in the next several weeks, which will have some new features such as support for the RabbitMQ Management HTTP API, RabbitMQ 3.5

Spring Social Facebook 2.0.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Craig Walls | April 07, 2015 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm pleased to announce the release of Spring Social Facebook 2.0.0.RC1. This release candidate brings Spring Social Facebook's API binding to target version 2.3 of Facebook's Graph API.

View the release notes here.

Be aware that due to many breaking changes in Facebook's Graph API between v1.0 and v2.0, plus additional changes up through v2.3, there are some necessary breaking changes in this version of Spring Social Facebook. Also, because of the large number of breaking changes already imposed upon Spring Social Facebook by changes in the Graph API, we decided to take…

Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.1.2 Released

Releases | Thomas Risberg | April 03, 2015 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.1.2 has just been released and is now available from Maven Central and the Spring Repository. This release includes version upgrades of some Spring projects as well as the most recent versions for all supported distros.

We have added support for the newly released Pivotal HD 3.0. In addition to that new release, we have updated Cloudera CDH to version 5.3.2 and Hortonworks HDP 2.2 to use version More details can be found in the changelog or in the JIRA release notes.

Here is a complete list of the latest version designation to use for the various distro "flavors" published. The Apache Hadoop releases are available in Maven Central and all other releases are available in the Spring Repository

Spring Security Kerberos 1.0.0.RC2 Released

Releases | Rob Winch | April 02, 2015 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Security Kerberos team, I'm pleased to announce the release of Spring Security Kerberos 1.0.0.RC2. This release brings a number of changes. The highlights can be found below:

  • Added support LdapContextSource. Special thanks to Nelson Rodrigues for this contribution!
  • Repackaging for better management of dependencies
    • Specific implementations are moved to their own packages to signal additional optional dependencies
    • spring-security-kerberos-web now contains all of the web related dependencies (i.e. servlet dependencies)
  • Bug fixes

We’d love to hear back what people think by participating in a project or simply creating issues or feature requests at GitHub

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