Spring Security Kerberos 1.0.0 Released
We are pleased to announce the release of Spring Security Kerberos 1.0.0.RELEASE. I would like to start by saying thank you for all community members who helped us by either creating PR's for new features or simply providing feedback.
Here is a guick summary of changes what went through with two release candidates and a GA release:
- We did a lot of housekeeping to put a whole project up-to-date due to a long overdue from a first milestone.
- Spring team added KerberosRestTemplate while all other new features came from a community.
- Community contributions are:
- KerberosLdapContextSource which allows to authenticate against Windows AD with existing Kerberos credentials to get more info about a logged-in user.
- Tweaks to Kerberos negotiation which allows better interoperability with WinRM.
- Changes how SpnegoEntryPoint is used which allows to fallback to other authentication methods if Kerberos negotiation fails.
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