Spring Batch Releases And A New Repository

Releases | Michael Minella | July 10, 2014 | ...

Today we are pleased to announce the release of Spring Batch 3.0.1, Spring Batch Admin 1.3.0.RC1, and introduce the Spring Batch Extensions project. These releases in addition to the Spring Batch Extensions project address a number of improvements and issues.

Spring Batch 3.0.1

This release of Spring Batch consists mainly of bug fixes, however, one new feature was added: ScriptItemProcessor. This ItemProcessor implementation provides the ability to use an external or inline script to provide the logic of your processor. An example of using Groovy inline would look something like this:

public ScriptItemProcessor processor() {
    ScriptItemProcessor<String, Object> scriptItemProcessor = new ScriptItemProcessor<String, Object>();

    scriptItemProcessor.setScriptSource("item.toUpperCase();", "groovy");

    return scriptItemProcessor;

This ItemProcessor allows full support of all JSR-223 scripting options.

Spring Batch Admin 1.3.0.RC1

Spring Batch Admin 1.3.0.RC1 addresses a number of issues as well as updated it to be used with the Spring Batch 2.2.x version of the job repository and beyond. In addition to the issues addressed, we also completed a number of dependency updates to bring the project up to date from that perspective.

To support the users of Spring Batch 2.2.x, this release contains the Spring Batch Integration module and still uses Spring Integration 3. However, Spring Batch 3.0 saw us move this module to Spring Batch and so this will be the last release of Spring Batch Admin that contains this module. Going forward, users will be expected to use the version included within Spring Batch.

Spring Batch Extensions

Finally, we are happy to announce a new repository for Spring Batch, Spring Batch Extensions. This project provides a home for community contributed modules akin to Spring Integration Extensions. With this announcement, we have our first contribution, the spring-batch-elasticsearch module. This module provides an ItemReader and an ItemWriter for interacting with Elasticsearch. You can find information about this module and other contributions on Github. We look forward to future contributions from the community to help expand the available use cases for Spring Batch.

Please share your feedback on Stack Overflow, social media, and in person at SpringOne2GX!

First Milestone of Spring Data Release Train Evans Available

Releases | Christoph Strobl | July 10, 2014 | ...

We are happy to announce the first milestone of the Spring Data Release train Evans.

Spring Boot 1.1.4 released

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | July 08, 2014 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring Boot 1.1.4 has been released and is available from repo.spring.io and Maven Central.

This release addresses a number of bugs, adds support for the first stable release of Tomcat 8 (8.0.9), and also provides improved logging configuration that allows you to configure logging levels in application.properties or application.yaml. For a complete list of changes please refer to the issue tracker.

Thanks again to everyone who has contributed to the project.

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation

Spring IO Platform 1.0.1 released

Releases | Andy Wilkinson | July 08, 2014 | ...

We are pleased to announce that the first maintenance release of Spring IO Platform has been released. It's available from both repo.spring.io and Maven Central.

This release upgrades the versions of a number of the projects in the Platform to pick up their latest maintenance releases:

  • Spring AMQP 1.3.5
  • Spring Boot 1.1.4
  • Spring Batch 3.0.1
  • Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.0.1
  • Spring Framework 4.0.6

Project Page | GitHub | Issues | Documentation

Spring Social Facebook 2.0.0.M1 Released

Releases | Craig Walls | July 03, 2014 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm pleased to announce the first milestone release of Spring Social Facebook 2.0.0. The primary focus of this release was to update the API binding to target version 2.0 of Facebook's Graph API.

Note that due to breaking changes in Facebook's Graph API, there were necessarily some breaking changes in this version of Spring Social Facebook. Fortunately, however, Facebook has promised a two-year stability guarantee for all versions of their API, so such breaking changes should be able to be handled more gracefully going forward.

Facebook is requiring all applications…

Spring Data Dijkstra SR1 released

Releases | Oliver Drotbohm | June 30, 2014 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team I am pleased to announce the availability of the first service release of the Dijkstra release train. It includes 59 fixes overall for the following modules:

Spring Boot 1.1.3 Available Now

Releases | Dave Syer | June 27, 2014 | ...

Spring Boot 1.1.3 is available now in Maven Central. This was primarily a bugfix release for Windows users needing the executable JAR features of Spring Boot, but several other issues were resolved, and there are plenty of documentation and third-party version updates too.

Thanks again to all the people who contributed (84 committers now and rising)!

Spring IO Platform 1.0.0 Released

Releases | Josh Long | June 26, 2014 | ...

We're pleased to announce the release of Spring IO Platform 1.0.0 RELEASE, and represents some amazing engineering work. The highlights of this release are:

  • A Bill-of-Materials release (a Maven BOM dependency) that level sets the versions for you.
  • Spring IO represents curated and harmonized dependencies that just work together - tests cover all the Spring projects and lots of popular 3rd party open source
  • One platform, many workloads - build web (HTML-, websocket-, and REST-powered web apps), mobile, integration, batch, reactive or big data applications, or just great APIs
  • Radically simplified development experience with Spring Boot
  • Production-ready features provided out of the box (monitoring, metrics, etc)

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